How cannabis has helped me...

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:clap: that is so awesome that you've been able to cut back on the pharmaceuticals, Markozz. Thank you for posting to this thread, great to hear yet another testament of mj's curative/analgesic properties.

and :welcome: to Marijuana Passion, as well bud.

Wishing you much :peace: n' :bongin: rips to ya brother.

Great stories folks. It warms my heart to know that this sacred,God given herb has helped so many with their pain control.
I will try and get back to you with my story.
thanks FUM, I'd really enjoy as well as appreciate hearing and having you share your story. :aok:
No problem Mebeafarmer,

Of all the awesome threads here regarding the growing aspects of cannabis, I really felt like we need to hear how it effects one and all and how it helps everyone in their own specific way.

Thanks for posting bud, it's good to hear MJ helpin the day to day for you.

Hey All,

I admit that I like the idea of sharing.

I have sorta mentioned a few things here and there over the years, but I have really kept the stuff that has been more on the serious side private.

I don't really know why, perhaps it's cause I hate the idea of my saying anything to sound like I'm weak, or whining.
I was always very healthy and outgoing, and people still turn me on to this very day.

I finished my time in the 82nd AirBorne and left the Army in 76. Had some problems throughout the years with my health, but nothing really ever came of it.

Still, as time passed the work loads that I was able to handle started to shrink, and soon it was as though i had the flu 24/7.
Fourteen years ago my wife and I were told that I had maybe three to five years left. Hep C was to blame. All sorts of drugs, weird tests, and even a half year stint on a form of chemo did nothing but destroy my health even further.
I gained a huge amount of weight, became a diabetic on insulin, and then developed some rather nasty breathing problems, i.e. couldn't get enough oxygen. Fingernails were almost always blue, and so were my lips.
It was the constant throwing up, and breathing crudola that finally pushed me into saving my own life as it were.

I jumped off the meds, and then the pain and nausia would jump in. The exercise was like a trip into hell, but I lost the extra weight. That helped, but the throwing up was often mixed with a lot of blood, and I do mean a lot. I had seven surgeries to band off the dangerous anurisms that develope with this illness, (Varices). and finally I figured my career in Aviation was over, and I was retired like that.

Retirement was very hard for me, but then surprise I could once again endulge, and I do.

Upon the first good toke, and within seconds the nausia is gone 98% percent of the time. The pain is still there, but again within a few minutes of sparking a hoober, the pain eases enough that I can cope.
It never really goes completly away, but enough of the rough is gone that I can actually function. A good shot of caffiene is always welcome as my liver doesn't have to filter that, it's done through the kidneys, and to me it's like go-go juice...

It is absolutly true that I don't write a whole lot, and I was absent from here a lot while I was trying to get a grip on the very thing that was trying to end me.

MarP, Hick, Mutt, and THG were so huge in my getting back to some decent health, I can't begin to describe their encouragement, and all the uplifting words that kept me going through it all. They were so patient with my being sick, and always tried to lift me. That was mostly why I wasn't seen too much around here. The four of them became closer to me than many of my own family, and I wish them every success life has to offer.

I'm told that I have less than 10% percent liver function left, but as for the diabetes, I am now a diet controlled diabetic. I still get monster tired pretty often, but the hoobers, and my bowl help tremendously, and although I am sometimes uncomfortable, I can still get the Harley out, and go for nice putts.

I prefer Blue/Mystic for the most part as it works well for me, but this winter I did four plants;

1. C-99, This lady is like a killer caffiene rush that just buzzes the brain something fierce. Gifted to me by a righteous Bro.
2. Blackberry, An excellant 50/50 split of a head and body stone, very gentle.
3. Blue/Mystic, that I have worked for several years now. She is like eating a valium.
4. Blush, Also a gift from my friend, She is my sneaky one as a creeper that just leaves you wondering where your suddenly at...LOL

I love to hit the C-99 and finish it off with a puff or two of the B/M. Works just right for me. Kinda like high balling...LOL

Thinking back on all of it, the only thing I would have done different is I would have gone back to smoking sooner.

Well there it is, at least part of my story, and I'm being immortalized in print as the medical community is wondering how it is that I have survived for over forty years with this illness.

I am happy in that I have friends everywhere. My friends are the treasure of my regard. My life has been both blessed and fruitful, and I can still breath in and out. (Basic requirments for a Hoober)...LOL

smoke in peace

Yeah, I've heard Interfuron treatments are indeed hellish to go through. That sucks you have to endure that but on a very positive side note that cannabis is indeed helping you through day to day.

Hope I dont offend ya if say, "God Bless you King Kahuna. "

Thank you so much for sharing, it means alot to me.

Wishing you Much health and happiness.

Hey 7ge,

Thanks for the positive. No, I'm not offended that you say that, in fact I think I will respond with He has many times over.
Yeah the Interferon and the revital did suck, but the worst part was injecting yourself with that poison. I was only able to handle it for six months, and my viral load sky rocketed to over 12 million copies so that put an end to that.
I think that what has really been of the most help has been the pot, and I'm very serious about this. It's as though is helps get things running right as weird as that might sound.

smoke in peace
KingKahuuna said:
Hey 7ge,

Thanks for the positive. No, I'm not offended that you say that, in fact I think I will respond with He has many times over.
Yeah the Interferon and the revital did suck, but the worst part was injecting yourself with that poison. I was only able to handle it for six months, and my viral load sky rocketed to over 12 million copies so that put an end to that.
I think that what has really been of the most help has been the pot, and I'm very serious about this. It's as though is helps get things running right as weird as that might sound.

smoke in peace

Not weird to me at all. I am also diabetic on insulin, marijuana relieves high sugar symptoms and I swear lowers it. Maybe because it helps with the stress of maintenance are you in the pump or syringes? I'm still old school. You have been through a lot but it has made you the unique person you are. To your health my friend!
Hey 2Dog,

How the heck are you ? I worked my butt off to drop the extra weight that the meds helped me to gain. The first fifty pounds was when I noticed that I was needing less and less of the insulin. The next 50Lbs that came off got me off the metformin as well. I am now a diet controlled diabetic so no more insulin shots. I hated them, but had no choice at the time.

I used to joke about the am/pm game, you know where you chose one side of the stomach to shoot in the morning, and then the rest go to the other side. Sheeesh, I really did hate going through all that.

I got really blessed as several of my friends are on the pump, but my pancreas continued to put out plenty of insulin, only my body wouldn't accept it until the weight dropped. Did it all to myself, stupid, stupid, stupid. As an AirBorne Medic I should have known better...

Thanks for the kind words, they mean a lot my friend. Here's a touch of music for ya to enjoy;

smoke in peace


2Dog said:
Not weird to me at all. I am also diabetic on insulin, marijuana relieves high sugar symptoms and I swear lowers it. Maybe because it helps with the stress of maintenance are you in the pump or syringes? I'm still old school. You have been through a lot but it has made you the unique person you are. To your health my friend!

:ciao: Hiiii! 2dog, thanks for postin in here too. :) I'm happy to see you back on the forum.
its been helping me ,, more then what the VA has been doing,, they were give me 5 different 5 times day ( not including the other issues I got, when the weed does all this ,, n without hurting my stomach .,,, I just have to find the right strain for my pain
That's good news, lovbnstoned.

Maybe a nice numbing indica is what you need. i.e. White rhino or God Bud or something along those lines. I'm sure peeps here have some good recommendations.
KK, i just wanted to say, good for you for making the choice to live. I bet the exercise was really hard, especially when you are feeling like you have the flu. I can relate. Keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing your story and your favorite strains.
as a rez kid i was around mary jane since a young age, she has always been good to me. Alcohol is something I have never really been into, i dont under stand the waste of money on such a sort burst of enjoyment, I've quit smoking ciggarettes for 5 years, lungs still suck but being a fat kid will do that.

I stopped smoking for 2 years when i was married (wont lie got high a few times when she wasnt around).

I grew up on a vegitable farm just on the edge of the rez, the soil 20 years ago was 5 feet under a boggy swamp. My people have long used mary jane and on the rez they dont bother you unless you are profiting on it to a large extent.

On the farm my parents had 200 acres which rests against huge swashes of trees and swamp area, there are a 4 active green houses.

My parents are essentially the produce supply on the rez and alot of the crop is bought by a major grocery chain. mostly corn naturally. but in the green houses alot of tomatoes and green peppers.

My dad has always had a seperate garden a few hundred meters in the bush inside the fence line, but out door growing is brain dead.

Essentially mary jane is my connection to home now that I am away from it by a few provinces, keeps me from being depressed even though I am happy as it is.
It sure does help with depression. bud.

Thank you very much for posting SuperCanadianFatman, I appreciate it as does others I'd assume.

I grew up on 40 acres as a kid and boy those were some of the best times of my life as a child.

Smoke got me off opiates,everything from contii ms to fentenal 100 Been good 3 weeks,so if some of. My emails did not make any sense you know why!!Thanks gorickyourself
Good to hear gorickyourself. Cannabis helped me with opiate cessation as well. Good stuff to hear, bud.

thanks for postin' Rick


I was in the VA Pain Clinic for 1 1/2 years , when I ended up taking 5 pain pils 5 times a day, with no luck of takin the pain. got tired of takin all those pills caus ei have full body pain, arthritis, in all my joins starting of Fibramyalaga, in my left legg, spine, ( which they wan me to have a surgeon take a look ,, no way, also 100 % PTSD, depression aniexty, n too much more. when I deside to look into cannabis. a friend gave me some n that did more then all the pills, n takes care of all the mental, plus a little of the pain. that's why im here to better my pain.
thank the Cannabis lord,,, sweet smell of heaven :icon_smile:
Thanks for postin' and sharing, I greatly appreciate your input and story, lovbnstoned.
