The Luckiest Guy on Earth

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Oct 9, 2007
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Hey all!

Been smokin that wonderful green stuff for a good while now, loved every minute of it. I live in London. Can't really think of much else.

But now for why I'm here.

I turned 18 a few weeks back, and a few days after my birthday, I found a plant growing in the crack between the kerb and the road outside my house. I dont normally look at plants growing in these places, but this one caught my eye:eek:. The guy i was with had seen some marijuana growing before, and confirmed my suspicions. Must have been a birthday present from God. Sorted.

Seeing as the days are getting shorter, and the weather's getting colder, I thought it only fair to give this poor plant a home. So i found some of my mum's multi-purpose compost, potted it up, and whacked it in my cupboard with a fan and my desk light.

Now I've got weed growing in my cupboard. I named it Frankie, a nice unisexual name. I havn't decided on a boy/girl's name for the flowering stage yet, but I'll keep y'all posted.

So yeah, I'm here to grab as much information as I can to keep little Frankie happy. Thanks for your time.
Happy Birthday and congrats! Looking forward to seeing a grow journal on Frankie. :D
awesome. hope that was noones experiment. lol Once you start growing ya aint gonna stop my friend. Lets see some pics.
Yeah I'm working on that. Got myself a few pics, tryin to upload them now. I'm sure you'll find my grow cupboard a source of great amusement
Welcome and congrats on your "curb weed".
Let me guess tho, your desklamp has a regular light bulb. Also are you living in your folks house or an apt?
If you folks house not good to be growing they can get busted too.
If using a desklamp run over to wal-mart and get a "compact florouscent" bulb for 5-10 bucks to keep it in veg. During this time. Click on that link "growing resources" in my signiture ;)
Welcome and have fun. :)
Alrite, got a grow journal going. title: Frankie the Marijuana Plant. See ya there if you want.

And I've read the law book. Parents only get busted if it can be established that they had any knowledge of the plant, so it's all on my own back as i dont let them in to my room, and it's in my cupboard. Thanks for the heads up anyway.
Ain't only 1 plant just a slap on the wrist... If even that, there in the UK?

Also... Welcome to MP!
Heck it is even here, in the U.S. Midwest. Besides he's 18 and he probably has no priors so I think he's more than ok. that is of course if his parents don't wig out.. By the way HempMan I like the Avatar.
Actually the disrespect of growing in your parents house/aptmnt. is an even bigger deal to me.....but that may be just my age showing.....:rofl:....but who in the heck do I think I am to judge I didn't do the same thing when i was 12-13yrs. old......:bongin:<----as we speak, or type, or whatever it is we are doin' here....lmao
:eek:Holy crap...I completely forgot dude.....sorry....:welcome:2 Theres everything you need to know in here, and for some strange reason it's not these guys/gals will know where to find it.....Congats on your new find bro...but beware...your gonna get bit by the grow bug...:48:
this is the most touching weed story i've heard in a while. its like you rescued an orphan. I'm proud of you man. damn proud.
this is a kool story it must of been hard getting it out of the crack,now you will grow forever i dont think you will have problems transplanting,i hope u everthing goes well get some floruesents on it the twirly ones. u can put 4 42 watts for 1 plant would be plenty and u can get that for under 50$ goodluck keep it growing.
:welcome: LookWhatIFound, Thats a wild birthday present. I hope it Frankie grows up to be a Large Fat Lady so you can smoke her up. Look forward to seeing some good grows of yours in the future. :aok: :bong1: :bongin: :joint: :smoke1: :bong: :dancing:

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