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Hey it's no big deal, some strains (blueberry being one of them)will through nanners at the end of their budding cycle, it is too late in the cycle to produce seeds it's your plants way of saying they are almost finished.

Quote from: The Best of Ask ED, by: Ed Rosenthal.

Q: I noticed some very small bright yellow flower petals in the middle of my buds that are 11 weeks into the flowering stage. When I squeezed one some fine powder was left on my finger. Are these male flowers? they are on about 90% of the buds.

A: Your suspicions are correct. Those 5 petaled, cream colored flowers are male. The plants are very ripe and ready to be picked. Some varieties develope male flowers just as they ripen. It can be considered a ripeness notice telling you that it is time to harvest. This is not cause for alarm, just an indicator that the buds are at the last stage of ripeness.

If you didn't see male flowers in the early stages of flowering you are fine. I had a sativa strain yrs ago when I was outdooring it that did this and I knew that they were at the peak about a week after the banana's showed up.
by the way..if you have young flowering plants in there it could be a problem as they could get pollinated. But if all you have in there are your ripe blueberries then continue on and make sure you clean your area thoroughly before you start to flower something else.
I do have younger flowering plant in there so I chopped it. I'm wanting to do a perpetual harvest so it looks like this strain isn't going to work out for me. Too bad too, it smells like fruity pebbles.

Anyway, the deed is done. I'll think about what to do with the clones I have in veg.

man, those center colas look nice.... sorry they couldn't finish up for ya.... look on the bright side, you've got some smokables while the others finish up....
well the clones are the exact genetic make as the mother, so you know what they are going to do. I only ran the ones I had outdoors, so it wasn't an issue, but I wouldn't want a strain like that indoors either if I was doing a SOG. You were probably close to peak ripeness anyway...enjoy the smoke! It looks Yummy!
You need to also clean that room very well..and close watch the others because IMO..again..its all ready been done..and we need to go into protection mode...like HIE spotted the top and also the middle..if ya enlarge it I can see open sacs...and with the fans and exhaus going your garden is sure to be hit....IMO...mist the walls and everything ya can..when lights turn off..damp rag the fixtures...Im gonna get heck for telling ya to mist plants late in flower..but is the only way to make pollen non-viable...Its a learning curve as said...now ya now what to look for..you took some great pics..Im sorry we braught you the news that deflated you sail...Take care and be safe...You still got a good smoke...destroy all clones and dont use any seeds from this plant...
If the male flower sheds pollen that's viable then you have a problems, but if you like the smoke, keep it. Male flowers may not open before the plant is finished flowering in some cases.

NICE looking bud! Sorry about the Hermie...
If you haven't taken the knife to her yet imo you can clip/pinch off those nanners and you might be able to get another week of ripening out of her. They don't look like they opened yet to me... You'll have to watch like a hawk for more and it's a calculated risk if you have other plants flowering at an earlier stage but it may help your plant come home all the more if she isn't very amber yet.

HippyInEngland said:
The clones from this hermie will do exactly the same, they will hermie.

You know what's odd though HIE? :confused: This year I had two WW clones from the same mom... I flowered one indoor, one outdoor. Using past years reference I put the indoor plant into 12/12 about two weeks before the outdoot plant showed any pistils and they showed within days of each other. I had some real high heat spikes (95º) in my closet late in flower due to some ventilation timer issues and the indoor WW plant went herm at around 11 and a half weeks and I had other plants flowering at earlier stages so she/he had to go... But out of curiousity I let the plant flowering outside go several more weeks, well past ripeness into degradation, to see if the identical genes would hermie and even at over 14 weeks there wasn't ANY sign of a nanner... nada. My indoor hermie was still really top grade smoke, despite needing another week to 10 days to finish properly. And she was a very heavy yielder... I grew her in a 10gal grow bag indoors and got 7.7 oz's...

I decided to keep the mother around to give her the benefit of the doubt and I'm going to try it one more time indoors all the while knowing her history and keeping a close eye. Even if she herms again it more than likely wont be until 10+ weeks of flowering and I'll just put some quicker strains in there so they're history by the time 10 weeks rolls around... I don't want to let it go without another go...

Happy Growing!:cool:
i had a SourJack throw a male flower a few months back.... that plant had been stressed on several occassions.... i was kind of seeing how hard i could push it.... haven't seen any since and i'm still using the same mother....
I've got some afghani #1 that has been showing some hermi, I've had this one for yrs., like 10 or more, but my buddy was babysitting it for me when I was on a 2 yr vacation, and tried to make (hermi) feminized seeds...I'll probably end up pitching it this time, but i really like it, I'm growing some from seed if I get more than 2 or 3 herms out of 15 I'm pitching it all. Sucks cause I really like this, and know it well enough I could grow it in my sleep. This one is true hermi...not late in flower a couple nanners, were talkin a few start showing nanners and pistils early in flower, so they are easy to catch...well sorta, it's just not worth messing with anymore if I can't fix it this time. I bred solid male pollen to 2 solid female(stressed out) to get these seeds and I still have some of that pollen so I can breed it back to these daughters this time..hopefully semi-stabalize it again...I dunno?
I'm going to see what it smokes like in a couple weeks and then decide what to do . I've got two clones that are about 6 weeks or so into veg and honestly I'll probably go ahead and flower them. I'll keep a real close eye on them and at the first sign of nanners I'll yank em.

I crossed my Armageddon Skunk with some BC Ice by manually pollinating one branch with a small paintbrush. I think I'll see what those seeds do and maybe replace the Blueberry with that strain in my rotation.
Unfortunately I don't really know the origins of the strain. I got my first clone from a dispensary in Boulder.

It's awesome being in a medical state!
I've got 10 beans that are 25% blueberry from DJ Shorts pollen...I hope I don't have to mess with herms...I'll be pizzed! Hopefully the 75% NL will dominate! But I was really hoping for a blueberry taste in there! I guess I can only wait and see.
legalize_freedom said:
I've got 10 beans that are 25% blueberry from DJ Shorts pollen...I hope I don't have to mess with herms...I'll be pizzed! Hopefully the 75% NL will dominate! But I was really hoping for a blueberry taste in there! I guess I can only wait and see.

I wouldn't worry about DJ Shorts Blueberry myself but if it's a cross done by another breeder then ya never know. But i believe your talking about a Joey Weed cross, and if it's that's the case, i wouldn't stress that either. Have only read good things about him.
I have 3 Joey Weed Blueberry going now. I sure hope that they are okay. Anyone growing Joey's blueberry?
monkey business this one comes from Dr.Atomic he's been around for a couple decades...I'm sure if I end up with hermi's from this it will probably be from some bone-headed thing I do.

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