Update 7/25/07 outdoor grow

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so what about the folliar feeding it at the crack will that help?
I wouldn't but I don't know what the effects could be.
we should start another thread like the 16oz. cup grows, will call it the "the Limb trainer grows"
I would but i'm winding my grows down...I gotta move:(.
bombbudpuffa said:
I wouldn't but I don't know what the effects could be.I would but i'm winding my grows down...I gotta move:(.

thats horrible, sorry to hear that. hopefully the moves for the better. yea im not to sure what exactly folliar feeding will do for it. but i know it helps with humidity and co2 intake with in the plants leaves. as far as stem growth or healing. not sure, but i did it any way. so will see
:D well heres the updated pics on my ladies,:D i'll put the other one up in the sick plants section too, so that way everyone else will be able to see what this so called problem is i had with my lil baby. the pics go in order from left to right in correspondence with the location in the GH. the first one is the one all the way to the left that i busted the branch on.

Enjoy, all questions, comments and advice is appreciated. also does anyone else think that last really short one is an indica too. cuz i do.

Fire it up








K town them ladies are looking good turning out real nice keep up the good work :D :D :D :D
mint is also outstanding, I keep basil and mint growing in the ebb n flow I have. I haven't had any problems, and it's nice to go in and pick off a leaf of mint for a treat while you're treating your girls.

good luck to you, and your babies.
yea, the only thing i really MUST do is go buy some bushmaster 3.0 cuz i can't top them any more, and pinching isn't gonna controll the height enough. although keeping them in 3gal pots is helping quite a bit. theres no way to keep them short enough without tying them down, and hit'n them with a touch of the bushmaster. and there all girls too. thats the best part.

so does anyone else think the bottom left pic is an indica?
so i just cracked the other branch on the far left one, this time on purpose, yes i did crack it at the base where it comes from the stalk, this break/crack is 1/10th as bad as the other one i did accidentally so hopefully this will help with height control cuz it seems to be working great on the other branches. steady pinching the stems every chance i get. gonna go through tonight and pull out the extremely acurate ph tester to see exactly what the ph is. along with very specific N,K,and P levels.

till next time

Fire it up

aside from breaking a branch completely off one of the two in the ground, everything is fantastic. they are looking beautiful. and here u guys enjoy. i know there only young girls right now. but im gonna toss one of the close ups in the BPOTM.

:D Enjoy:D






so does anyone know of a way to make that branch root, seeing as how its in flowering and is currently sitting in a vase with rocks and water. its not dying. but it hasn't sprouted roots yet either and i used cloning gel. i was wondering if a bubbler cloner would be the only way to make that happen unless one of u veterans has a different guarrented method of making flowering clones rooting if there still outside. other than that. is there any reason that there would be a complete lack of N in my soil? the water run of tested around 5.5-6.0 and the soil tested more around the 6-7 but when i did the precise tests of N,P,K i found that there was a small amount of ............damnit im baked either P or K and alot of one of those. and almost no N.

any thoughts, advice or help would be appreciated. theres technically nothing wrong with my plants but i was wondering if that was normal. never bothered to test the numbers if the plants were doing good. but theres a first for everything.

guarrented method of making flowering clones rooting if there still outside.
.."Outdoors"?..I doubt it will happen. I'm not sure the shortend light hours will allow for/promote rooting. "Best"' case scenario would be under flourescnts, indoors, IMHO 24/0.
ktownlegend said:
aside from breaking a branch completely off one of the two in the ground, everything is fantastic. they are looking beautiful. and here u guys enjoy. i know there only young girls right now. but im gonna toss one of the close ups in the BPOTM.

:D Enjoy:D


BPOTM.. i dunno, bro.

girls gotta reach puberty to be BPOTM,
the ladies up for nomination for BPOTM are ladies in full bloom.

your plants look great.

as far as keeping your plants small, good luck.
ive pinched, bent over the main cola 180degrees, tied.
but these plants are so resilient.. they just perk and grow
right back.

only real way is probably topping, and snipping.
i've heard bushmaster 3.0 works great no matter what stage, u just can't over do it or it could be fatal. but what about the rooting a broken branch in flowering outside? or the stuff i put up in my last post any thoughts on that?
k, im runnin out of space in my GH fast, who all has used Bush Master 3.0 before? i need to know specifics as to how much more vertical growth grew after applying it for both a sativa and an indica.


clever_intuition said:
Go up to your first pictures posted. The one to the far left. look up in the right hand corner, the middle leaf it has a very sightable bug on it.

I think that is just a hole, the color is from the soil below it, there is a patch of light on the ground.
THCPezDispenser said:
I think that is just a hole, the color is from the soil below it, there is a patch of light on the ground.

thanks for that, but FYI look at the date of that post. this is a journal that problem was takin care of a long time ago.lol thanks for stopping by though.

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