How soon can I start using PH down?

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Feb 7, 2008
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I'm a total newbie to this and couldnt find an answer to this anywhere. Im growing in soil and PH of tab water here is 8.3
Can I start using PH down to adjust water to 6,5 for germination or is that to much for the young plants? If thats to much when is the safe time to introduce PH down to my plants. What could happen if I germinated seeds in PH adjusted water? ( Leaves twisting? yellowing? stunted growth?)
Thanks in advance for all your help!
Het loko, welcome to the forum, your ph should be adjusted from day one ... RBH
when u adjust , dont let sit...feed then test runnoff. if runnoff is to high, lower the ph even lower the next time to adjust in the containers and vice versa. as soon as u adjust then let sit for a long time it will fluctuate agian and u will have to readjust agian wasting product.

goodluck! :)
keep your ph between 6.3-6.9 for soil.
Thanks you guys for help. I have question I was hoping someone could answer. I started germinating seeds and watering sprouts using PH-ed water. I lowered the ph to 6.5 using PH down BLOOM! solution from canna which contains phosphoric acid ( There is also Canna pH Down Grow which contains nitric acid-. The leaves on the sprouts started twisting yellowing and growing smaller and smaller. Does any1 know if Ph down Bloom is the reason this is happening?
Yea just once. Thay all are very small! Maybe 1-2 inches and have 3 set of very little leaves.
you shouldn`t feed nutes for the first 3 weeks or so, the seedlings will get burn.
also, when you introduce nutes-do it at 1/4 strenghth and work your way up to full dose.
MJ can take loads of nutes if they have been built up over time.
i think that`s why your seedlings are so small, they`re stunted by the nutes. IMO, give them a light flush and don`t re-introduce ferts for a few days untill you see recovery.
i don`t know what the "ph-down bloom" contains but i personally wouldn`t adjust my germing/seedling water with it so early on.
can you pick up any citric acid? just a pinch of this stuff will bring your ph down a point or two.
this is a very delicate stage and numerous things can screw it up.
how often are you watering?
best advice at this point is to lay off the nutes man, good luck bro.

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