Welcome to the FREAKSHOW! Round 2 with pics White Rhino, NL, Skunk#1, and Ice.

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nice setup bonez. i definately gotta get on top things now while i have all this time waitin for harvest, im savin my change for new equipment for next grow. my current one is by far no where near up to top standards imo. but practice and experience, trial an error... all adds up to wisdom and perfection IMO so hopefully my next go at it will come out better. but beutiful girls man.
sometimes i look at others's grow pix and i am in awe an evy those an it kinda gets me down a bit an thinkin i got a long road ahead of me to perfect this but i am not gonna give up never.
good luck on the rest of the grow man.,
zipflip said:
nice setup bonez. i definately gotta get on top things now while i have all this time waitin for harvest, im savin my change for new equipment for next grow. my current one is by far no where near up to top standards imo. but practice and experience, trial an error... all adds up to wisdom and perfection IMO so hopefully my next go at it will come out better. but beutiful girls man.
sometimes i look at others's grow pix and i am in awe an evy those an it kinda gets me down a bit an thinkin i got a long road ahead of me to perfect this but i am not gonna give up never.
good luck on the rest of the grow man.,

thanks zip, i had your attitude a while back, you are like me, your limited by your bank account, not your mental prowess.

For example, while waiting for my plants to finish vegging, i germed some seeds for a week, just to get as much experience as possible, i threw them away of course, but you can never substitute experience and wisdom gained through trial and error, you and me will be getting along just fine.

ps, the difference between awesome buds and subpar often correlate to the skillset of the photographer. you are just as capable as i am so long as you know the variables that affect growing, and from what ive accertained, you do.
yeah man, i pretty much got it all floatin in my brain.. but like ya said i am truly limited by my bank account. bein on disability doesnt hardly pay the bills let alone be able to afford a new HPS or fany exhaust so i try to substitute an tweek an mod anythin i can to get by wit wat i have til i can get better or do better or figure out a better rigged up concoction lol. i just get a lil frustrated wit some people who dont read my posts an just look at pix an comment how my setup is lacking this an that... but if some would read they might find that some have stated that they not rich prior to the pix. lol.
i got faith tho that one day i will get perfect nice fat buds wit a better yeild each an every grow gettin better an better.
i wish i a top notch set up prior to startin grow but i got impatient an hey how will i ver learn or know for fact all the opinions i read an see flyin around here on all sorts stuff like the controversy over CFL's etc unless i try it for myself. if i dont theni will always wonder bout it. ya know. but yeah sorry for ramblin. lol just caught a good buzz.
im sure it would be easier to wait to get the perfect equipage needed for a perfect environment, but i couldnt wait that long, nor did i realize that just like any hobby, the more you spend, coupled with reading, the better off you are, lol.

i can tell i need to expect good things from you, youve obviously got the intellect to pull it off, dont worry brotha, you will get there, just takes time and patience, thats the downside to this sport.
Nice...im on a tight budget also but i bit the bullet and got a 400 hps for my 2 girl set-up.
im not expecting too much b/c of all the issues with being impatient, i just want to get a harvest under my belt.

pratcing with bag seed

Well, cut the girls down last night

here are some pics, enjoy!



i love growing in a tent, really makes it a bit easier to control the environment.
Now that's what I'm talkin' about!
Holy Kripes--and I only say that because it's Sunday. Nice haul, bonez. How many ladies was that? Was that the Widow?

Mine are going down tommorrow, and I cain't hardly wait.
nah, no widow this round, that was eight plants, same as last time.

There is def more bud this round, but the buds are a little less dense and slightly more airy. So im sure the buds will be the same amount as last time, just more potent!
damn dude, nice harvest! any idea on dry weight yet? smoke report?