Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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I been under LEDs since I started growing again --Little different than those GrowLux tubes I used to run in shop lights that's for sure !-- I didn't know much back in the day !-- Still don't but I'm getting better !-- I'm pleased with what they do but got nothing to compare them to --They all I know !-- Been easy on the heat too !--
Nick U just hunker down stay high -high ! --Make some caps take some edibles whatever U got -- It passes !
Time to switch up jars anyway !-- Wanna see more !-- I gotta go get'm anyway ?-- Just cause some be frontier than other can be deceiving -- They'll all slap U silly !
I just want to wonder out loud bout something that may solve someone a problem one day !-- Everybody knows if U decarb a bud and try to put it in a bottle it will just crumble to pieces !-- U want a pretty bud in a clear liqour bottle ?-- If it ain't decarbed it would be a waste of a bud just to make a bottle of liqour look pretty !-- I suppose a person would have to put the bud in an empty bottle and decarb it in the bottle ? --

What was I gonna do ? --Seems I was gonna do something right after another toke ?
Me and Nick bout to get high ya'll !-- Let me me hit that chunk over there ?-- I never smoked no Purple hash before!
Made me hongery !-- Open face Pulled Pork BBQ with pickle onion and I am done !-- Where that pipe ?
I need to start shaking some !-- Around here it's kinda like bud is the byproduct of cap production so I don't have a lot of trim laying around !-- I shake some bud !-- I don't care I grew it and I can grow some more just like it !-- Some old stoner got a King Louie and a Strawberry Desiel label in the same jar !-- Caps weed !-- Scares me !-- Make me crazy too !-- In a good way !
Don't get me high and make me go get another round of jars !-- Cause I will !-- What in the pipe ? -- I mighta had enough caps !-- BBQ get all down there amongst them ? --I'm be doing the crab walk ! ( 3 points of contact at all times when U move ) -- Purple Hash ? -- I got that Mazar-i-Shariff that they use to make that "Milk of Mazar"-- ( Lebanese Blond Hash to me and U ) -- Bred it to that BBSL male --find me one that will make fine Black Berry Hash maybe ?
D.D. and her sister in Houston at an Imagine Dragons concert !-- I be glad when she gets them settled in post Harvey !-- I miss the ole girl !-- Hard enough with the job being in Austin and splitting her time between here and helping her family in East Texas !-- The sister-in-law got a grown son and he and I ain't allowed to have unsupervised conversations !-- I knows he moves some high grade and he ain't supposed to find out I grow !-- Them girls watch me like a hawk !-- Shake they fingers at me and say NO !--- What? --I didn't do nothing !-- ( not cause of them but because I don't trust his wife knowing !)- One day I guess he and I have that talk ? -- No time soon cause --Well I'm afraid of them women that's why !-- O.K. ? -- I ain't afraid of much but they scared me !
I said I would tell him I got a direct pipeline to Colorado !-- What part of NO don't U understand Keef ? -- Looks like I gotta let this one go ? -for now !-- I don't need to start moving anything yet anyway !-- Mean old women !
Robin Trower-- "Bridge of Sighs" -- Traffic --" Can't find my way Home"--SRV --" Little Wing "- Layla ? --Might as well You-tube one of Eric Clapton's Guitar festivals ?-- Seems like a blues ax men kinda night !--
Morning O.F.C. !-- Like it or not let's do this day !-- Overcast --humid and 70 at the beach !-- Trying to get my swerve on but not doing that well yet !-- I have managed to make it to the pharm !-- Moved a couple babies into aero !-- Night Shade -x- BBSL -- I got high hopes for that one !-- What are we smoking here anyway ? -- Caps should be kicking in shortly ? -- Got to get a bloom box set up today let it stabilize before I move some plants over Wednesday !-- There's a draw back to running a continuous grow U don't hear much about !-- U get bugs U got 2 choices -- fight them on the fly or shut down !-- Ugh !-- Dam that hurts !--
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