Tess - First grow Feminized seeds 2 X White widow 2 X Northern Lights X Skunk

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Hi all well The Little seeds germinated like little gem's and i planted them this morning so this is officially Day 1 of the grow .....Got some pics here of the room I have 1 seed in each pot Temperature is around 78f and i used Miracle grow n mix of perlite.....This is my 1st grow and i am a little nervous, The soil is a little dry in places but dont want to over water straight away i put around 2 cups of water in each when i planted and a 1/4 of a cup earlier as i was worried it was too dry.....How much should i water???

Any way Day 1 hope something pop's up soon I'll be keeping you all posted and relying on your advice lol

Thanks Tess :p XexcitedX


room 2.jpg

room 3.jpg
Nice set-up tess. What kinda light do u have on them? I personally put just enough water to get them nice and wet when i first put them under soil. Then I wait 2 or 3 days. I heard this will allow your taproot to grow and kinda branch out more cuz it's looking for water. Then I gave them 2 oz. of distilled water every other day for 2 or 3 weeks before I start introducing nutrients.
I'm Just usin some Led's + Sum Energy savers waiting for them to pop out n im gonna get some Cfl's on them 2 x 150w Envirolites :)
goodluck tess ,,,,,
becarefull with watering to often especially in miracle grow as it releases nuttrients every time its watered ,,
if possible try and change your soil ,,,
also stick a link in your signature so every time you post somewhere other people can see where your journal is :peace:
Thanks mel,

Ima gonna try doin the link now tar girl
Just checking the signature works fingers crossed :D
Hi all ! Day 2 lol I promise i wont keep you day 2 day up to date ha ha.
My Lights have been changed im on 2 x 125w Envirolites there giving out about 12000 lumens each.

No sprouting yet but i did plant them around an inch and 1/2 each deep (dont know wether that was too deep?

I appriciate any tips or advice im new at all this and your feedback is appriciated Thanks :eek::p:eek:
glad you got your lights and you all ready now know how far to put them beans 5mm :p
looking forward to seeing these babies sprout :48:
Can't wait to see how your grow journal plays out! I just started as well, so I'll try to help as much as possible. :D

Where did you get your lights from? Online?
Hi yes me being dumb just had to dig out the seed's a little and put them further up hope i aint caused them any stress so early on just didnt want them suffocating lol they have shot up like anything so i'm hoping by the next few day's that they will come out to say hellloooo lol

I brought the lights from my local Hydroponics/ Growing store around £20 each Bargainnnn Lol
WOW. Just 20pounds for a 125watt...that is a bargain. How about you buy me some and ship it over to me. I'll pay you 5pounds each and it'll still be a bargain for ME. LOL ;)
Lol Are they exspensive where u are then? They are pukka the ammount of light they give of is unbelevable propper cheap bargain my husband even made the reflector himself from scratch " Propper Low Budget Set Up" :)
hi tess, i too am on my first grow and i'm using MG as well....you should flush well before planting seeds in MG and only water the soil every 5-7 days with heavy foliar misting in between(every 1-2 days)...if your big CFL's are mounted horizotally, and if you have a constant slight breeze then your light should be no farther than 4", no closer than 2"...MG soil can burn the hell out of MJ so be carefull about watering...;)
Thanks puff I do have them in quite big pots already, Mainly b'cos im a new grower and im not quite confident enough to transplant i will do this however on my next grow. I am going to move my lights closer they are around just under a meter away so definatly getting them closer.

Do i need to worry about feeding or ferting yet ?

I have been watching your grow puff Great stuff an insperation :-d
You don't need to worry about feeding/nutes for the first 3-4 weeks. I asked the same question in my grow journal and I think most people agree for the first couple weeks your little seedling don't need nutes...especially if you have them in the MG soil. Hope that helps. :D
Hi, Maybe not Nutes but something like superthrive "SUPERthrive is a liquid concentrated growth enhancer product for plants, which has been around since 1940. It contains 50 vitamins and hormones." Im pretty sure you can use from seedling ;) Those pots look a bit big there get lost ;)

If you do transplant as they are seedlings there is norm one main Tap root so I norm dig around carefully then prepare other pot with a hole in soil and just move over carefully and repot ;)

Looks Great My first I had no idea ;)

if you are using MG 3 month feed then dont give em' ANYTHING but water for the first month...THEN you can give em' certain foliar feeds(look up GH floralicious grow)..nothing with N-P-K values though. i you flush before planting then i would start nutes for bloom around 2 months(dilute)and trhree months in you can prolly go full swing with whatever bloom nutes you choose :D
tess said:
Just checking the signature works fingers crossed :D

nice Job tess..not just on the grow...Now when you post.. It will help draw people to your grow..Good luck and KEEP M GREEN:D

take care and be safe
Update!!!! They have sprouted Little green leaves in 3 of the pots whooopeee well excited i'll keep you all posted and thanks for the advice