Starting my first grow with Blue Kush

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Well for better or worse I transplanted them this evening. I think it was past time because they are had pretty extensive root balled on the bottom of the pots. Over all they are getting a little better. I think I was under watering them. I am trying to be more vigilant about my watering schedule. It is a littl tricky because I am away working a lot.

Put the planters in a shallow dish and try watering from the bottom -- U add water to that dish and let the plants suck up what it wants -- THG said add cal/mag to RO water-- this is important !- 3-5 mils of the concentrate per gallon and get some dam EM1 too --3-5 mils per gallon
Sounds good Keef, thanks. I may try that. What is EM1?

Never mind. I got it.
It's Magic !- I divide my grow experience into before EM1 and after EM1!-- I should make U look it up but it's a Japanese anaerobic extract that got magic in it !-- I don't understand how it works I just know it does !--
When U get closer to harvest let me know and I'll tell U what I got on hand in clones if U want ?-- I'm not that far away !-- Maybe save U some time ?--
I think it was yesterday ?- I got RE to post some pics of my grow on the OFC -- Check out my aerocloner-- I was growing in those boxes at the beach !- blooming 5-6 small plants in each box -- I can root 34 cuts at a time -(per box )--I believe I could spare a clone or 2 ?--
That sounds great Keef, thanks for the offer. I will let you know.

Right now I need to get these babies as healthy as possible. and also to decide what kind of training I want to try out with them. I am not really looking to build the yield to the max as possible. just a pretty good would be fine with me. Truth be told I am not a daily toker. I am more of a Saturday night type of person. I would never do any during the week when I have to work the next day. I don't know any friends I would trust telling about this and I am certainly not gonna sell it. So the question becomes how much do I really want to have possession of at any given moment?
U haven't realized it yet ?-- Smoking Weed is not addictive -- but Growing it is !--

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