plants are in trouble

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Jan 10, 2010
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i'm about 2 months from seed in 7 gallons of coco. everything was going great until i underwatered once and they turned yellow overnight. i tried to rectify this by giving them straight ph'd water until i saw 1/4 or so runoff but then they got even worse with heavy signs of overwatering. now its 3 days after i watered them the pots are still painfully heavy to lift and all the new growth is yellow as well (probably because i gave them straight water). not to mention they are not bouncing back from the drooping. what should i do am i just screwed at this point. how long will it take for them to recover if they recover at all.
A few questions and maybe i can help.

1- is your medium straight coco?
2- what are you ph'ing your water too?
3- what was the runoff ph?
4- what kind of water? ie. distilled, tap, r/o?
5- what are yor temps/ and r/h at?

And if you have a pic that would help too.
ph is 5.8 runoff is closer to 6.5 or 7 because its bcuzz coco and its well buffered. using tap that is 30 ppm, aerated off the chlorine. was using ro but had to use way too much ph up to get it into range. maybe there's something horrible in the tap water but at 30 ppm i dunno. this was the first time i used tap. the runoff was 700 or so the same ppm i fed them with 5 days before they went bone dry. they are not fully rooted in the 7 gallons yet they were only transplanted 2-3 weeks ago so they take a while to dry out.

temps are great now 70-75. keeping humidity below 60 with a dehumidifier but with 800 cfm constantly pulling out i can't get it much lower at the moment.

they had the problem the night it got to 85+ with 75% humidity and they were basically bone dry. they started to drop their lower leaves and yellowed up really quick. then when i hit them with the ph'd water to rectify the situation i severely overwatered them obviously.

the main thing that concerns me is the new growth looks awful.

should i foliar feed them or something? even the plants that sustained the overwater pretty well have really bad new growth (the 2nd pic). it's like they are getting zero nutrients (i guess they aren't since i gave them none in the overwater).


IMO they do look a little over watered, but i think there is an underlying issue with the ph as well. I've been doing a lot of reading on coco lately and every where i look they say to keep the ph down around 6. I would let them dry out a little and water with a lite nutrient dose and try ph'ing it around 5. Also, you may want to try distilled water.

Oh, i almost forgot, they are deffinitely salvagable.
Was this the type of coco that needs to be rinsed real good to get the salt out? If so did you rinse it real good? I don't use coco but I agree it looks like there is at least one underlying issue here.
I really don't think the ph is an issue but I will knock it down to 5.5 next time. I will let them dry out another day or two and hit them with 4 ml of a & b aqua flakes and nothing else. in my experience and many others bcuzz coco doesn't need to be rinsed. as I said they were fine in it for 2 months i doubt this issue would pop up overnight.
Well they certainly look a bit underfed....not sure though if that is a ph lockout thing or if they need more nutes.
You can't over-water with coco or coco mixes with one watering--unless you left them sitting in that 25% run-off. If it's a white strain, you might wanna do some Ca/Mg supplementing in that coco, too.

Hammie, if the coco is a mix or a bale from the grow shop, it's more than likely been rinsed. If it's from somewhere not MJ specific, it's could be salty and need washing.
you absolutely 100% can overwater in coco. have you ever grown in 7 gallons of coco before? i don't mean to argue but it's pretty obvious to me and many others. i'm not saying this is 100% of my problem at all but it is what caused the classic overwater droop i'm almost positive.

if you water too much in coco your plants will not grow, its best to let them dry out 80%.

you need to rinse basically every single brand other than b'cuzz & canna. and then you need to charge it (sit in some base nutes + calmag) for at least 2 weeks. again, other than b'cuzz & canna since they do all of this for you already.

but as i said i don't want to switch subjects and I do appreciate any and all help.
Nope, never grew in 7 gallon containers--I grow in 18 gallon chum buckets. Please read the qualifying portion of that statement: "You can't over-water with coco or coco mixes with one watering" I stand by that statement for most any MJ specific media. If one-time watering were posible then the flushers among us would have a logistical problem, wouldn't they? And, a big factor in coco use is the ability of the roots to continue to breath when wet--that's why it's used it in big container apps. How about Organicare Pure Earth? Should I have been washing that for the last year-and-a-half even if I've been doing just fine with it outta the bag? You're tossing out broad generallities, bro. And, when the smoke clears, I'll bet you a dollar two ninety-eight that your problem ain't over-watering. JM outrageous O. Good luck and peace either way.

oahno said:
you absolutely 100% can overwater in coco. have you ever grown in 7 gallons of coco before? i don't mean to argue but it's pretty obvious to me and many others. i'm not saying this is 100% of my problem at all but it is what caused the classic overwater droop i'm almost positive.

if you water too much in coco your plants will not grow, its best to let them dry out 80%.

you need to rinse basically every single brand other than b'cuzz & canna. and then you need to charge it (sit in some base nutes + calmag) for at least 2 weeks. again, other than b'cuzz & canna since they do all of this for you already.

but as i said i don't want to switch subjects and I do appreciate any and all help.
Oahno, pencilhead has been at this a lot longer than me and shown some sick grows on here as well. If it were me i would take his advice.
then how does this problem happen overnight from one watering of nothing but 5.8 ph'd tap water? as I said for 2 months I had no problems...

I hear a lot of attacks and what my problem isn't but nothing to do to fix it....

also again a different subject but the organicare isn't 100% coco as I am using. I am referring to straight coco bails or loose when I talk about the flushing. your organicare has nutrients premixed with it so it is charged already and i'm guessing they flush the portion of the soil that is coco. i would never flush a pre-nuted mix.
Yep. You need to look beyond overwatering. Something is up. I cant say what for sure, only time will tell. GL
ok, i will troubleshoot a few different ways on a couple of plants. also get a good idea of the runoff even though i really hate to water them to runoff again so soon. if anyone has any ideas to try beyond whats already been said i'm willing to try anything at this point.
oahno said:
ok, i will troubleshoot a few different ways on a couple of plants. also get a good idea of the runoff even though i really hate to water them to runoff again so soon. if anyone has any ideas to try beyond whats already been said i'm willing to try anything at this point.

Dont worry about run off. Only what goes in. You should be recycling your medium. It will get better and more stable over time. GL
The reason I don't check my runoff is because it can lead to more problems then answers IMO....I feed and water with everything ph'd to 6.5 for soil...Not sure what the number is for coco. When you start checking ph of run off and then start adding nutes or water at different ph's to try and Fix what is wrong that is when the problems seem to start. JMO
definitely agree with that, just trying to figure things out.
so i hit them with 4 ml each of house & garden aqua flakes a & b & 2 ml each of camg+ from general organics. i waited until they dried out a bit. ph'd to 5.6 but this took a ton of ph up. like 2-3 ml a gallon. the signs of overwater are pretty much gone. now all of the leaves are turning yellow and dieing as quick as possible, as if someone hit them with pesticides or something. they are looking worse than ever and within 24 hours from the last water. now i'm afraid they are just going to die within a week. i have no idea what to do, i am very very discouraged and about to just say **** it all to be honest. what a nightmare.

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