Play time :)

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Hello there one and all and welcome to more nonsensical ramblings from me :)

I decided to open this thread rather than just stick it in my other journal seen as i just doing these for a bit of fun, suppose i should of called this thread "my experiments" or something seen as thats what this will be about.

For anyone who doesnt know i'm currently growing Power Plant a sativa/indica strain with the genetics in mine at least leaning more towards the sativa side.
They can easily reach 5ft even when put into flower at around 1-1.5 ft, check the other journal for them :hubba: .
What i'm trying to do in this thread is to grow some plants as small as is possible, mostly for fun but also i'm planning a switch to SOG at some point so these little experiments will be useful for that.

Right then,,,

mini p 5.jpg
This is a not so mini one that i am trying to grow all the way through in a 4 inch pot. It looks quite tall and skinny but thats cos i trimmed off the branches in an attempt to grow a single cola plant.
This one was flipped 12/12 one week and five days ago along with a load of others in full size pots.
It seems happy enough so far and has started to flower, just needs watering through about five times a day lol.

Now for the mini's
These little girls are cool lol.
The one on the far right is the cutting i took doing my cutting guide which i've being repeatedly pinching to keep it small.
The other two are two heads i topped off the mother plant and decided to root. There was three but i decapitated one when i dropped it lol.

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mini p 3.jpg

mini p6.jpg

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mini p 2.jpg

mini p 1.jpg

These little ones as can be seen are around 3 inch tall.
They were put into 12/12 as soon as they came out of propagator ( about a week ago i think lol ) because as they were the heads off the mom they were already sexually mature.
I have been pinching the little ones but now they into flower i not too keen, dont wanna push em to hermi's, dunno might do it with one of em and see how it turns out.
I find it pretty mad that they are only 3 inch tall and going into flower, even if they grow to be five times as big thats still only fifteen inches lol, bit of a difference to there big sisters lol.

So there you have it.
As usual its a waiting game now to see what i end up with.
The main aim here is to grow, flower and harvest the smallest plant i can manage, yield is not important, although it would be cool to see a solid mini cola :) .

Oh and at a later date i'm planning on getting some auto or lowryder seeds to produce more seeds with and do some experimenting with a Power Plant cross.

Good day to you all :)
Newbud said:
The main aim here is to grow, flower and harvest the smallest plant i can manage, yield is not important, although it would be cool to see a solid mini cola :) .

Good day to you all :)

Thanx for droping by but as i said its about growing the smallest plant possible just for kicks not for yield.
When i decide to go SOG properly i'll probably be in 5L wilma's.

Look forward to some pics though :)
Hey newbud, Iam going to have a set down and watch.
this looks like a interesting little project. I'll keep an eye on it! :cool:
Hey Newbud...glad you posted up some pics of your experimental grow...this shld be interesting...
Keep it green and in your case...keep it
yea ima take a seat for this experiment, seems pretty cool n i wanna learn how to do this stuff.
Its dead easy fella usually stuff just sounds more complicated than it is ;)
Newbud said:
Its dead easy fella usually stuff just sounds more complicated than it is ;)

awww to bad, lol n yes thats sooo true. sumtime the opposite also ;], check my baby out. link below
Yeah a fun grow I just started 12-12 newbud and Ive got a couple of babys in their too I wanna c how long it takes for them on 12-12 to start budding along with my big girls(hopefully). LOL will keep an eye on this one.
looking good :hubba: i hear very good things about that strain. keep up the killer work. :rolleyes::cool:
Thanx, yeah its seems to take well to either big or little grows, seen some impressive results with SOG which is something i'll probably get into with my full time grows eventually.
Plus i've always known Power Plant as a reliable stoner, my big girls arnt finished yet but some of the popcorn buds i've sampled certainly did the trick anyway so looking good so far :)
Right then , quick update.
Had 3 micro's and one bit taller, down to the the taller one and 2 micro's now lol.
Got a wee bit complacent while moving them around and dropped one on the floor and decapitated it lol :eek: oops.
Any who the 2 micro's doing very well and some quick pics ( on phone sorry ) of the taller one, well on its way to flowering already, thirsty bugger in that little pot lol

mini pp.jpg

mini pp1.jpg

mini pp2.jpg
ha nice work newbud!
cool mini grow!
so still not working then?
Nah mate no work for me am all good bud for now.
Gona start making a few moves again soon though the fuel gauge moves as much as the rev counter on my new toy lol.


Well the stretch has begun on the one on the right for sure, that was a normal thin cutting from low in the plant.

The other on left is the one remaining head i rooted off mom.
She already showing flowers and is growing but is keeping the nice short look with plenty of growth still which is good.
Think i gona play more with rooting the heads i think they make for stronger plants, well i dunno but its a work in progress for sure.

Anyway babble over lol.

All the best people :cool:
Newbud said:
Nah mate no work for me am all good bud for now.
Gona start making a few moves again soon though the fuel gauge moves as much as the rev counter on my new toy lol.

same as me so,
just doing abit of painting and tiling in my gaf today,oh the joys!
so what did you get?
im assuming its fast with that comment about the speed of the fuel guage!

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