Random Thought Thread

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Random thought: Why do they call people that talk to spirits "mediums"?

Been watching a few spook flicks on youtube, and most of those gals would be a large or extra large.
My wife had a friend who identified as a medium(and claimed to be clairvoyant). She was large but I used to say she was more like ‘well done’ as in her brain was cooked. On a sadder note, she committed suicide but she is probably happy amongst ‘her people’. BTW-I was not a fan of hers for reasons not ‘medium’ related.
Today must be my lucky day. I got a package in the mail today inside was a vacuum sealed bud and 12 seeds of Frutopia. First time I ever hot a sample of the bud for the seeds I got. I also got an Email saying I won the summer grow contest with my Sugar Haze I grew last summer. I won 5seeds each of 6 different strains my choice. I chose
Himalayan Blue Diesel
Bad ass BBs
Blue Haze
The Black
Blue Punai and
Black Alaska Purple

I think I will save the bud until I harvest the Frutopia so I can compare my grow. Its vacuum sealed so it should be ok Until then😁
Random thought of the night I don't need to be reminded of stuff I've said trust that..... And playing with guns is dangerous but hey I'm a little crazy like us all lol .25 accidentally went off into my hand 70 year old pistol but life goes on I'm alive like always a gun won't end me been reminded of that multiple times! There's something in this reality that has my name on it that I must accomplish before something can try to finish me lol✌️
Week ago lol
Random thought of the night I don't need to be reminded of stuff I've said trust that..... And playing with guns is dangerous but hey I'm a little crazy like us all lol .25 accidentally went off into my hand 70 year old pistol but life goes on I'm alive like always a gun won't end me been reminded of that multiple times! There's something in this reality that has my name on it that I must accomplish before something can try to finish me lol✌️
Week ago lol
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Talk to someone now who can help you before you walk in your brothers footsteps. There are suicide helplines all over the web, they will listen and provide good info on how to get some help.
Good Luck, and don't do anything stupid, my best friend (my brother) at 20yrs old blew his brains out, what a waste of a good life. So I know.
LoL I'm not going anywhere for quite awhile & the Russian roulette question wasn't a thought & not seriously considering doing it again! I had just found a song talking about it & the stuff with my brother skipping the roulette part smh & was curious to see if anyone else here had tempted faith before to feel that rush...... No worries I have lots more plants to grow I would have never said anything about it if I was gonna try my luck again but I'm not that young and foolish anymore 1 trip to the mental hospital was enough for me!
Today must be my lucky day. I got a package in the mail today inside was a vacuum sealed bud and 12 seeds of Frutopia. First time I ever hot a sample of the bud for the seeds I got. I also got an Email saying I won the summer grow contest with my Sugar Haze I grew last summer. I won 5seeds each of 6 different strains my choice. I chose
Himalayan Blue Diesel
Bad ass BBs
Blue Haze
The Black
Blue Punai and
Black Alaska Purple

I think I will save the bud until I harvest the Frutopia so I can compare my grow. Its vacuum sealed so it should be ok Until then😁
Well I got the seeds yesterday all but the Blue punai to got subbed to gorilla glue. Cant complain either they were all free. I can not wait for this summer. My line up is going to be epic
Just a preview the Lucifer’s Hammer is getting frostier by the day