Spidermites on the buds!

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Sep 29, 2008
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I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Camouflage. i'm new to this site. But i have a seriuos problem with spidermites! i have one week left before i harvest and i see alot of spidermites on my buds. i spray them with Schultz insect spray, which is made for herb. what shall i do? should i harvest now and save what i have or just try some other method?
Maybe you should spay your baby it tell it is done with some veg. bug spray. Or you could jus throw it out.
Mr.Camouflage said:
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Camouflage. i'm new to this site. But i have a seriuos problem with spidermites! i have one week left before i harvest and i see alot of spidermites on my buds. i spray them with Schultz insect spray, which is made for herb. what shall i do? should i harvest now and save what i have or just try some other method?

Hello Mr C :)

You say you have 1 week left, I suggest you do this .... simply hoover them off, set the hoover to its lowest setting (you do not want to remove your buds ;))

If your hoover does not have a power setting, simply put your fingers over the hoover end and slightly open your fingers so the hoover is not sucking full force and the mites and webs will be sucked off the plants through the small gaps in your fingers :)

Twice a day, its only 1 week :aok:
HippyInEngland said:
Hello Mr C :)

You say you have 1 week left, I suggest you do this .... simply hoover them off, set the hoover to its lowest setting (you do not want to remove your buds ;))

If your hoover does not have a power setting, simply put your fingers over the hoover end and slightly open your fingers so the hoover is not sucking full force and the mites and webs will be sucked off the plants through the small gaps in your fingers :)

Twice a day, its only 1 week :aok:

no way in hell would i take a hoover to my ladies LOL i mean wat bout the trichs man.
how bound to the buds are trichomes anyway. i mean wats really the true breaking limit to say breaking them off. u hear of people speakin in ways that u must be ever so delicate with the buds or u lose trich's and theres others sayin just take the buds and tap em against somethin to knock off bugs an such an say it dont hurt.
wats ur take hippy?
I heard of a method that u can use if its in a pot. Fill up a big bucket of water. Submerge the plant upside doen in the water but dont let much of the soil get wet. what this does obviously is it drowns the bugs. I also heard that it makes your plant look like crap if you hold it under for more than 5 min. but they do recover. Hope this helps, its better than most alt.
Personaly, I think a kirby out performs a hoover.. :p
i definately wouldnt take a kirby to em. i agree, my grandmother had one them old like 50 pound kirby's and that thing was like a tank and it sucked!!
do they still make kirby's like the oldschool ones
well if it is still green&growing the trichs should still b gooey so prolly wont break that many of them. i wood rather loose some goo as smoke mites myself.
try out one them mini keyboard dust vacuums. i got one. and its portable too. i could take it out to the grow even if i had mites and wanted to go this route lol. and its suctioun is not that powerful. but would def. suck up a bug.
i'm a keep this in mind if i get mites. and
yeah man, spidermites suck!!! My whole indoor operation is infected with mites right now and i cant seem to kill them. Im using a neem oil spray and another mite spray and it doesnt even phase them. I have been spraying them for probably two months now and they just wont die. From what I hear I think its pretty much impossible to get rid of these things.
ya kow wat tho. in all reality i know i've smoked my share of mites in life considerin i only find than brick here. if there aint like a colony of them i'll do wat i can to get em off come after cuttin down. if couple die in the buds and i smoke a few eggs i really dont care lol. finally i'll have some good buds worth smellin even. just hope i dont sniff up a mite LOL its good stuff man, (wipes nose) LOL jus playin...
i got a whole lb once that was full of dry grasshoppers we picked out the big chunks an smoked the rest. didnt kill us an we learned to isolate the flavor of the grasshoppers and the weed ya could hear em pop in the bowl on occasion. i`m much older now an i just dont think i wood smoke that weed today. in fact i know i woodnt
wow if my weed was that fulll of that many bug parts to where i'd hear em barbecuing in the bowl as it burns i think i might pass.
iso oil would probably pick up bug juice then topo... eeeeewwwwwwwww ucky poo LOL the thought of bugs cracklin is makin me wanna almost gag. sorry wat'd it taste like smokin grasshopper?
ive smoked some mite bud too. Im not possative but I think they hang out on the bottom sides of the leaves and dont wander deep into the actuall bud. Someone correct me if im wrong but I think all of the eggs are layed on the leaves and they only eat the leaves. Im not saying there wont be any bugs on the buds but in my case right now they are only on the fan leaves and I havent seen any on the buds. So Im assuming that when i trim the buds most of the bugs will go with the trimmings. What do you all think?
smokin grass hoppers tastes kinda like burning hair ;) and i think a good stickey bud will repel mites an keep em on the leaves or at least stuck at the edge
maineharvest said:
I havent seen any on the buds.

they're partyin inside LOL no playin round. im curious too...
thief said:
smokin grass hoppers tastes kinda like burning hair ;) and i think a good stickey bud will repel mites an keep em on the leaves or at least stuck at the edge

oh man i definately couldnt do the burnin haiir thing at all. that smell makes me gag for real. lol
just make sure u incinerate the vaccuum bag outside or burn it lol.cuz wouldnt the still live inside aftre u sucked them up. that suck if ya had a bag less and emptied it in the trash in and they all went back LOL

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