The Dr's Office

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Heya Dr,

First off, OMG those pics are amazing!!!!!!!!

Second, looks like maybe we both have the same bug.. first the 3yr old got it, then the wife, then me, then the baby! =/ Didn't have quite the high fever, but still, it sucked. Were just getting over it.. baby is sleeping.. like a baby. :)

Great looking grow room man..
:) Thanks very much Next. Glad you're all over it. I'm waking up feeling a bit worse than yesterday, but I'm thinking it's just the "morning thing" .... I dunno.
Good morning Doc, hope the bug you got, bugs out. Today is feel better day.
Good morning Doc, hope the bug you got, bugs out. Today is feel better day.

Trying to feel better... it's rough. Not quite there. Not even enough to go run errands... blah

Thanks for stopping in and caring Yooper :aok: :)
Best of luck to you, get lots a rest if you can
Yea Doc....Here is some healing mojo. Hope you get to feeling well soon.
Best of luck to you, get lots a rest if you can

Take 2 of these

And come back in the morning

Yea Doc....Here is some healing mojo. Hope you get to feeling well soon.

I appreciate it everyone! Feeling quite rough still :(

Hope you're all well. Things to take note of in my room.. I'm 100% satisfied with everything, but I'm curious how the density is going to pack on.
hey Doc I hope you're feeling better now from whatever it was that made you feel bad... what was it i couldn't track it in this thread i must have missed somethin, but best wishes anyway :)
Hope your feeling well doc! I just dropped by to say I just put in a new order at the tude! getting some Barneys farm critical kush, Barneys farm blue cheese, delicious seeds sugar black rose (you spoke highly of it!), freebies are Dutch passion Mazar auto, grow your own Florida gold, and kalishnikov kubanskiy ubiyza. Gonna run some new strains!
hey Doc I hope you're feeling better now from whatever it was that made you feel bad... what was it i couldn't track it in this thread i must have missed somethin, but best wishes anyway :)

Well it started as a fever and a massive cold, but now it's just carrying on... the only thing done, is the fever. This sucks :( Thanks for caring Zem :aok:

Hope your feeling well doc! I just dropped by to say I just put in a new order at the tude! getting some Barneys farm critical kush, Barneys farm blue cheese, delicious seeds sugar black rose (you spoke highly of it!), freebies are Dutch passion Mazar auto, grow your own Florida gold, and kalishnikov kubanskiy ubiyza. Gonna run some new strains!

Nice, heard great things about Critical Kush, and Blue Cheese seems great.. I did really enjoy my SBR, so hope you get a good pheno! All chance with seeds as you know :) Sounds like you have a heck of a run up, hope it goes well for you! :D
Dr's aint supposed to be sick. Lol
Hopes ya get to fellen better BRO.
Brix BF Crit Kush is da bomb, I like it almost as much as their 8 ball kush. Good luck on the grow, hope you get the more indica leaning pheno, she bushes up and stacks nice for you.

Doc ...Darn it, didn't I tell you what to do, I learned hydro from you, now take my advice on how to kick a colds arse need for you to suffer bud.....all kidding aside I hope you get to feeling better soon.
I have a real problem taking most man made medicine. I do not like to go to the doctors.. nor the dentist.

I'm "one of those" guys. :)

Thanks WH and Kraven. Feelin' the love :cool2:
know what worked form me last time i was sick was the alkaseltzer cold and flu teas like 10 bucks and vitamin c water packets :)
So an update... this is just some thoughts floating around my head.

I'm 33 days into flowering, 100% LED's. They blew me away right up till the last 3 days or so. From week 5 - 8 I should get most of my "crazy stacking" and the buds should be building in a certain fashion. Well, I believe I'm noticing the buds build differently with my LED's than with my HPS. I'm not sure if it's just all in my mind yet, so I'm trying to withhold a full thought, but, I may as well get this down and out. Express my thoughts instead of holding :rofl:

Everything is the absolute frostiest I've ever seen, hands down. It's greenest I've seen.. healthiest.. all that isn't even of concern. Just one of my two main concerns is already poking its head in; Density. After density, the important thing is yield. I won't know that for a long time now, but it's 1 of the 2 very important things on my very long checklist of HPS vs LED.

I just hope that more callex develop over the next 3 weeks.
It's not trying to fox tail on you doc is it? I did see in a thread awhile back that certain strains are very prone to that, but density was fine, just made the buds a lil wonky looking
No, no fox tailing.. yet.

The bud sites are proper, just seems they could "fill out" more. More callex! :D

But hey, I'm just over week 5.. so I really need to reserve my thoughts! hah

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