Worried about a drug test ?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Here is what I do if I am worried about passing and know if it is coming up, I go to the local drugstore and pick up a do it at home test, they are about $20. That way I know ahead of time if I should be worried or make other plans. Some of the doctors I've been to, looks like the same thing they test you with because I've seen them come up with the results right in their office without sending it out.

I did have a list of reasons why I couldn't take a test, I'll have to look for it and post it. They were from a lawyer so it was pretty good.

I also had a list of drugs that could show up as something else, that way when I went in I always told them I was taking whatever could make it false positive.

If worse comes to worse I think I'm with the people who believe in synthetic urine, usually they aren't watching too close nowadays, it is all routine. I used to have to strip to my underwear before going into the bathroom but the last few times they just gave me the cup and pointed to the bathroom.
la9 said:
Here is what I do if I am worried about passing and know if it is coming up, I go to the local drugstore and pick up a do it at home test, they are about $20. That way I know ahead of time if I should be worried or make other plans. Some of the doctors I've been to, looks like the same thing they test you with because I've seen them come up with the results right in their office without sending it out.

I did have a list of reasons why I couldn't take a test, I'll have to look for it and post it. They were from a lawyer so it was pretty good.

I also had a list of drugs that could show up as something else, that way when I went in I always told them I was taking whatever could make it false positive.

If worse comes to worse I think I'm with the people who believe in synthetic urine, usually they aren't watching too close nowadays, it is all routine. I used to have to strip to my underwear before going into the bathroom but the last few times they just gave me the cup and pointed to the bathroom.

The person administering the test knows what things are used to mask tests.
If it's a urine test and you get a false positive, you will be doing the test again. Another 'false positive' and they will do a blood check....then your screwed.

If you go in to a test telling them about false positives, it's a white flag,
Ya best bet is too try and charm the pants off the tester:cool:

I get "random" tests at work, only failed the urine test once (7day long weekend:D).. although I've been done on the breatho a few times:eek:
I keep B-Clear in my toolbox
In my opinion, its better to keep yourself away from drugs if you are going to take up a drug test. But even if you get addicted, make sure that you use the proper and effective detox prodcut before you appear for the drug test. Use a home kit and come out of anxiety. then you will surely pass the test.