Island Of Misfits

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Blondie is in the way so I cant really see it
And she is all kinds of in da way too.... hahaha. good thing Carty like um big. of course, Ladybug is 5'2" and let's just say folding HER underwear doesn't take a 4th fold, hahaha. like mine.
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Cloudy with showers here starting at 46F and predicted to reach 64F.

The break in our kitchen drain was repaired, the line hydro blasted, and a camera run through it, to find yet another break directly under our front walkway. Wal shit......... More work to be done.

A call and nice visit from my son. Funny that we talked about him at breakfast and then he called out of the blue, like his ears were burning.

I also got a call from Eloquent Solution, one of my former Skunk Pharm Research partners, who scheduled a visit tomorrow afternoon.

Dinner out at the Japanese seafood restaurant that replaced Yuki's, our favorite. Probably the last time there because of a more limited menu and exorbitant prices. The sushi was still good.

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