Low ph

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Active Member
May 31, 2013
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Hi guys. Im hoping to get some help cuz i really need some .I'm currently growing two plants. In soil it's miracle grow soil. I'm currently at week 2 I'm using a 400 W amp metal hyaloid for veg growth and ill be switching bulbs for flowering.18/6 lighting Anyhow my issue is with the run off of water pored thru the dirt. Tap water str8 up is a 7 ph but after it comes out the bottom its under 4. Is this bad for the plants. I read up that sometimes when soil is low on calcium it lowers ph. So i sprinkled half a teaspoon of cultural limestone to maybe help w the ph. Its been a few days the girls look great but ph is still low
Im not sure what else to do. I dont want to do anything to drastic but hopfully i catch it early if it is something. So if anyone has had this issue or knows of it. Please let me know.

Thanks guys
How are you checking your pH?

At week 2 you should not be adding anything to your soil. It is a bad idea to just guess at what is wrong and add stuff. Did you use straight miracle grow or did you amend it? Is the miracle grow pre-nuted?

I would also recommend running your lights 24/7.
Hi goddess. Im using a wide spectrum ph test indicator the one u add a few drops of liquid. And the limestone was very low quanities and it cant hurt her the limestone is rich in ca and mg In small quanities will only help the plant. I also heard its not good to change lighting schedule once u start so i might just stick it out this way for this run and maybe switch it up later
I wanna start growin in water but im alittle sceared ive heard its harder but im sure i can learn from the great folk up on this forum. So thanks again and let me know what u think can help my ph
Switching from 18/6 to 24/0 will not harm the plant it will only produce better results, mj is one of the only plants that doesn't need a dark period, 18/6 will actually induce more stretch in your plants which is soo not what you want. Hemp goddess will not steer you wrong, she knows her stuff! Also that ph test kit isn't accurate enough for growing mj, buy yourself a ph pen off of eBay or ata a hydro store, but stay away from the china crap. Hanna has one for around thirty bucks. Ph is very important, if it off even a few tents of a point it could lock out certain nutrients and possibly lead to death for your plants. If not adversely affect your yield.
Do you mean *agricultural* limestone for the 'cultural'?

If so, this is a good thing, but you may need to add more, like ~2tbl/gallon of container size.

Agricultural limestone (lime) is just ground up limestone rock and works great. Being ground up rock it is also on the slow side and is best added at the beginning. It won't burn and is almost impossible to use too much. Give it at least 2 weeks to start working.

Just make sure you DON'T use hydrated lime. That's a different animal you don't want to mess with.

Hey guys. Im back w a update. And i really wanna say that this forum and a few others have really expanded my knowledge on growing marry jane and i gotta say i still have A lot to learn this little grow really got addictive and i found my self wanting to perfect everything i do so i ordered a hanna pen that will give me ph and salt particles per million to see where my nut is. Since i am growing in miracle grow (witch i wont do again by the way) its hard to add nuts. Iv added very low amounts of nut to make sure shes not getting burned. Shes doing really well but since im not liking the soil grow w miracle grow ive decided to add another plant to my garden but grow her in water. I purchased a black bucket and the pebbles. Ive already sprouted to im hoping that pen w arrive soon so i know where im at w salt lvls. I cant figure out how to add more then one pic at a time either lol. And yes wet dog i was referring to ground up limestone. Wont hurt. Dont think its done anything for the low ph running out the bottom of the pot either. Well any suggestions please let me know. Thanks everyone
Pic 1

Ok so my main question now is the baby girl i have in water At the hydro store they told me that my water lvl should be a inch or so below the basket and the water should not tuch the basket. So i guess the air bubbles reach the basket w water. i guess i thought the roots need a wet dry cycle. Well not totally dry but i heard mj plants like the cycle but this method of hydro just lets the roots grow down into the water. Is this bad. also can the roots stay wet 24 7. So i guess this method requires changing out the water ever few weeks. So if anyone thinks of tips or anything i might be doing wrong please let me know. Thanks. Im off to smoke some. :)

Ok guys
so for a update
im on day 33 now plants are looking great. The limestone has def brought up the ph Ive done alittle low stress training and i belive there starting to bud too

Hey every one. I wanted to say thanks again for all the help and support ive gotten here. This forum has great members who are very encouraging knowledgeble and friendly. Just awsome. I really like it here. Anyways. As for my girls are doing great. I seeded 2 at the same time. One of em are budding already and shes looking great. But the other looks like shes 2 weeks behind and shes just starting to bud but shes getting these sack looking things and im peronoid im thinking it might be a hermie but not sure. Theres def not no banana looking things and havnt tryed poppin it either. I figure get a word back first. So heres some pics of the girl thats budding and a pic of her sis that is possibly a hermie. Thanks


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