plate method

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Jul 10, 2009
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i have been germinating my seeds on a plate with a thin lair of water
is this ok?
they have been soaking for a few days

Picture 008.jpg

Picture 009.jpg

Picture 010.jpg
Just make sure they're in semi-darkness and it should so long as the seeds are still good. I started 12 random seeds from bags I had and only two sprouted. So ya may not get any but yeah, just make sure they stay in water/stay wet and are in some form of darkness. Give em up to a week. If it doesn't work, start over with some new ones.
well i keep the plate on top of my mini fridge
its a little warmer
and i keep a lid from tupperwear on it witha black shirt over it
is that ok?

im putting them all in soil tomorrow and putting them outside
not planting them
im putting them outside to stay warm and let mother nature take care of em for a few days
Uhhh, I dunno man. That don't look so great to me. Too much water I think. I use the plate method myself and it's very affective for me. I would get those out of the standing water ASAP and on to a moist towel or something. Those seeds are pratically swimming on that plate. Not good IMO.
ok ive got them on a papertowel
damp papertowel...
the water warm and there covered
what kind of water? distilled? tap? well? if its tap, you need to let it sit to evap some of the chlorine.
**** didnt think about that
could the seeds die if i just put them in normal tap water?
idk. I use distilled and it works fine. Also, as for the whole layer of water oin th plate, that'll work. I've germinated plenty of seeds in a shot glass of distilled water.
Yeah, if they have been fairly submerged for a couple of days now then be prepared to endure a poor germ rate. Not saying it's definite or anything, but likely.

I'll tell you how I do it. This may not fit your needs, but it works pretty well for me.

I sacrify my seed in a pill bottle lined with sand paper. I scuff them real good. This allows the water to readily penetrate the seed

I soak them in pure water in a shot glass placed in a warm, dark spot. You will find a general consensus to not allow them to soak more than 24 hours. I stick to this advice religiously.

I fold up a couple of paper towels, wet them with pure water and put them on a plate. Then I dump the shot glass into the paper towel and fold it over so the seed is covered. Then I set the plate on a slight angle so the excess water pools on the lowest side. I'll let that set that way for a few minutes. This will usually leave the towel at a perfect moisture level.

After the excess water has drained out I poor it off, cover that plate with another plate (making a "UFO" shape) and set over the ballast of my flos. This seems to give it that 'perfect germ temp'. I usually see root tips within the first 24 to 48 hours from start.

Hope that helps bro. But there are a few ways to get this done. As long as you listen to what old WALT (Water, Air, Light, Temperature) is tellin' ya, it's all good.;)
GrimReafer said:
idk. I use distilled and it works fine. Also, as for the whole layer of water oin th plate, that'll work. I've germinated plenty of seeds in a shot glass of distilled water.

I know a few folk that swear by 'just water, nothing else'. I see this as logical and functional. I think a seed needs like 60% absorption to germinate. This would get it done. However I think the 'water only' technique runs certain risks if the grower is not very attentive. Oxygen is a very important part of the puzzle, and robbing a seed or a newly sprouted seed of air can cause early stress issues IMO. I know, this can be debated until the sun explodes, and there will never be one 'right way' for everybody, so we all go with what we know. If it works for you, party on!:D
nvthis said:
Oxygen is a very important part of the puzzle, and robbing a seed or a newly sprouted seed of air can cause early stress issues IMO. I know, this can be debated until the sun explodes, and there will never be one 'right way' for everybody, so we all go with what we know. If it works for you, party on!:D

i have my seeds in a zipblock bag during the night
but during the day i let my seeds air out and get some heat

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