Yank or not Yank? Help me decide?

  • Thread starter degenerative_disc
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I have one plant outside in the ground letting mother nature do her stuff. I have not assisted her in any way. She is about 3 feet high lots of budd growth and she looks very frosty!

Here is my concern. It has been raining now for about 7 days strait and it looks like we are going to get another 4 or 5 days worth of rain! Not to mention we just got hit with large hail chunks about 10 minutes ago. Should I yank her now and be happy with what I get or should i leave her and hope we get some dry spells coming up. Oh it has also been droping below zero at night. What are your thoughts? I would hate to waste her. Her trichs apear to be just cloudy at this point.

All replies welcomed!

Rain plus Freeze is really bad. I would be happy with chopping at lease a third of her, the top third. If she is mostly cloudy, I am sure you will have a very nice UP high. I like that high for daytime.

Or chop all of her. Imo.
Yes, most of the trichs are cloudy. Your bud doesn't have mold now, but very easily could if left out in the rain. Why not hack it and be happy with a nice up high?
Thanks TC
I thought that the temps dropping below zero after rain would not be good. Thanks for your imput friend, I guess I will chop her tomorrow and get what I get.

Thanks Alister
I will take her down tomorrow and see what I get.

Hey Hippy Friend what are your thoughts on this?

Thanks Hippy will do friend thanks!!!

She is done!

Not much but thanks to all!!

By the way, the temps are NOT dropping to below ZERO ! They are dropping to below freezing. Big difference. Here in Montana its all part of the big finish, the plants do there frosting of there own to protect themselves and hurry their finishing process naturaly. This gives a huge added stoney to the weed in my opinion. It almost seems to increase the THC content or something. I am now at somewhere around 7 mornings of below freezing. 26 this morn ! No ill effect WHATSOEVER yet. And i am still hang'in tuff Mate !!!
Mountain Man...great point but "ipso facto" on DD's post.

I myself, live in the geographical center of the almighty fear of early frosts, which equals..."don't mess with sativa dom strains". This is pure falicy, as I prefer sat. and I can get them to finish about 95% of the time!!!

This year is right on it's normal course..."rain, rain, rain...I don't mind"
(The Beatles)

I still have 2 weeks for the first and 4 weeks for the last:rolleyes: Well worth the wait:D

I hope all had a great season and continue to follow the rules of "Safety First"
By the way, the temps are NOT dropping to below ZERO ! They are dropping to below freezing.
0 Celsius.. "IS" freezing, 32F....:confused2:....
26F is "BELOW" 0 Celcius....
It matters not now.

I cut her down right after my post to Hippy. She is up hanging now. But thanks to all who have given their valued opinions, its much apreciated! I trusted Hippy as the final imput to my decision as Hippy has never once let me down or given bad advise. Thanks to all again and Cheers to Hippy!

Here are some final pics of what I ended up with. The plant hanging on the left was the one I chopped outside last night. The one on the right is one I chopped last night as well but from my hobbo set up. And then the pics of my hobbo set up with my last 2 girls of this season before I shut it down for the winter. thanks to all who got me here and if i dont talk to you again till spring I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy grow year for 2010!!!

Cheers to all!!!

Oh I still have some trimming to do today on these plants.

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