Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Morning O.F.C. !--
Umbra that's just a late clone !-- I'm revegging a fresh cut while it's rooting !-- I got a couple more cuts coming on strong that I took earlier !-- I think my cloners make me look like I know what I'm doing but I don't !-- The cloners just work very well for me !-- If it's alive when I put it in a cloner there is a very good chance it'll root !-- I leave a little green on a stump and move it back to veg after harvest it will reveg almost every time ! -- I have revegged a stump 3 times in a row !--No putting it under 24/7 light or anything just move it back to veg and 18/6 !-- It says U can clone with tap water !-- It don't matter !-- I just stick fresh cuts in nute water like everything else !-- I don't know why ? -- Me keep box full nute water !--Timers do all else !
morning ofc. Fleetwood mac makes me throw up. Never could stand them, but i do have the flu I think. Eric, on the other hand, is a real fave.

Smoke pot please.
Morning Rose !-- Get better !-- Peter Green and John Macvie left the blues breakers to form Fleetwood Mac I think ? --
Anyway U know how car club will get together to work on a project car ? -- This our project car !-- This started as Umbra's Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel --I then bred it to a Strawberry Rhino with pollen Bud sent from Canada !-- I bred a girl from that to a BBSL I got from Giggy !-- This is the child of that union !
Anybody got something they want to add to the genetics ? -- I don't have many seed but I got pollen and the momma !-- Or just send me pollen and I breed it --It already got some fine genetics !-- I still run "Granny" (the Plush Berry -x- Strawberry Desiel and momma !) - U want I breed it to something and send U seed ?-- I have no plan about where the line goes !-- All I know is it drips with dank !
I didn't see where Nick ask if I could get that S-x-OL out that aero baskets and collar !-- When they real small U can if U real careful but ain't no need !-- I'll leave it on and it won't hurt nothing !-- I'd drop basket and all into a 6 inch basket !-- I get it back after harvest !-- One day I'll veg them bout big as that thing up there then move them into 6 inch baskets with baked clay balls let them grow a little and settle in flip them when I want !
Storming !-- Got a most magnificent buzz working !-- Blues on YouTube !-- Young man blues !-- John Mayer and Gary Clark Jr. -- Crossroads Guitar Festival !-- Got a good attitude !-- ( ain't my fault / I ain't doing it !)
I think it was the cannacaps !-- I don't know the pipe is holding it's own !-- Umbra's "V" !-- I got to grow some more of this !-- Back to the blues !-- Tedeski- Trucks band coming on !-- That's another young man can play !-- If U a guitarist for Allman Brothers band U got to be good !-- Where my pipe ? -- Want a cup of coffee ? -- Yes I think I do Other Keef !-- Then U go make it !-
Morning everyone! Keef, I know the feeling about the V. I'm really regretting not trying harder to save a cut of the Thor's Hammer. I'm gonna miss it when its gone.:vap-Bong_smoker:
I haven't grown anything Umbra bred that wasn't killer !-- Same with stuff I got from Rose too !-- Nurse Larry and her Purple Haze been good to me !-- They said Keef that BBSL male "bring the fire "-- I don't know these things but I know how shake a limb in a pollen bag !-- I was out to find out if this was true !-- He ain't hurt nothing from the looks of things ?-- That Squish -x- Oregon Lemon carrying some BBSL seed too --1st run and never been in a pipe !-- If she don't carry the lemon trait maybe it'll surface in a child ?--Those plants in the pic got maybe 2 weeks left !-- The NL and WI crosses started the frost faster and heavier than they mommas --This about time they would get busy !-- Neither had a problem getting frosty but they really start to put it on with about 2 weeks left these already frosty !
I got high one time after I got some this AK 48 in the pipe from seed I got from WoodHippy! -- Had to take my socks off and do some math !-- If I had a team of 50 day finishers instead of 60 day finishers ? -How many more harvest could I get in the same space in the same amount of time in a year ? -- Carry the 4 ? -- That be more !-- Dam I'm good at some math !
Morning O.F.C. !- 46 and rain at the beach !--
Umbra U not around the fires are U !-- News say California burning down !-- Along with bringing peace to the middle east it's a top story !-- Don't get burned down !
donuts Umbra? Good morning all. This flu is winding down. bud and i both on day 4.

Cold outside this morning...20 maybe.

Smoke please.
On my last pack on matches !-- Been outta lighters for 2 days --Almost outta Pepsi too so I gotta go out in the cold rain !-- Dam !-- Not til I run outta matches !
Feel better soon Rose !-- Donut man got to get up very early to have hot fresh donuts ready for the morning rush!
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