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Sweet Cheeba Chiefa
Oct 28, 2006
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I was just on another site, reading past threads. I was shocked at how the majority of people think about black people. I know racism exists but I didn't think it was so bad. I've never had a prob with that type of thinking here and i'm glad. I'm from a place that's notorious for racism, kkk central but i've never heard people openly in forums spouting stereotypes so freely. It really hurts people can't understand how it is to be black and during all the posts I read, wewere never referred to as people but blacks! No matter how I come at this subject, I seldom have someone understand or relate. All i'm getting at is this is another reason I like this site:aok:...there's really not anyone on here that's come across as offensive. I guess good people are attracted to the same things and vice versa with the bad. From now on...I don't think i'm going to be posting anywhere else. Good job MP and the mods for making this a place where ALL people can learn! Thanks for reading my venting:eek:.
Right on! Just another reason why this place rocks. :)

I am sorry you had to run into that on another site BBP. It really is inexcusable. :(
Nice, as a member of the brown union.. yes we have a union it's cool to hear ya say that.

That's why I like it here too.. it's chilled.

Even though I am totally for free speech, and would never consider being the thought police... but just cuz we have tans doesn;t mean we don't have feelings easily hurt lol :heart: you all
It's okay. It just hurt more than anything. Seeing someone describe your race while you're thinking "That's not how I am." It's a shame the world isn't past something so menial as race. It's not just white people i'm talking about either. I've had to kick people out for saying "cracker" or "honkey" because I live with a white person. My children are half white so that's like slapping them in the face. I like everyone that's likeable...regardless. My lil cousin(who's also biracial) has this bad habit of calling white people names. I always joke with him and tell him he's the same thing, his mother is white. I think it's so engraved into the way people think, it'll never go away. We're so worried about "the gay man looking at me", "the black man robbing me", "the white man is scheming", "the indian is just drunk", "the mexican is taking my job" that we forget we are all the same thing...people.
sorry to hear that u had to go threw that crap bro. some ppl just forget that our blood is the same color. its a shame the way some ppl act and talk they dont think how they would feel if some one was talking like that about them. im white and i was born and brought up in the projects where there are all kinds of race and i never judged ppl over there color and if i ever did please kick me in the head lol sorry that u had to go through that crap bro and i hope ur day ends up better peace
"man to me if your blood is not red stay awey from me" , but skin colr there is no difference to me , some people are just problay scared of other colors , personaly first time i got to see and hered racism was in USA never heard that in Europe about black or any othere race . MP is the best forum there is and thats all
"but just cuz we have tans doesn;t mean we don't have feelings easily hurt"

hahah right on man
people are close-minded...dont let it get to you...if they truly believe those things than they are screwed in life anyway
you have groups like the KKK...NAZI Skinheads ...and yes the NAACP and the southern poverty law center who all thrive on racism and acualy make money off it...some groups that say they are about ending racism are lieing.....without it they wouldnt exist ...there is a great quote from a great black man...Booker T Washington.....I will find it and post it.....if everyone would understand what BT Washington understood it would be the first step in ending racism.........but also you sometimes have to specify a persons color to help get a point across...in doing that I dont mean you use it in a negative way.........some think my avatar is racist...but its not......a true southern gentleman or southen lady knows this another great person who is alive today and just happens that his skin color is black is named H K Edgerton, I would encourage anyone who hates racism to research his work and writings also...H.K was once the president of the North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP.......Mr. Edgerton is a very fine southern gentleman and I have had the oportunity to meet him once the man knows his stuff and is one of the smartest men I have ever met....
Bubba Bear said:
you have groups like the KKK...NAZI Skinheads ...and yes the NAACP and the southern poverty law center who all thrive on racism and acualy make money off it...some groups that say they are about ending racism are lieing.....without it they wouldnt exist ...there is a great quote from a great black man...Booker T Washington.....I will find it and post it.....if everyone would understand what BT Washington understood it would be the first step in ending racism.........but also you sometimes have to specify a persons color to help get a point across...in doing that I dont mean you use it in a negative way.........some think my avatar is racist...but its not......a true southern gentleman or southen lady knows this another great person who is alive today and just happens that his skin color is black is named H K Edgerton, I would encourage anyone who hates racism to research his work and writings also...H.K was once the president of the North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP.......Mr. Edgerton is a very fine southern gentleman and I have had the oportunity to meet him once the man knows his stuff and is one of the smartest men I have ever met....
Ya know...i've never really even noticed your avatar until you said something. I don't care who's racist really, it's their business. Just kind of screwed up how some people think about another type of person who they've probably never been around. Me, i'm cool...i'm just me and I like everyone. I'm a people person:D.
Bubba Bear said:
you have groups like the KKK...NAZI Skinheads ...and yes the NAACP and the southern poverty law center who all thrive on racism and acualy make money off it...some groups that say they are about ending racism are lieing.....without it they wouldnt exist ...there is a great quote from a great black man...Booker T Washington.....I will find it and post it.....if everyone would understand what BT Washington understood it would be the first step in ending racism.........but also you sometimes have to specify a persons color to help get a point across...in doing that I dont mean you use it in a negative way.........some think my avatar is racist...but its not......a true southern gentleman or southen lady knows this another great person who is alive today and just happens that his skin color is black is named H K Edgerton, I would encourage anyone who hates racism to research his work and writings also...H.K was once the president of the North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP.......Mr. Edgerton is a very fine southern gentleman and I have had the oportunity to meet him once the man knows his stuff and is one of the smartest men I have ever met....

He was on Bullshit with penn and teller.

Yea on your avatar I noticed it... but...I have good ol' southern fishing buds who have it on their boats and stuff. I know for a fact they aren't racists. In fact probably the most well rounded dudes I know, and a fine grasp on history. of course I've also accidently wondered into a small town where the Klan was meeting lol let me tell you I never thought i'd be running from Casper the firendly ghost lol. So yea...

One things for sure....

Stupid comes in all colors.
I live in the UK and I'm afraid to say that racism is rife here... I use a few different forums (all mary jane related) and haven't experienced open racism but then I've always found smokers to be less hostile.

Having studied the abolition of the slave trade and read extensively, literature about Dr King and Malcolm X when I was younger I am disgusted at the way people were treated. And I am still disgusted that in the 21st century it's still happening and education hasn't helped.

People are people, no matter what colour skin. I have bought my daughter up to respect everyone and treat people how she would expect to be treated and we have many, very good friends who are from different cultures and backgrounds.
Bubba Bear said:
yes the NAACP and the southern poverty law center who all thrive on racism and acualy make money off it...if everyone would understand what BT Washington understood it would be the first step in ending racism.........but also you sometimes have to specify a persons color to help get a point across...in doing that I dont mean you use it in a negative way........H.K was once the president of the North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP.....quote]
What are you talking about the NAACP is racist? Booker T. Washington himself was a member..
They still deal with real issues like promotion irregularities and lop sided sentences, and profiling. And if its so bad why are telling me H.K. was a prez? He walked down to Tennessee and my court house once but I never stopped him. And my old HS was always controversial for using the flag. Most White people just like the design aspects of it. I've never thought it racist but as a former member of the military and supporter of America at all cost im insulted. I live in East Tennessee but if I wee in my native NC I might had fault for it. It has no place today. It belongs in a chest or a museum just like those S. Vietnam flags, Biafra, etc.

Puffa I had no idea you were a Black person.
I don't think Racism is a black and white issue, so to speak. What I mean is, it is an evil energy, and it infects people and families to varying degrees. It is much like the classic view of Satan as something that tricks people with stereotypes, but, like the ancient view of evil, it is something that cannot enter unless it is invited in. And then it becomes a terrible guest that is difficult to get rid of.
I think the mildest form of it begins with prejudice that is brought on by the illusion of stereotypes. It is a powerful illusion, because after all, many people make themselves into stereotypes. Stereotypes don't just spring into being out of fiction. I know I have, particularly when I drove a little van, wearing a rainbow tye-dyed bandana, round blue sunglasses, Christ! Strangely enough there were several Officers who wanted to pull me over and see if I had any drugs. (I never did) But stereotypes are just externals. It can be hard not to prejudge when you keep seeing the same stereotypes day in/day out, they are insidious, unavoidable, and I think it is this 'soft' form of racism that is most common, the tendency to assume, it cuts both ways, and harms understanding.
One recent example I could mention is when someone at work remarked how terrible it is that white people don't take care of their elderly, and that black people, being more honorable, would never do their elders like that. She had worked in a nursing home, and most of the patients there were white. Seemed she had a point. But wait ~ could not the fact that the whites were vastly more numerous in population have something to do with it? But why was there so little visitation? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that a conclusion based on race is an unfortunate distortion.
I am grateful for this co-worker though, she has a keen perception and has pointed things out to me that not many black folk have. When talking about racism, the conservatives always seem to want to push it into the past, as something that happened hundreds of years ago. But reality is that her own mother couldn't buy a house from racist Italians barely a generation ago. I don't mean to speak ill of the 'greatest generation', but man, them old cats can be seriously racist. It's what they grew up with. It's only been barely a generation since civil rights, since Sesame Street, since positve un-racist thought could even have a chance to bloom and reach young minds when these things form. If the religious nuts don't do us all in, I really think things will get better over the next 50 years or so, if the good continues to be passed on, if we continue towards independent energy, better food, and not to be underestimated ~ the legalization of a certain herb that could play no small part in saving the world.
herb? are u talking about them naval oranges on them bushes?

the older people espcially kooks like Senator Byrd should be questioned on their actions during the Jim Crow days. There are more White ppl plus they live longer, that might explain them inm the homes.
i hate it.some times you hear the people of color slam them selves,just listen to the words of some rap stars.all races have to be tolerent to ignorent people.if we dont then we have a real big problem.you cant go around all your life really not hateing but just hurting people with words.so when and how can it stop.:(
That's why I love weed. I'm not white and you're not black; we're both just a couple of folks passing a pipe back and forth.

Smoked some good herb with my guitarist a few times over the last week. I realized and told him after getting a good thinking high on that I totally wasn't thinking of him at all as the guy I knew. He was just the chill cat I was smokin', listening to music and talking about everything under the sun with and was mighty glad to have him there to share a bowl with. It's the same feeling here at these forums. ;) It's a beautiful thing to transcend the flesh and labels and completely "get" someone and know they "get" you too.


Yanno... speaking as an anthropologist... white skin is just an adaptation (a mutation that was selected for over time) to colder climates to allow the body to synthesize vitamin D better with limited sunlight. Really kinda mind-blowing when you take into account all the ugliness that simple little switch in DNA has brought about in humanity.

Whatever. I don't see black or white. I see green and it makes me smile. ;) We're all just sacks of meat that have to entertain ourselves from point A to B. I think the more happiness and peace you pack into that, the better off you'll be.

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