Moon phases and indoor growing please help!

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Feb 7, 2013
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Dear Fellow Growers,

I am the wife of an indoor grower who has been growing for almost 4 years now. This forum is his bible and I thank you in advance for any responses. In a few I will ask some questions but first let me tell you about World War III.

We never fight. Hardly ever. Yesterday we had world war III over something so silly it's unbelievable. In 4 years he has experimented a lot, tried every medium, such as hydro, cocoa, soil layering, super soil making, organic, non-organic, you name it, he has done it. His success has been remarkable in quality, but yields have varied for the usual reasons. This stuff takes years to really master, as I am sure I don't need to tell all of you. He had the most unbelievable Pre-98 Bubba grow ever!! Heaven! A lot of you sweet gentlemen-growers out there have helped him out so much and his hyper-intelligence and diligence did the rest. Overall, it's been a huge success so far.

WELL--all this time I never mentioned to him years ago I had experience with growing using moon phases. When you plant on a new moon it yields more. I just thought everyone who grows anything knew this. You are also supposed to transplant and prune and harvest at a particular moon phase, too. Well this is the oldest knowledge on the planet I thought. Basically he thinks it's hippie witchcraft. His comment was he also doesn't believe in necromancy, either. I got more mad than I have in a long time. Hours later he refused dinner which he never does and I was still fuming.

SO--I ask you gentlemen-growers who know what I am talking about, do I sound like a crazy hippie to you? Questions for the growers:

Have any of you ever planted, watered, transplanted, pruned or harvested using moon phases (first quarter, full, third quarter, new)?

Do any of you consult the farmer's almanac for indoor growing?

Does anyone but me see it's not the light but the magnetic forces of how water is affected by moon phases that affect growing, even the smallest amounts found in soil and tiny seeds?

Are any of you a scientist who can verify that moon phase gardening is proven? I will even take hippie or witch verification.

Are any of you willing to do a real experiment where I post all the good times for the entire year and you actually use them and report back if it worked?

I guess my point is I am trying to help the hubby here, not be critical. He had his worst planting ever on an Aries (Sept.) full moon, they all died. He never had them all die before like that and he did NOTHING wrong. We all know the seedling growing part is usually the easiest. ANYWAY--never plant on a full moon! Plant about 10 days after a full moon! Best time to plant seeds for above-ground crops of any kind this month is anytime after this Sat.--the NEW MOON! World War III was over me wanting him to wait THREE DAYS to plant his new expensive European seeds that he waited months for. OK, I best end this manifesto, he is looking funny at me.

Any responses at all are anxiously awaited and very much appreciated. And thanks again to those of you guys who help the new growers, you really make a difference. :icon_smile:
welcome to the passion.

take care and be safe

Joeschampion said:
. He had his worst planting ever on an Aries (Sept.) full moon, they all died. He never had them all die before like that and he did NOTHING wrong. We all know the seedling growing part is usually the easiest. ANYWAY--never plant on a full moon!

I have never paid any attention to it.
I would have to think I've planted on a full moon at sometime or another.

If all his plants died he did SOMETHING wrong other than plant on a full moon.
IMO seedling stage is the most difficult and easyest time to have them die.

If there is any merit to this idea its for outdoor grows only. IMO
For what it's worth, I go by moon phase's..

Don't know if it helps but...I need ALL the help I can get!! :)
I have for a while now. I read in a few different books that have made mention to this and in alot of native books its seems tobe common knowledge. I will try to find what the books said if i can find the books.

I like going by the moon phases because its easy marker points in my calendar and the time lines for transplanting and flipping to flowering usually line up pretty good.

I dont think your a crazy hippy for beleiving this. Their is alot of energy involved with the moon phases. A few years ago after leaving the city and moving over 4 hours further into isolated northern ontario I really started noticing the power of the moon, if its energy or whatever my favourite time of the year is in the dead of winter during freezing -40 nights on a crisp clear sky.
I have grown for about 30 years. I have never seen the moon phase having any affect on my plants. I do not believe that there is really any evidence that indoor plants are influenced by moon phases.

Four year is not really that long to have grown. You say that he has tried everything..well in 4 years you are only looking at what 12-16 crops? He might be better off sticking to one method for awhile and trying to get it down rather than hopping from one method to another. Not trying to sound mean, but if every one of his plants died, he did do something wrong. Planting indoors in the "wrong moon phase" will not cause plants to die. Also, planting during the new moon does not result in a bigger yield. I have planted in every moon phase there is without noticing any difference in growth.
Next time,, leave the Moon outside and ya should be fine.:D
millions of growers growing successfully indoors and ignoring moon cycles tells me it is of no affect.
Thanks so much for your responses! I am humbled and starting to think he might be right about the effect being negligible. He did make the point of all the successful growers who do not use moon phases and have a good crop time after time. I have been pouring over the net and finding little on this, too, so I guess it's time to apologize for pushing this. One thing about those seeds that died he did use a different soil, too, so maybe that was it. I guess I was the one needing to do the research. Peace, all, and thanks!
imo the moon phases are very influential to your grows both indoor and out---i use the farmers almanac and also believe that the magnetic forces of the earth will make a happier plant in a pot or in the ground---no doubt you can grow a great crop in total disregard of the moon phases but when you are in sinc---it is magical---love your plants and they will love you back---
I do think there is something to the moon's gravitational pull on the earth and all things growing here. How much affect it has is hard to say as there are so many other variables that can obscure the results. I don't think it was too much to wait a few days to plant at a time that could be better. I tell many people "green mojo for your grow" because I sincerely hope that the energy force that ties everything together in the universe will give at least a little positive nudge to that person's efforts.

That man of yours sounds a lot like my brother. I do all of the research and talk to experts and tell him important info, and then about the time he gets going good, he goes and listens to someone else's way of doing things and goes off in another direction but can't understand why his doesn't come out as good as mine. He eventually comes around to getting it right and says "oh yeah, I remember you telling me to do it that way several months ago, I should have listened to you" :doh:

A little advice: men hate it worse than anything when we screw up royally and rather than getting sympathy, we get "I told you......" You have to use a little bit of child psychology. Don't say anything, just give him the information and say, "I'm just putting it out there for you, what you do with it is totally up to you". Eventually he will come back and say "Honey you were right", or "that was a good idea". But telling a man he screwed the pooch when he already knows, is like pressing on a bad bruise and saying "does that hurt?" :)
Joeschampion said:
Thanks so much for your responses! I am humbled and starting to think he might be right about the effect being negligible. He did make the point of all the successful growers who do not use moon phases and have a good crop time after time. I have been pouring over the net and finding little on this, too, so I guess it's time to apologize for pushing this. One thing about those seeds that died he did use a different soil, too, so maybe that was it. I guess I was the one needing to do the research. Peace, all, and thanks!

Asking questions is how we learn. No reason to feel bad, but, IMO, apologies are nice.

Soil that has nutrients in it can kill seedlings quite quickly. What soil did he use?

I am kind of curious why he keeps jumping from one medium to another without really getting familiar enough with any one to get it dialed in?
With all do respect moon phases and gravitational pull have zero influence on indoor growing. I might buy that it has a small influence on outside growing but even then I highly doubt planting something on a full moon would ever be detrimental. Just my opinion and like I said I mean no offense. Welcome to MP and its nice to see someone love their spouse enough to sign up here to help him. Welcome to MP.
Relationships are soooo difficult -- The moon DOES have a gravitational effect on this planet, but the "phases" of the moon mean absolutely nothing. Just because we can't see the whole moon doesn't mean it's not there. The moon pulls at the Earth just as hard when it is a sliver as it does when it is full. Ancient peoples believed that part of the moon was actually not there when they couldn't see a portion of the Moon -- we know better now. As far as I am concerned, believing that the phase of the moon has anything at all to do with success or failure of a crop is the same as believing in astrology or anything else that just isn't viable scientifically -- old wives tales -- so to speak. :) If all of my plants died and someone tried to tell me it was because of the Moon, I might get a little hard to live with too -- JMHO

I'm sure you two will work things out, and good luck with that, but if I were you, I'd let your man grow his way -- even if he kills a crop or two.

Planting by the moon is an idea as old as agriculture, based both in folklore and superstition, but there are scientific ideas to back it up The Earth is in a large gravitational field, influenced by both the sun and moon. The tides are highest at the time of the new and the full moon, when sun and moon are lined up with earth. Just as the moon pulls the tides in the oceans, it also pulls upon the subtle bodies of water, causing moisture to rise in the earth, which encourages growth. The highest amount of moisture is in the soil at this time, and tests have proven that seeds will absorb the most water at the time of the full moon.
I found this an interesting read on the subject:

Good read, Goddess.

Dr. -- I can understand a seed taking in water faster during a full Moon, but not "more" water. A seed takes in as much water as it needs to germinate and then cracks open. It MIGHT crack a little faster during a full moon, but I really do doubt that that happens. If it does happen, it's minimal. JMO

People used to believe the world was flat -- that MYTH was found to be untrue. The Moon having a lot to do with successful growing is also a myth -- just a little more difficult to prove than a flat planet. I agree with the experts who say that people who grow using the phases of the Moon are just more attentive to their crop over the duration of the grow, and that is why their crops turn out so well. Just saying ....

You could be right,,,,I just Mooned my Wife, and she was devastated.:D
Was it a FULL Moon? I'm sure a full moon would have more of an effect :)

Outside, it does matter. Inside, "I" am the moon, the sun and the stars.

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