
  • Thread starter PeaceLove&FreeBudz
  • Start date
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Ok so i have a 13 day old. and i planted it in a platic cup. the standard red ones everyones come to know. and when i first put the soil in it i ran water thru it and let it drain and i cut a big circle out of the bottom and the soil stayed. I then put the cup with the soil on top of another smller cup so the bottom can drain. i planted my germinated seed and watered once or twice. But ive noticed when i lifted the cup out of the smaller cup i can see some roots coming thru already.

so im wanting to know about transplanting.
can i just stick the cup itsself in the ground and the roots will grow thro the big hole.

its like a 4 inch hole.
or should i transplant the whole thing out of the cup and into soil.
and whats the best way if so.

You want to get rid of the cup. Let the soil dry out a little bit, then putting the stem between your ring and middle finger, turn the cup upside down and give it a little tap to dump it into the palm of your hand. Put the rootball into your new pot with a pre-dug hole the size of the cup to accomodate the rootball. Then water it and give it a few days to recover from the shock. It should take off with renewed vengance :)
get 8 inch pot... clean it.. put some little rocks in where holes is at.. then add some little dirts.. then hold your hand on that cup keep your fingers between the baby stem and turn upside ... wizzle the cup to remove the cup

you will see roots holding the soils.. its possible dirts can cluster down.. so no time.. now easy and gentle hold the whole thing carry it to the new 8 inch pot you preapred.. then add more dirts filling it up... ya all good to go!
When i give it a tap. should i do it in a less lighted area to lighten the shock on the roots.

and will i lose alot of soil from around the roots, to where there will be alot of air between them and the new soil?
If it's ready to be transplanted, the roots should hold the soil pretty well and letting it dry out before attempting this typically makes the soil hold it's shape better than wet soil. I wouldn't worry about the tapping, tap the bottom of the cup strong enough to allow the soil to slide. You probaby won't even need to tap, it might just come right out. I think you mentioned you had the bottom cut out, so if that is the case, just massage around the side of the cup to loosen any soil clinging to the cup and turn it upside down.
also how long dose it usually take for it to go thru its shock cycle.
I just did it and put it in new soil.
the new soil isnt like super dry so im not sure if i should water it just yet or let it go for like 24 hours then see from there.
use water sprayer to give little watering to the plant and new soils, from there... you are all set.... congrats!!
PeaceLove&FreeBudz said:
I just did it and put it in new soil.
the new soil isnt like super dry so im not sure if i should water it just yet or let it go for like 24 hours then see from there.

Water it in "well"...eliminating any voids in the medium/soil. Then allow it to dry out thouroughly before the next watering.

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