How Much Do You Smoke per Day?

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Jul 13, 2007
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Hey, fellow medical marijuana users. How much do you smoke a day?
psssh...bout 1/8
sad i know....i just cant stop and i spend waaaay 2 much cash on it thats why im starting to grow
i smoke about 1g a day it really depends on the day normally ill smoke about an eighth
I have a great rule of thumb,
If one hoober does me 2 or 3 times then OK I can live with that one hoober a day.
Well Dude,
I'm the self sacrificing sort, and I hold it within my duty to check everyone's stash. Especially Stoney Buds stash. This is untill either BBP or 85 have enough to have me test their goods LOL.

1. A Hoober a day, helps put it in perspective.
2. A Twoober a day, Keeps it in context
3. Anything more than that, and you should reconsider what your smokin. LOL
smoke in peace
joker448 said:
i smoke about 1g a day it really depends on the day normally ill smoke about an eighth

I'm confused. In the same sentence you said you smoke about 1g and that you smoke about an eighth a day. Which is it? lol.;)
Hey maybe it's an 8th and a gram, (lot of smoke for pain),
smoke in peace
i'd say at least a quad, sometimes more, if work was busy or i had more to do after
I smoke for back and neck pain. I smoke a little over a 1/4 (7.5 grams) and day. If I buy a 1/2 oz on a monday afternoon, I am usually needing to make a quick trip wednesday morning.

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