my plants

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Sup cyberquest. Man you got yourself a closet full of ladies and they are looking great. Can't wait to see the final results. Grow on my brother.
damn cyber lookung at them girls makes me have the munchies lol looking great dude
Sup CyberQuest. You got alot of ladies Growin man Good job,whats left is harvest now
Sup cyberquest. Man you got yourself a closet full of ladies and they are looking great. Can't wait to see the final results. Grow on my brother.

well i amm not sure i would say great....but good maybe a better term. they are doing good but due to a soil situation i am doung what i can. i cant wait to get the ladie back into some plain MG soil.

but let me say 7 out of 10 on some bagseeds i am not complaining in anyway shape or form. all these ladies are from seed, no clones at all.

i know next time around i want to step up my flower nutes, but other then that there wont be much changes other then going back to the MG soil.

i really hope the CFL's can keep up with the yeild part of things, sorry to say but i would love to lay that HID light to rest. its by no means a bad grow light, but i really think that CFL's given the same lumens per sq ft will outperform the HID light by far.

i stilll have about 8000 lumens before the CFL's are putting out the same amount of light on a scale rated at watts used. meaning given the same amount of power (400W) to the CFL's i believe that they will put the HID light to shame. my cfls are around 300w, give or take a few. if i up my cfls by 100w's then i know i will get better yeild.

so pound for pound is what i am trying to get at, given the same power, can the simple de[artment store bought cfls hold thier wiehgt agaist the almighty HID lights?? we will see!
sticky budz, and smokegood, thanks for the support, i am as excited as anyone to see how things turn out. so far so good and cross my fingers and knock on wood things willl continue as they have gone so far.

this is my first ever grow, and its on a limited budget, so our goal is to provide ourself with good person smoke, no more, no less. so if we achieve that goal then all is good ;)
CQ the grow is looking great man. How do you think it is going so far? Does either light appear to being doing a better job at this point?
not yet, the one under the CFL's is doing good but has only been in there for a short time. the hps plants have been flowering longer so we will need more time to tell.
well the last three have been confirmed as FEMALES!!

so out of ten seeds, we got 10 females, that kicks azz!!!!!

i will try to get some pics of the ones under the CFL lights here after i smoke this bowl. :D
here are some pics of the CFL room.

pic 1- "muteena" named because of her deformed leaves, she is kinda like the bride of frankenstein :p
pic 2- "muteena" not a clear shot of the bud, but nice focus on the leaves with crystals all over them.
pic 3- "muteena" she sits directly between two CFL lights, one 2700k and one 6500k, total lumens of those two bulbs is 3200 lumens.this is good for my experement in two ways, one because that top bud is getting 50/50 mix of red and blue lightand second, this is allowing almost no light intensity lose because the bulb is so close. this is where the CFL's are good, look how close that bud is to the bulbs, you put a HPS bulb that close and you will fry the plant.
pic 4- bud on one of the other females in the CFL flower room.
pic 5- i like how bushy the growth is on the plants in the CFL room, and the plants are much greener and healthier looking. we have a couple of nice fat leave plants, two in the CFL and one in the HPS room, they all look great, the fat leave one in the HPS room is by far the best looking one in there. the rest of the plants have long skinny leaves, since all these plants are from bagseed who the heck knows what kind of plants they are.
pic 5- just a down low shot of the plants under the CFL lights. 12 bulbs total, 10 2700k 1600 lumens bulbs, and 2 6500k 1600 lumens bulbs.

things look good in both rooms, we have five females in each room so its a pretty even score, we are SOOOOo excited we ended up with 10 FEMALES out of 10 BAGSEEDS from random street weed we have suffered thru over the past year or so.

if my CFL plants are pretty close in weight and size to the HPS plants then our plans are to d away with the HPS room altogether and just run CFL's only. then at that point we want to increase the light output in the CFL room to match the lumens in the in the HPS room. my HPS light is a 400w 53,000 lumens bulb, the CFL room only has about 19,200 lumens in it now. i think given the right amount of light to match the HPS light i think we can get better results from CFL's over the HPS.

so stay tuned.






You do good work, keep it up cyberquest we'll be watching to see end results.
here are the ladies in the HPS room.

pic 1- this is the one wide leave plant in the HPS room, she is the best looking plant in there by far!

pic 2- wide leave plants buds

pic 3- one of the skinny leave plants buds

pic 4- the only down fall to the HPS room is this, the TEMP, top temp is at the base of the plants, bottom temp is a wire sensor thats sits by the top bud on the plant closest to the light. 20% humidity, below 20% and it just says low, its on low a lot so its very dry in this room and very hot. 300cfm exhaust fan, and a 50cfm intake fan that blows cool air right on the bulb and temps are still near 100 degrees at the tips of the plants. they are very tall and skinny plants, the CFL plants are shorter and more bushy, the CFL plants also have a lot more color to them and gerally look more healthy.

pic 5- you can see the black sensor in this pic and how close it is to the light, no signs of heat burn so i havent move anything around yet. but we are in the middle of winter, its like 10 degrees outside and maybe 68 degrees here in the house. when summer comes ands its 80 degrees in the house i think we are going to have a problem trying to keep this room from frying the plants.

now remeber the HPS room plants are older then the CFL room plants so they have bigger buds on them. we wont be able to tell the actual difference until they are both finished. the oldest plant in the HPS room has maybe a couple more weeks on here before she will be ready for our FIRST harvest and we cant wait to hack her... :D





couple more of the HPS room.

pic 1- oldest plant in HPS room

pic 2- just a over head shot of one of the plants

pic 3- see how tall and skinny they all are in the HPS room, its not bad thought in the end, since they are stretched, the leaves are out of the way, just tie them over just a hair and light gets to most of the buds.



Hey CQ. Congrads on the turn out so far. The plants look great. Frank you know the flourescents are gonna come out better brother...later all.
hey cyber just had to drop in and peak on those sweet plants looking good baby oh ya
thanks everyone again for those members like TBG, Stoney Bud, Hick, and many others that helped with questions that i had as a beginner grower. this site is a very good site with tons and tons of useful information if you just take the time to read and research.

just also wanted to mention what flower nutes that i am giving them cause i am not sure if i have mentioned it or not.

all i give them is Schultz 10-15-10 plant food plus. i did a little research on the fox farms that TGB shows using in his MG grow thread, compaired the ingredients to the Schultz and they have just about all the same % of N, P, and K and also contains things like iron, magnesanese, and zinc. the shultz also has a couple ingredients that the Fox Farms doesnt, the shultz has 8.2% urea nitrogen, what ever the heck that is. :)

so far i havent had any burn from the shultz, and this is the first of many department store bought products including ALASKAN fish fert which is 5-1-1 and says right on the bottle "wont burn plants" which burnt my plants worse then any of the others i tried. :rofl:

the shultz seems to be working good, but i am still only giving a 1/4 of the bottle recommend dose. manly cause they suffered nute burn so bad from the fish ferts that most of the fan leaves died off and they look horribly abused. the soil didnt help at all either, something i tried mixing myself thinking it would be better then the MG that i really liked. WRONG, this soil i mixed is mud when you first mix it, even mixed 50/50 with peat moss and perlite, then it stays wet forever, then all of a sudden gets bone dry and turns rock hard. the usually stick your finger in the soil trick, YEAH RIGHT, you cant even get your finger in the soil cause its like some dry desert clay or something. poor plants, but i transplanted them all right when they went into flower, so rather then risk turning them HERMIE from transplanting them again, i decided to ride it out and just try to mostly just bottom feed the roots. and out of 10 plants i got 10 females so i guess i made the right decision.

this is all just personal smoke for us, with 10 females we are gonna have plenty of back up to start a fresh new batch in some good old MG finest and i think we can double our product on the next round using only the CFL room.
You thanked those other folks, and I agree that they contribute a great deal to this forum. I have learned a ton from all of them. I'm mostly a lurker -- don't post much, but I do read a lot and I want to thank YOU CQ, for your contributions and especially your CFL 101. I used that to help me buy CFL lights for my first grow. I have 8 27 watt 5500K CFLs and three 42 watt 2700 CFLs in my grow room for five plants in veg in a bubbler system. My plants took a while to get going, but now they are growing amazingly fast. And the thing is they are so compact that it is hard to believe. There are nodes almost right on top of other nodes -- I mean separated by maybe 3/16". And the leaves that sprout -- I'm getting a new set every two days -- are large and very green and healthy looking. Tomorrow they will enter their 4th week of veg and I couldn't be happier. Over the past several days I have been using my 400 watt HPS in conjunction with my CFLs and I plan to continue that for most of the grow. I haven't had a problem with heat because I am able to keep it fairly chilly in the room that my cab is in so temps around my plants varies between 76 and 81.

My only problem is that I'd like to top my plants but the nodes are so close together and the new growth is SO lush and bushy that I can't really figure out how to get a scissors in there to make the snip... I guess that's not the worst problem to have, though, huh? Maybe when they get a little older I'll be able to top them.

So, like I said before, thank YOU for all of your input on the topic of CFLs. I look forward to seeing how you do with this grow and a comparison in yield, quality, and taste between your HPS plants and your CFL plants.
well its been a while since i have been on here, since i started working again and putting in the long hours i dont have much energy at the end of the day for anything. also the CFL room lights are always off when i get home from work, so i negleted to water them and we had a couple almost die, but they we the smaller ones and not the large plants.

we have 4 small plants sitting in small containers that never made it into big pots due to a space issue, since both rooms are wall to wall with plants. but i have still been watering them and your not gonna believe it but 3 out of 4 of the small plants are females too, they have little hairs and tiny buds all over them and each one of them is maybe 12 inches tall. but two of them were ver wilted from not being watered, thier smaller containers need watered more and i just for get about the poor things. they are still green and very very droopy and i think they might come back ok so we will have to see.

pic-1 here is one of the CFL room plants, they are looking very good, and very healthy minus a little starved for water this week cause i have been busy and havent watered them. i need to mark the water day down so i know how long its been.

pic-2 one of the plants in the HPS room, by far these plants have bigger buds on them, BUT they have been in flower longer, and obviously have tons more lumens per sq ft. my oldest plant is getting close to harvest time, she has been in flower a good 8 weeks, we have brown hair showing a a few buds so i need to start paying close attention to her.

all and all the CFL's are still winning my overall vote, why, mainly because the veg growth is just awsome with them, they look much greener and healthier then the HPS plants. and so far are doing a fairly decent job at keeping up with the flowering even though there is only 19,200 lumens total in there compaired to the 53,000 of the HPS. so with almost a third of the the light the CFLs are still growing, still looking good, and still producing females and doing it all at half the COST of running that HPS light.


What's up Cyber. Glad to hear things are going good for you. Plants are looking great, and I'm not suprised to hear you like the flourescents better (flourescents rock FP). Later.

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