Stupid People

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they seem to be evolving into bottom feeders.
Nope. Born that way. He treats me good. We grew up together, in a way. It's the things he does to people that aren't his friend thats...questionable. I can't knock him though. 7, 8 years ago i'd probably be with him. I just don't want to be involved in his lil' stings or anyones. Thats why I chill with me most of the time. I trust me.
Many many moons ago, I was having a drink at a local watering hole with my Bro-In-law, the sheriff, :cop: and I guess I smelled pretty much like a :bong1: cause this tourista sits down next to me and says something like
..that smells real good, got any to sell?...

I didnt even hear Him right, and I passed the peanuts :confused2: to wit He says, a little bit tooo loud

...I noticed the smell, do you have any for sale???

[My Bro-In-Law had heard the guy the 1st time, and was by now all ears] ;)

I told the guy that I didnt know what He was talking about and my Bro-In-Law about chokes on his drink :rolleyes: Then Bro-In-Law offers to help the guy out

...whatever He wants..

and I about choke on my drink. I could see what was about to happen and I was powerless to help either side, but I decide to go along for the entertainment value. Sure enuf, they proceed to make plans to meet in an hour back with the product/money. Bro-In-Law tells me to keep my mouth shut ;)

in the interim, Several of my buddies have arrived, I inform them of the events to come, they order a round of drinks. I'm still sitting on the same stool, sipping my single malt when in walks the tourista with another funny looking guy in a loud haiwaian shirt, He walks up to me and slaps me on the shoulder and winking like He knew something. I almost spit my drink out I was so amused, as He loudly buys a round of drinks for the bar.

Bro-In-Law too comes in a few minutes later with one of his deputies [in plain clothes at least] Tourista #1 greets the Sheriff like they were war buddies, reunited after 25 yrs, it was freakin hilarious. Anyway, they all proceed to go out into the parking lot to make their deal as everyone in the bar crowds against any available window to watch the fun.

The Sheriff opens his vehicle trunk to show the merchandise and the Tourista opens a gym bag with cash, all heck breaks loose while 10-15 deputies and 10-15 feds all start screamin, waving guns around and showing each other their badges :shocked:

I laughed so hard someone had to pick me up off the floor, my buddies were so amused they offered to buy all of em a drink. I think everyone ultimately had a really great time :rofl:
Puffin Afatty said:
Many many moons ago, I was having a drink at a local watering hole with my Bro-In-law, the sheriff, :cop: and I guess I smelled pretty much like a :bong1: cause this tourista sits down next to me and says something like
..that smells real good, got any to sell?...

I didnt even hear Him right, and I passed the peanuts :confused2: to wit He says, a little bit tooo loud

...I noticed the smell, do you have any for sale???

[My Bro-In-Law had heard the guy the 1st time, and was by now all ears] ;)

I told the guy that I didnt know what He was talking about and my Bro-In-Law about chokes on his drink :rolleyes: Then Bro-In-Law offers to help the guy out

...whatever He wants..

and I about choke on my drink. I could see what was about to happen and I was powerless to help either side, but I decide to go along for the entertainment value. Sure enuf, they proceed to make plans to meet in an hour back with the product/money. Bro-In-Law tells me to keep my mouth shut ;)

in the interim, Several of my buddies have arrived, I inform them of the events to come, they order a round of drinks. I'm still sitting on the same stool, sipping my single malt when in walks the tourista with another funny looking guy in a loud haiwaian shirt, He walks up to me and slaps me on the shoulder and winking like He knew something. I almost spit my drink out I was so amused, as He loudly buys a round of drinks for the bar.

Bro-In-Law too comes in a few minutes later with one of his deputies [in plain clothes at least] Tourista #1 greets the Sheriff like they were war buddies, reunited after 25 yrs, it was freakin hilarious. Anyway, they all proceed to go out into the parking lot to make their deal as everyone in the bar crowds against any available window to watch the fun.

The Sheriff opens his vehicle trunk to show the merchandise and the Tourista opens a gym bag with cash, all heck breaks loose while 10-15 deputies and 10-15 feds all start screamin, waving guns around and showing each other their badges :shocked:

I laughed so hard someone had to pick me up off the floor, my buddies were so amused they offered to buy all of em a drink. I think everyone ultimately had a really great time :rofl: did they get in a world of trouble?
BuddyLuv said: did they get in a world of trouble?

:D No one got into any trouble, we sat around laughing about it for a couple hours at the bar, but the fed [Tourista #1] did ask my Bro-In-Law why I smelled like high grade pot and My Bro-In-Law said matter of factly-like,'s cause He smokes it, but He isnt dumb enuf to have any on em NOW...I almost lost my drink again in sheer amusement :spit:
bud thats harsh man! I can't believe they had the cheek to get you involved...they really do need to be shot, and yea in the darn knees!
I had a friend do that to me a while ago too. Except while my plants are growing I have the need to buy. (I go through about an ounce every couple of days.) He calls me up and asks me if I want to buy some trees, I say you got a half? He says yeah, and that he would be to my place in a few minutes. He comes in, and gives me the bag, I ask him if he wants to sit down and smoke, he says he has someone in the car, and I am automatically suspicious. Who turns down free weed? I give him the money and he gives me a nice sized bag, and leaves. After he leaves, I open the bag up and about s***. He gave me a bag that at first glance looks like good weed, but turns out it's about 60% bare stems. I'm steamin, so I needsomethin to calm me down. I sit there by myself and smoke a blunt and two fat joints out of it and I am not high at all. You can imagine how PO'd I am. Dude had the nerve to come back to my house and try to sell me more. I tell him no thanks, and that I dont know anyone who wants to buy it. (In as nice a voice as I could muster.) and he leaves. I am steaming at the ears by this point, not that I got ripped off, but that Itrusted this guy. I went to high school with him. we've gotten each other jobs before. So I call one of my "Gangster" friends, and ask him if he wants to make a quick buck. Of course he's in. I call the friend that ripped me off up and tell him I have a reseller friend who wants 3 ounces, and that I would take him there. (He's cheap, didn't want to burn gas, works in my favor.) So he comes to my house and we drive across town to pick up my buddy. the guy that ripped me off hands him the bag and my friend doesn't immediately give him the money. The guys says "You got my money?" And my friend says not until I've tried it out. We send the guy into the store to buy a blunt, I can just imagine the look on his face when he came back out and realized we weren't there. (I'm guessing he didn't think I would have what it takes to get payback, since I've always been a good friend.) So I go home with my friend in tow, and we smoke a joint of the free weed, and I was stoned proper. (I'm assuming he didn't want to be on a drug dealers' bad side.) He shows up to get his car that day and starts bangin on the door, like I was deaf or something. I run to my room and the dealer asks why I'm hiding. I don't say anything, but walk out of the room holding my (Legal.) .38, and open the door and the dude tells me he wants his money,and I wiggle the arm with the gun in it and tell him I don't know what the **** he is talking about. and my buddy gets up and I tell him if he's smart he'll get off my property right now. (In my state, I can legally defend myself without having to try and run first.) ?He says, in that voice I hate so much, "N***a **** you!" and turns around and leaves. I don't expect he'll come back because he may know where I live, but I know where he lives, his parents live, and where his grandma lives.

Moral of the story, if you're going to rip off a friend, you better dissappear after you do it.

Sorry about the book ya'll, I tend to ramble. :(
man i've been there, had a plant stolen from my kid once....he was young, about 19 or so, and decided to try a plant, well the dang thing wasnt but about 3 feet tall, and some stupid kid from the neighborhood took it. my kid was bragging i guess and he was so heartbroken....i learned from that and never told anyone about my dear "margaret"...i was getting nervous about some shady neighbors so i dug her up and well now she's in the house and safe from prying eyes until she's dry enough to smoke..i can NOT stand a f**king thief, especially one disguised as a friend...
people like that need to be shot..............

Yo Ho if your going to shoot, don't use a firearm, instead put a pellet in their butt, LOL if you got caught it really wouldn't be that big of a deal. But I do understand how it makes you feel. I think BBP made a great decision here and the idea of a bad Karma smoke is right on. I wouldn't smoke with that kinda people no matter what, stuff just wouldn't be any good ya know. What a trip !!!

smoke in peace
Nope. Born that way. He treats me good. We grew up together, in a way. It's the things he does to people that aren't his friend thats...questionable. I can't knock him though. 7, 8 years ago i'd probably be with him. I just don't want to be involved in his lil' stings or anyones.

I hear ya.
I still hang with all my buds from highschool, and I'm certain I always will.. but I'm not out getting mindlessly tanked/baked every night, even though they'd want me to.

I remember.. a teacher once asked me,
"What does the factory owner say to the factory worker, at the Christmas ball?"... "How's your wife?"..
"What does the factory worker say to the factory owner, at the Christmas ball?"..."How about that raise?"..

The point he was trying to make, was that over time, the idiots tend to naturally separate from the intelligent.. and after a while, they only have so many ways they can interact with each other.

I think that's why I find myself only doing drugs and playing video games with certain friends.. it's all they're really comfortable with.

Basically the teacher was argueing that I wouldn't stay friends with my friends who dropped out in highschool. At the time I thought he was a jerk for saying that.. but lately I'm noticing myself drifting away those branches.

It's a real sad realization to come to, because I love all my brothers/sisters, and I don't want to ever abandon anyone.

Thats why I chill with me most of the time. I trust me.
Definitely the safest way to live.. but it sure gets lonely..

KingKahuuna said:
Yo Ho if your going to shoot, don't use a firearm, instead put a pellet in their butt, LOL if you got caught it really wouldn't be that big of a deal. But I do understand how it makes you feel. I think BBP made a great decision here and the idea of a bad Karma smoke is right on. I wouldn't smoke with that kinda people no matter what, stuff just wouldn't be any good ya know. What a trip !!!

smoke in peace

Your right KingKahuuna. It's hard not to get angry with people like that but I guess if we do get angry and retaliate we are only stooping to their level. I would have to pump that bb gun up 20 times and use a pointed hunting pellet ;)
I hear ya... I thought I had a lot of great friends where I used to live last year and then a few of them stabbed me in the back and the rest followed along with them like effin sheep! Sometimes I get lonely, but then maybe thats the depression kicking in... I prefer it this way, just me and the people closest to me. People I know are there for me and me for them :)
people..... I did has couples of guns when I was just a underage!!.. .45 colt, .22 cal semi-auto, saw-off 12.gauge. all those is to protect myself... I knew i had weeds with me these time, I feel between guns and weed really don't mix, AND
I know sometime guns is usefully to stupid people. but really cost them a life or cost our life its very skeptical of fine lines around the people... I would just advise just to talk these people to leave that **** alone...if they want some they grow their own business!! insult a man to be real man and grow their friggin own bearing seeds to work with...

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