The overwhelmed oldfogey multistrain clone grow debacle

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Very grouchy and ornery today…
May 12, 2014
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So stinky and I did a clone swap yesterday. In exchange for some Mimosa clones and a Mendo Cookie clone, I received a BOG Sweet Cindi, DNA Genetics Golden Lemons, Soma Lavender, Greenhouse Seeds Church, umbras Triple Grape and a male umbras Triple Lemon(Thx @umbra). I can only imagine this will be a huge debacle but hope will be a great learning experience of how to manage 8 strains. The 2 big ‘uns are a Mimosa and a Mendo Cookie I hope to foist off on my son in the fogey satellite grow facility after he chops his current plants. I need to grab a few cuts off the Mendo before that happens. I anticipate my tent being available the first week of April after the Mimosa mother is done flowering. In the mean time, I need to get my 4 bulb t5 back from my kid so I can commence a veggin’ this brood...

The gang
lol. my protection scheme(from my stupid cats)/grow space is literally a box from a new toilet i put in recently. i am thinking about building a small veg area with some 2x4’s and dry wall I have left over from some project i never finished and forgot about. just gotta find the motivation and energy...
So the cats will be distracted by the box and leave the plants alone. IF I FITS, I SITS!!!!!
This is going to be fun.
Also, the plants you gave me are gorgeous - so healthy! You are doing good work out there in not-boston yet not-berkshires... way to rep the largely ignored part of the state lol
Men do cookies tastes like you're eating a really good pastry like a Danish or something, but in that weird hallway coming out of the Downtown Crossing T station where the entrance to filenes basement used to be. Diesel exhaust, in a friendly kinda way.
Mimosas smells like freaking booze lol I've never encountered this terp profile before. Smell of champagne, flavor of hashish.
Happy Friday dude, I'm feeling lovely thanks to the um... test specimens ; )
Kelly Squa-ah is something I drive out of towners thru for fun. Throwback to ox cart trails I would guess. It looks worse than it is. Probably fewer accidents there than typical intersections because you know to have your head on a swivel and your foot ready to floor it or slam on the brakes in a split second...
Men do cookies tastes like you're eating a really good pastry like a Danish or something, but in that weird hallway coming out of the Downtown Crossing T station where the entrance to filenes basement used to be. Diesel exhaust, in a friendly kinda way.
Mimosas smells like freaking booze lol I've never encountered this terp profile before. Smell of champagne, flavor of hashish.
Happy Friday dude, I'm feeling lovely thanks to the um... test specimens ; )
I am jellin’ over the flavor of the church flower we tried last night. I think I must not dry and cure properly. I get the aromas from my flowers but the taste does not carry through.
That crop was run down to overnight lows in the low 50s on bad days, and therefore I fed it lightly and generally watered on the dry side so as not to get in all that wet cold soil mess. It could have yielded much more but on the up side, what came out was pretty agreeable and the plants all finished alive n kickin. I appreciate breeding lines that have the potential to produce plants that can take the abuse of our local -10 to +105 degree annual temperature swings and not croak lol. That's why that local Lavender cut is nicknamed "honey badger". And yeah it always looks kinda spidery and like it has been living on Cheetos and diet coke.
Oh and the church always looks underfed but it will still yield serious stinky spicy treats, if not weight. That one kills me. Its perpetually ugly and begs for micros. I treat it like a cat trying to climb into the dishwasher.... when it looks guilty, a couple hits from a super soaker of GHMicro sometimes helps. : ]
Thx. I don’t really care about yield as much as I do flavor and how the buzz is. The church is definitely going to be a candidate for a long term keeper based on the flavor and buzz. Mrs Fogey and I found it to be kinda like a cup of coffee as we speed folded laundry at 10 at night. lol...
Still learning how often to water with a 5 gallon felt pot(even though @St_Nick recommended a 10 gallon pot-I was concerned of up potting to much). Opened the tent last night to some semi-droopy fan leaves. Oops... Gave her a feeding of bloom nutes. There is some stretch but not that bad. The internodal spacing is looking good so I hope to get some nice long(for me) buds.

Of, I recently bought one of these and though I continue to look for signs and keep track of feeding, this kinda helps me judge that maybe they don’t need as much water as I might like to give them...and you can see what’s happening at different levels in the substitute for experience but another tool to help... so far I’ve only used the moisture part of the meter...I think there is another model that only does moisture...
2RE, I have one of those but it didn't cost that much. I use the ph parts to check my soil and the moisture meter to gauge how much they are drinking
Of, I recently bought one of these and though I continue to look for signs and keep track of feeding, this kinda helps me judge that maybe they don’t need as much water as I might like to give them...and you can see what’s happening at different levels in the substitute for experience but another tool to help... so far I’ve only used the moisture part of the meter...I think there is another model that only does moisture...
Thx 2re. I had one of those at some point. I don’t think mine was working right or maybe I just didn’t trust it. One of the problems is the scrog makes it so I can’t pick up the pot to judge how heavy it is. Another is my son has friends over some times and their arrival seems to coincide with the lights coming on(8 pm) and the hangout area is adjacent to my growroom. Yet another is my increasing memory loss of late. I frequently can’t remember when I did something even if it was the same day(and no, I don’t blaze up all day, I actually don’t even smoke that devils lettuce stuff that often anymore). I need to put reminders in my phone I guess. I was watering the 3 gallon felt pots approx. every 36 hours. I think the 5 gallon is more like 48 hours but may be less as the plants looks to be happier and shooting up more growth now(since I traumatized it). I may get one though to see what the soil ph is though I think my probable ph issue has resolved. Would have been nice to have readings when the plant was looking unhappy...
Use those pH indicator drops I gave ya- grab a shot glass of runoff water from under a pot, add some drops, and look for a fresh spring green with a SLIGHT hint of gold. Too yellow or orange, needs to come up. True or bluish green, needs to come down. The most important check for pH inside your pots is the water coming out of them.
If you test your water going in and it is higher pH than the runoff, you've got acidic soil souring and need to adjust your fert solution higher to correct that until the runoff goes back in range.
Thx. I will do that. I actually found the ph up and down I had in my ‘never gonna use this again but can’t bring myself to throw it away bin’ along with some snow storm ultra, purple maxx, cha-ching, and some other stuff. In hind sight, I have been adding some wood ash mixed in water to my feedings ‘recently’(see my previous post for info on my memory) which if I am not mistaken is going to be a higher ph which would maybe help to bring sour soil back into a better range. I started using ash as a potassium boost for lilacs in my yard that hadn’t bloomed in years and it worked so I figured I would see if my cannabis plants would like it and they seem to. Since I don’t measure stuff like I should I am just WAG-ing it as to how much to add. Oh but back to my original thought, I started using the ash again when I was reading about brix levels and healthy plants(Harley Smith I think). He wrote that a higher potassium to nitrate ratio would raise the brix level in the plants which according to him would make the plants more resistant to pests and disease. I never got around to ordering a brix meter. Half-assing it again...

BTW @stinkyattic , the Lavender clone was yellowing up a bit but I fed the whole brood and she is getting greener now. Is she a heavy feeder? The other clones look happy in their new home(thank you) and @umbra ’s Triple Grape(thank you both) is one seriously beefy looking plant.
For pest resistance, you want some silica. Thats the best return on investment for strengthening tissues.
If you're not testing runoff pH, I wouldn't use anything that could affect those numbers until you have numbers to go from.
Both lavender and church always seem to want more of SOMETHING! Whatever they respond well to, run with it lol.
Purple maxx and snowstorm are both awesome... that being said, follow the directions for foliar, not drench, use. You can seriously mess up plants using it as directed in your water. Source: have done it myself despite previous warnings lol
Starting purple maxx spritzes weekly as soon as they go into bloom and continuing til about week 4-5 then switching to snow storm for the remainder seems to be the sweet spot for my environmental conditions. Also, putting a little molasses or Sweet in your ferts as resin production fuel is helpful. I prefer Sweet. Pretty sure it contains other ingredients to improve uptake efficiency.
You got the UTG#8 pheno which looks like she is going to be a porker of a plant. I'm about a month from being able to tell you what the final bud set was like, but the foundation for great cola development is there.

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