hydro system

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wesley said:
but dwc is the easest to make any one that is running a dwc with good crops coming off them could i hear a bit about you set up lights /nuts/and how long you wait to switch from veg to flower

easiest?? sure they are all easy, but in the name of efficiency, DWC containers wouldnt really permit you accurately to keep as many plants as in ebb&flow.

and the way to grow the most with your available light is MORE plants GROWN smaller and brought to full term.

sure, each of my plants will only be about an ounce, but with thirty plants, well, you do the math.

I am judging my projected yield based on the fact that my clones will have a cola similar to the mothers orginal doner.

Ill be trimming for single cola formation.
really that sounds great how long from seed to harvest ? this sounds perfect for me i have the lights i have one 1000 watt and two 400s and i have vent fan i will just need to order the hydro set up can you tell me a good place to order one also what do you keep your res temps at and nuts i have only done soil and used foxfarm so not sure for hydro also anything else you think i might need to no thaks again
I am was thinking of going Ebb & Flow as well. I am doing DWC but still learning I plain on doing so later this year when i understand what I am doing.
dwc was a good idea for me at one time, ebb and flow is easier, and im not even doing it. My res will sit outside of my tent, the plants will never be moved, except to reposition them periodically so they are all getting the same light.

Not to mention from Rooted clone to harvest i can bring the time down to 2 months exactly with the strain im growing using ebb&flow.
what type of cooler for $20-30. im very interested b/c Thermoelectric Probes i found were clost to $200.
Pepper said:
With a cooler its much easier to keep the temps in the tank on point, so if you an afford 20 or 30 bucks for a cooler buy it versur the plastic bin.

Pepper, what kind of cooler for $20-30. i need one.

ok. thanks pepper
In some places, the number of plants you have determine whether there is a mandatory prison sentence. In some instances, it may be best to keep your plant count lower.

I use individual 5 gal DWC buckets. I have a space that is 3 x 6.5' that is lit with an air cooled 1000 HPS. I generally keep 6-8 plants in different phases of flowering at a time. I have a separate vegging space.
im in canada so i think im good i think its 100 but i always read you helping ppl in posted so i would love any help you can be to me how long from seed to harvest goddess? and whats the yeild like wqter temps ? thank
He he he here i go again jbonez

i agree totally with what you say and i think you will achieve your desired 2lbs with ease so long as you 1000w hps reflector has the footprint for complete coverage of said area.

this said a good idea is too get the light as close to the plants as possible im sure you have read up on the distance-lumens thing and from experience nearer to plants fatter the buds.

personally if i did flood and drain i would even go overboard with the use of an airpump so even more air to root system ya can never get too much air imho.

as for aeroponics i have used both a 16 site and a 32 site all used for single cola type grows and although dialed in were a pain in the *** to top up along with the noise ffs who needs noise even with everything super soundproofed prior to use.

they got sold pretty damn fast i can tell ya.


The Hemp Goddess said:
In some places, the number of plants you have determine whether there is a mandatory prison sentence. In some instances, it may be best to keep your plant count lower.

I use individual 5 gal DWC buckets. I have a space that is 3 x 6.5' that is lit with an air cooled 1000 HPS. I generally keep 6-8 plants in different phases of flowering at a time. I have a separate vegging space.

good point THG, in my state it goes by plant weight, not plant numbers, so its a little easier for me to grow more plants.
skallie said:
He he he here i go again jbonez

i agree totally with what you say and i think you will achieve your desired 2lbs with ease so long as you 1000w hps reflector has the footprint for complete coverage of said area.

It does, but i am upgrading the reflector to the largest sunsystem big boy.
you should see this beast, lol.

this said a good idea is too get the light as close to the plants as possible im sure you have read up on the distance-lumens thing and from experience nearer to plants fatter the buds.

On it!

personally if i did flood and drain i would even go overboard with the use of an airpump so even more air to root system ya can never get too much air imho.

Got that too, (should i run it all the time btw or just before flood cycles??)

as for aeroponics i have used both a 16 site and a 32 site all used for single cola type grows and although dialed in were a pain in the *** to top up along with the noise ffs who needs noise even with everything super soundproofed prior to use.

Interesting, i dont think ill mess with airo, i may try

they got sold pretty damn fast i can tell ya.



im still dialing it in but im growing ! this is a modified waterfarm , i started this in a rubbermaid 6 site drip system and moved it to the waterfarm . i replaced the drip ring with a drip head so that it got fed down the middle just like the drip system . plus i can easily reuse the rocks without having to clean the roots away . i like it .

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