Smokin Moms attempt

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I would lean towards female :). BUT it is kind of soon to see sex on her.
looking good sm... i cant wait till thwy bud up... keep em low if you can..because as the seasons change the stretch will ensue and you could have a 12 foot tall plant....lst right now can help you keep em low and under the radar....just my 2 cents.... they look good grl..keep it up
420check420 said:
those plants are smokin :p very nice work, they look excellent and happy.. how did the repair job go? did everything heal as planned?

Worked like a charm, thanks for asking. :)

Well last night we had another rain storm. But this one was very heavy. I was scared to see what it was doing to Thing 1. Once the rain quit I looked outside to see her almost laying on the ground. :holysheep: I found some soft ribbon and helped her back up, and tied her to the crape mertyl so she'd stay upright. Nothing appears broken and I think she'll be okay. I've got everything crossed. :D

ETA: Pics are of Thing 1 and Thing 2 respectively, taken just now.
I got a private message from a member suggesting I put down some fresh potting soil so I did. Is it just me or do my plants look greener?

I am unsure if these plants are growing at a normal rate. Thing 1 isn't growing much in height anymore but is still filling out. She is still about 4 1/2 feet tall. Some branches have been taller then that and I've pulled those into the crape mertyl bush.

Thing 2 is even slower. Still about 2 1/2 feet tall, still no sign of sex. I am wondering if a street light may be affecting that. :(

Anyhoo, here are the pics of Thing 1.
Hey smoking mom when plants are this close to budding they slow down growing taller and start putting on a lot more small leaves. They also streghten up there stems in preperation to hold up the buds. Your plants are greener and im almost sure plant 2 is a female also. Good job on the grow. Slim
Everything is looking great SmokinMom. If your other plant is having a hard time showing sex and you think it's because of the street light you can always toss a bag over it at night. ;) It would almost be like turning the lights on and off in your house. :hubba:
Fresh pics of the Things.

Pic #1 is Thing 1. She is about 5 1/2 feet tall. I am controlling her height by pulling her into the big bush.

Pics 2 and 3 are of Thing 2. Sex still unknown. It has grown a little lately and is about 3 feet tall.
5 1/2 feet tall. She's a big girl Mom. Gonna get a nice harvest off her for sure. :aok: Can you say FREE SMOKE! :hubba: Just think what your gonna save by not buying and i can almost bet your buds gonna be better than anything you buy. ;)
42 days ago was the day I planted the Things into the ground.

Here's what Thing 1 looked like that day in June.

What a difference in those few weeks, huh. ;)
Mom 5 ina half feet, Great job on that she might hit 6 ina falf maybe 7 feet when its done. AND TONS AND TONS OF BUD!!!!!!!! you wont need any for a while, and like TBG said it will be better then anything u buy. Cant wait for week 6 of flower when them buds get large. That will be a site to see
they look really good! im still waiting on the sex of my last big plant.... i really really really hope that its female :)