What is Your Best Smoking Memory

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My Best Smoking Memory,

I had just got released from the service, and was flying home to the fam after having been gone a Looooooong time. I swear I even had a case of the butterfly's ya know ?
My Dad picked me up at LAX, and said that I could make a wish, and if it was within his power, he would make it happen. He was sorta emotional about it, and I had missed him too.
I was busy jaw jackin about all sorts of things, when he says again, "Well what's your wish "?
I have no clue what made me say it, but I said, "I would love to sit down, and smoke a hoober with with you". He gives me this funny look, and I'm thinking Oh-crap I blew that one. Well I thought that I would just laugh it off, and not say anything like that again-ever. I knew I would get buzzed cause I could always burn some with my brothers. So I let it go. When we got home, everyone was gone.
My Dad, and I went into his lab. Out from under his work bench he pulls a small pipe, and some black afgani hash. I was thunderstruck period. I'm sitting there looking like I swallowed the proverbial canary, and he says that he was given it by my older half brother who wanted to be there to welcome me home, but he couldn't make it so he left this for me. My Dad handed it to me. I sparked it, took a hit, and offered it to pops. Dang he took a great hit and never flinched or coughed. Ha-Ha his eyes glazed real good after a couple hits, but he hung in there. I have only felt that kind of happiness and love a few times in my life.
Lost pops 2 years ago, and at His funeral I slid a hoober into his pocket.
My pops was cool
smoke in peace
That was a great story KK. I would say mine was smoking with Jerry Garcia. In CA at the time, he was doing a small venue tour with Dave Grissman and David Holland and we started talking about luthery. Long necked satturn verses traditional mandolins. He pulled out a big fatty and fired it up. I couldn't say no.
Yeah butters,
That just must have been too cool. I only saw him once at the collosseum
in San Francisco, and the Riders of the Purple Sage were there too.
But to sit and talk with Garcia still that would rank up there as a great experience.
smoke in peace
One of my best memories is my first time that I smoked.I was 8 yrs.My parents got a wild hair up there but and decided to got to Vages for the weekend.My old man called is brother and asked if he and his wife wanted to go for the weekend.They said sure.My uncle had three boys and they were all older then me.They had a plan to sneak out for the weekend and go to a KISS concert.But they got stuck babysitting me.So they were mad to say the least.But to make a short story long,We came up with an idea of going to the concert and getting me a ticket when we got there.:D I loved KISS and was apart of the KISS Army:aok: Well on they way there they thought that it would be really funny to get there little cousin stoned.I went with it,I really dont remember to much about it,but I do remember the music and it made me feel like I was floating.Also on the way my oldest cousin mike gave me a half a hit of Sid:eek: .When we got there at the concert I was tripping so hard I really couldn't comprehend what was going on around me.Sounded like everyone was talking in a can.Well we got in the concert,I really dont remember to much of the concert,I do remember Gene blowing fire and me falling down the stairs at the concert.That there will be something I will never for get.Even tho there are spots I dont even remember.Keep it GREEN:hubba:
Sounds like you had a good time of it. Glad your bro's took ya and took care of ya. Need to have a good sitter if your going to trip the light fandango.
smoke in peace
in a traffic jam in dc with a girl. nothing crazy just laughin and listen to summertime by sublime
KingKahuuna said:
My Best Smoking Memory,

I had just got released from the service, and was flying home to the fam after having been gone a Looooooong time. I swear I even had a case of the butterfly's ya know ?
My Dad picked me up at LAX, and said that I could make a wish, and if it was within his power, he would make it happen. He was sorta emotional about it, and I had missed him too.
I was busy jaw jackin about all sorts of things, when he says again, "Well what's your wish "?
I have no clue what made me say it, but I said, "I would love to sit down, and smoke a hoober with with you". He gives me this funny look, and I'm thinking Oh-crap I blew that one. Well I thought that I would just laugh it off, and not say anything like that again-ever. I knew I would get buzzed cause I could always burn some with my brothers. So I let it go. When we got home, everyone was gone.
My Dad, and I went into his lab. Out from under his work bench he pulls a small pipe, and some black afgani hash. I was thunderstruck period. I'm sitting there looking like I swallowed the proverbial canary, and he says that he was given it by my older half brother who wanted to be there to welcome me home, but he couldn't make it so he left this for me. My Dad handed it to me. I sparked it, took a hit, and offered it to pops. Dang he took a great hit and never flinched or coughed. Ha-Ha his eyes glazed real good after a couple hits, but he hung in there. I have only felt that kind of happiness and love a few times in my life.
Lost pops 2 years ago, and at His funeral I slid a hoober into his pocket.
My pops was cool
smoke in peace
Dam KK, that brought a tear to my eye...glad you had that time...
KingKahuuna said:
My Best Smoking Memory,

I had just got released from the service, and was flying home to the fam after having been gone a Looooooong time. I swear I even had a case of the butterfly's ya know ?
My Dad picked me up at LAX, and said that I could make a wish, and if it was within his power, he would make it happen. He was sorta emotional about it, and I had missed him too.
I was busy jaw jackin about all sorts of things, when he says again, "Well what's your wish "?
I have no clue what made me say it, but I said, "I would love to sit down, and smoke a hoober with with you". He gives me this funny look, and I'm thinking Oh-crap I blew that one. Well I thought that I would just laugh it off, and not say anything like that again-ever. I knew I would get buzzed cause I could always burn some with my brothers. So I let it go. When we got home, everyone was gone.
My Dad, and I went into his lab. Out from under his work bench he pulls a small pipe, and some black afgani hash. I was thunderstruck period. I'm sitting there looking like I swallowed the proverbial canary, and he says that he was given it by my older half brother who wanted to be there to welcome me home, but he couldn't make it so he left this for me. My Dad handed it to me. I sparked it, took a hit, and offered it to pops. Dang he took a great hit and never flinched or coughed. Ha-Ha his eyes glazed real good after a couple hits, but he hung in there. I have only felt that kind of happiness and love a few times in my life.
Lost pops 2 years ago, and at His funeral I slid a hoober into his pocket.
My pops was cool
smoke in peace

In a book I couldn't say it, I've had so many...my brother coming home from the service after getting kicked out of the house for being a screw-up on pot/drugs...and then lighting one with our dad...blew him away...puffin one with Siegfried (the magician) in Vegas a few times, but last year with my 16 yo daughter was the best. She was on April vacation from school and I took her to NY City for 3 days to do all the tourist stuff and more. I had just learned what 420 was even though I've smoked for 30 years, we never had that, at least us old people. So the night before (4/19) she says to me,"Dad, tomorrow is 4/20 and all my friends are going to get high and I'm going to miss it." She was very open with me and even though she thought (or knew) I smoked, I would never admit to it.

So the next day (4/20) we are at the Bronx zoo about 10 min. before they open. We're in the parking lot and as she's getting out of the car I said wait a minute and handed her a bowl and lighter. Her eyes got wide as she looked at me and said "really?" Yep, well we both got a tad baked and enjoyed the zoo and got baked the rest of the day and at 4:20 on 4/20 right on the streets of NY in Manhattan. What a great day. It was at least 6 months or more before I ever did it again with her but I know that day is ingrained in her heart...:heart:
Man, I guess my family is a bunch of squares. None of them smoke. My best memory would be... smoking out with my co-worker's slamming hot daughter. I guess that wasn't really the best memory part of it. The... activities that followed made it more memorable, I guess.
All my smoking experiences seem to be very mellow. Smoke in the woods, smoke in the house, paint. That seems boring I guess, but I like it.

Great story, King.
:eek: Yours scares me to death. I have a 10 yr old and a 8 yr old, and if they did anything like this I would kick their butts! Then I'd kick the butts of any grownups who made something like this happen!!! They would be in deep deep trouble!!!!

I remember once in 11th grade my english teacher coming around my desk saying, "I smell marijuana. Someone in my classroom has been smoking marijuana." Luckily the freakiest dude in school sat in front of me. ;) I remember trying real carefully to apply perfume and eyedrops without my teacher noticing. Neither of us got busted, thank goodness!

I am sure I have more interesting stories, but I can't recall any now...I've slept since then.

berserker said:
One of my best memories is my first time that I smoked.I was 8 yrs.My parents got a wild hair up there but and decided to got to Vages for the weekend.My old man called is brother and asked if he and his wife wanted to go for the weekend.They said sure.My uncle had three boys and they were all older then me.They had a plan to sneak out for the weekend and go to a KISS concert.But they got stuck babysitting me.So they were mad to say the least.But to make a short story long,We came up with an idea of going to the concert and getting me a ticket when we got there.:D I loved KISS and was apart of the KISS Army:aok: Well on they way there they thought that it would be really funny to get there little cousin stoned.I went with it,I really dont remember to much about it,but I do remember the music and it made me feel like I was floating.Also on the way my oldest cousin mike gave me a half a hit of Sid:eek: .When we got there at the concert I was tripping so hard I really couldn't comprehend what was going on around me.Sounded like everyone was talking in a can.Well we got in the concert,I really dont remember to much of the concert,I do remember Gene blowing fire and me falling down the stairs at the concert.That there will be something I will never for get.Even tho there are spots I dont even remember.Keep it GREEN:hubba:
A friend and I were partying in a little Nevada bar once when a stranger walked in for a drink.

We struck up a conversation with him and one thing led to another and we all went out to his great big motor home. We sat in the "Kitchen" area at the table and smoked enough to really mess us up. My friend and I had quite a few drinks before this guy walked in.

Well, the guy got up and went outside for something and I guess my buddy and I passed out at this guys table in his motor home.

Had a good nap. I woke up when my buddy started shoving me on the shoulder and was looking out the window. I looked, and hell, we were going down the road on some interstate road. He and I looked at each other and then went zooming up to the front of the motor home. We managed to scare the hell out of the guy who had forgotten we were back there when he got back in and he'd just continued his trip.

We were two states away from where we started.

We all had a great laugh about it and the guy took us all the way home again. He ended up staying the night and starting off again the next day.

I'm really glad we didn't sleep for a few more hours...

Stoned again!
It almost saddens me that I forget most likely 80% of my smoking times because there have been so many good ones. But if I had to pick out one...

I was a freshman in high school, one of my best friends had just introduced me to marijuana. About 3 weeks prior I smoked my first bowl of weed, and it was not all that powerful, in fact probably the worst bud I've ever had. Sooo...

We got two bags of supposed "hydro" from our dealer. me and my two good friends went to a place called the "water tower", where there's a small set of woods and trails in our neighborhood with a very large water tower. So we sat down in a large comfortable pile of leaves chillen ready to smoke. My friend rolled the weed into a small dollar bill joint. we had bone thugs budsmokers only, and the weed song playing, and boy oh boy that was some nice stuff. we started smoking and I couldn't tell if I was high or not because it was only my second time smoking, but after a while I realized I was really high. the trees looked different, my body went to shock and it was hard feeling my legs but it was a good thing. it was freezing cold but it didn't bother me much as I was dazing out looking at weird images inside my head and imagining stuff. so it was pretty overwhelming.

THEN, we started hearing noises, and we even saw shadows moving back and forth from a distance.. and we honestly thought we were hollucinating (sp?), we turned down the music and stayed quiet. I was silent and for about 10-15 minutes, I stayed in the same position looking for people, and I thought my friend was doing the same thing but it turns out he fell asleep. lol

my other friend who was smoking (also the idiot and odd man out of the group) decided to get up and run away, but he was so high he ran towards the shadowy figures, lol he was being a punk.

so for about an hour we just were frying and went through all that. and from about 2 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. we fell asleep. I woke up at about 4:30 and said oh man, how could I fall asleep HERE!!! I went home without even checking on my friend (haha) cause the high wore off and it was unbearably cold.

my friend woke up and told me the next day that he looked at both sides of him and we just dissapeared, he freaked out and came back to my house cause he was spending the night.

overall possibily the highest I've ever been
An evening after a hard days' work, I grabbed my bong gear and went to my favorite secluded smoking spot in the park. As I finished loading the first bowl, it started to poor rain, loud thunder and lightning quickly following. I will never forget that feeling of bliss, as I toked away, soaking wet, and crouched under a tree, watching the lightning show above.
I had just come home from Vietnam and had a couple oz of really excellent thai sticks. My Lil Bro hadnt smoked before, but just graduated from college, decided it was time and asked to have some weed. I tossed him a 1/4 stick(about 2 grams) and went to work. He called about 45 min later saying he was gonna kill me, I poisoned him, that he was soooo high he didnt think he could handle it. :rofl: I about split a gut. I told him I didnt mean for him to smoke the hole thing and that he should go raid the fridge, put on some tunes and he would be fine. I musta laughed for a week over that, every time I saw my Lil Bro.
I can remember the first time I got a good one on.
Dec 31, 1979
I had gotten some from a friend in school and took it home.My mom had gone to sleep for the night and dad was working out of town and I kinda had my own apartment at 16.
I remember lighting up a corncob pipe and taking some hits-can't remember how many...
Went in my room and turned on the tv.
Lawrence welk about cracked me up-then Don Kirschners Rock concert-Rick James, Nick Gilder, Van Halen, some others.
The cerebral really kicked in.
I remember laying down and closing my eyes and seeing this chick that I liked, and she looked like an oil paining.
I would open my eyes and it(she) would go away but every time I closed my eyes, she got closer.
umbra said:
That was a great story KK. I would say mine was smoking with Jerry Garcia. In CA at the time, he was doing a small venue tour with Dave Grissman and David Holland and we started talking about luthery. Long necked satturn verses traditional mandolins. He pulled out a big fatty and fired it up. I couldn't say no.

I have so many of them it wouldn't be fair to pick one specific time. Let's just say everytime i smoke it's a good memory. :hubba: :p
Hello you shouldnt even remember a time you smoked, then you wernt high enough lol j/k. Token a joint on Lake Tahoe as the sun rises and the steam off of the lake. Great memory.

Hello you shouldnt even remember a time you smoked, then you wernt high enough lol j/k. Token a joint on Lake Tahoe as the sun rises and the steam off of the lake. Great memory.


I recall my favorite outdoor memory. I was sitting on the west slope of 1 of the black hills in eastern Wyoming. I was looking east over a big valley, watching a herd of elk in the shadow of my hill, string along the bottom of the valley. A bald eagle was soaring above the valley, going in and out of the shadows. I watched in awe as this beautiful eagle soared into the darkness of a shadow, almost invisible, and then out into the light again illuminated as if by magic. I pulled out my little pipe and filled it with some thai I brought back from Vietnam. I was so awe struck by the eagle and the shadows I held that pipe, ready to hit for 15 minutes before I finaly toked and got seriously blitzed. High or not, it was amazing verification of the beauty bestowed by a beneficent creator.:cool:
Hey there Puff,
That was well spoken, and I agree that one cannot look upon such wilderness and not be moved. Truley the hand holding the palette deserves the credit for such beauty. Smoking a bit of herb helps one to slow up for a few, then to contemplate who it is that made it, and then to marvel at His vision created.

smoke in peace


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