The Female Growers Group

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hair stories, dad would take me to a barber in our hometown whose nickname was 'BREEZY'.....he just cut off all your hair with his electric clippers...but what was totally cool, being a 12 year old kid, was that he shaved your neck and around your ears....but you still looked like a redneck idiot when you left the barber shop....
painterdude said:
....but you still looked like a Redneck Idiot when you left the barber shop....

Hey! I resemble that remark! :p
They called that look a "buzz" cut when my brother did it .... the football guys liked it for late summer practice. Brother and I always did have communication issues - this is what I call a buzz :48: .
OldHippieChick said:
Good morning Ladies and some gents.
Mojavemom - at the time I was much more impressed with the go-go watch. Man you have a lot of "Purple" in your bunch. I was just looking into those last night. Enjoy the sunshine. We've been in the mid 70s but we are supposed to hit 80 on Sat so I'll be mowing that suburban lawn. My Maple tree is a bright red this week so it'll be bald in three more weeks. He goes out with a bang of color.

2Dog - your haircut story made me remember my "first shave". My brother decided to shave me when I was about 2 yrs old.... eyebrows and all - hmmmm.

Well ladies I've got four out of five tap roots showing and it's only been 10 hrs under the paper towels. I can actually see them with the naked eye. I did the two plates and a heating pad. I'm sure it's just a matter of time on #5. Also, when I opened the door to my office this morning.... I smelled my white widow from the door. I feel like a Pot Grower this morning !

very exciting on the beans! I bet your parents freaked when they saw that he had used a razor on their baby!
:ciao: Ladies....Hope you are all as HIGH as me..:lama:

UKgirl:heart: just 4u sweety:48:
:ciao:Ozzy will not be greedy like 4u he give :heart::heart::heart::heart: to all the FGG
Hello Ladies Happy Smokeing from Seattle:bong:
be careful ladies..ozzy is just a gigalo :p

here Brother :48:
Hmmmm.....can anyone tell me if nutes should be replaced each season?
I'm wondering if my last season's nutes have gotten concentrated in time.

Has anyone ever had no problem one season, and the next, found even 1/4 strength burns the plants?

TIA for any enlightenment....
I don't know - sorry - but wouldn't it make sense that a little evaporation of additives like water would occur over time? That might mean more concentration and stronger nutes than last season.
Mojavemama are you using liquid nutes? Have you been shaking them up real good each time you use them? Are they organic ?

Ukgirl :48::heart: that's for giving away my secret 4u :p
mojavemama said:
Hmmmm.....can anyone tell me if nutes should be replaced each season?
I'm wondering if my last season's nutes have gotten concentrated in time.

Has anyone ever had no problem one season, and the next, found even 1/4 strength burns the plants?

TIA for any enlightenment....

is it a different strain u r growing because they all require different that could be it? and are the nutes stored in a cool dark area?
I love those gigilo movies with rob schneider...

ozzy Bigalow male gigilo
too funny 2dog.....Ozzy Bigalow....

I think FGG loves you too Ozzy!
It's true, TC. FGG does love Ozzy!

Thanks OHC, Ozzy and 2Dog. Yes, these are organic nutes, and yes, I shake them well each time I use them. No, I don't store them in a cool dark area, but they are in an opaque container, and it's never over 72 degrees in the house. Do you think it would help to keep the nutes in the fridge?

OHC, I had to come to the same conclusion about evaporation. Maybe I didn't tighten the cap enough when I put them up after last season's veg. I know most liquids end up evaporating here in this horribly dry climate. So that's why I now suspect I have been over-nuting them.

Ozzy, they are new strains to me, but still, I shouldn't see so much burning and crispness regardless of strain. I started them all out at half strength, then down to 1/4 and now at 1/8th. Still getting burn and crispy leaves. Last year had 4 different strains, and really had no problems with nute burn.

The other thing that makes me suspect it's a nute-evaporation problem is that the plants in the micro grows--the candy grow, cookie grow--are not showing same symptoms. And I used about 1/16th strength with them, because they are so small and have no drainage. They are doing fine.

This grow is making me sad. I'm not doing a good job with them at all, and they are all proven beans. It's all me. Not sure whether I should just jettison most of them right now, and start over or try to see them through.

I appreciate all your thoughts and suggestions!

Color me frustrated.
mojave....its all in learning girl...dont give up. I like wht OHC said about the evaporation of waters....and makeing the nutes a bit stronger...I use mine so fast I dont have that issue..stick with it girl...But may want to back your plant and strain count down a bit for as to handle them more easily...I know its exciteing to grow a bunch at a time..but IMO...causes more stress to the gower..and if ya a new one...even harder on ya....just emember we are all here for you..we want ya succeed:aok:

Flush with ph'ed water and use plain water for a week. See if they straighten up. Then start back on WEAK nutes like you are feeding the Monster grow.
Thanks 4U for the pep talk! I needed that, truly. And I plan to do autos next time, so I can hopefully do a continuous grow and not be hampered by the 12 hour darkness thing. And yes, I'm only ordering one strain, so will follow your advice. I will use the other beans for micro grows--they seem to be liking those a lot!

Ozzie, great advice. I'll flush them tomorrow and use only water for a week. I am careful to always test my RO water, because the machines fluxuate so much. And yes, I'll take your advice and go even weaker nutes. But I'm going to throw out this bottle and start with some fresh nutes from the Hydro store.

THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!! Besides the great advice, I really appreciate how everyone here takes time to boost each other's spirits.
Well I'm small time so I'm sure I'll have leftovers I want to use next time around as well.... You are saving me another hard lesson by coming here and sharing. Maybe we should bag them up in clear freezer bags as well. Wondering out loud if they would be best stored in the fridge or if that is toooo cool? But I'd still use the freezer bags because my fridge seems to suck up moisture - I guess it's a byproduct of no longer having to defrost like in the old days.....
I put my KLN in the fridge, it is for the cloner, says it can be stored down 45f. It worked fine when I took it out to use it this year. I only run one batch of clones and the stuff comes in a quart container. It is pricey, so it takes up the courner of a shelf in the fridge.

Autos sound great for you Mojave. And 4u once again...steller advise and you too Ozzy! Thank you both for stopping in here and looking.
Just like ozzy...4u2 Loves the FGG:heart: just one Shines Higher then rest in my eyes..

:ciao: ukgirl/melissa...:heart::heart:

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