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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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I am brand new to the growing thing and I am feeling like something is not going right. I sprouted bagweed in the paper towel method, and put into MG Organic Choice. My soil PH is right around 6.3-6.5. My light are flouro two 40 watt 48" tubes and an 18" 15 watt growlux positioned right within 4 inches. The moisture meter reads right around 5-7. I have not watered since i planted about 4 days ago. One plant popped the surface the next day other are still catching up. I have 1 that is about 1 1/4" and has two roundish leaves and two serated type leaves. The second is maybe 3/4" with the same leaf structure. The third is about 1/4"-1/2" and has no serated leaves yet. The others are just kinda ready to pop the surface. I have added no nutes and do not plan on it for awhile. Should I be adding anything or should I wait and until what point? Mt main concern is the first plant it kinda popped up overnight and has not shown any real growth yet. Am I being impatient, is all the work being concentrated under the soil and if so how do I check. How fast should the plant start to really show growth. I see some of these pictures and they are nice after like 8 days. Also I have a fan blowing at soil level. Someone please put my mind at rest or give me direction.
sounds good you wont need nutes with tha MG soil for a about 8 carefull when watering cuzz that soil releases nutes be sure soil dries bone dry b4 waterings..and those lights it depending on the container size could take a week to dry..keep us posted but most of all KEEP M GREEN:D
stully said:
How often.
Just moist soil not soaked..i only make sure the top layer aint crusty untill they pop heads out then i stop mist..
4u2sm0ke said:
sounds good you wont need nutes with tha MG soil for a about 8 carefull when watering cuzz that soil releases nutes be sure soil dries bone dry b4 waterings..and those lights it depending on the container size could take a week to dry..keep us posted but most of all KEEP M GREEN:D

Thank will keep posted I containers are decent side and they havent dried out yet so I have not been watering them. Does my growth size soun norml to you

If you're keeping things moist I think maybe you need to let them do their thing. If they've sprouted above soil and the soil is lightly moist they have everything they need and won't need nutes for several weeks. If they haven't sprouted yet you could do some targeted *light* misting at the soil surface to keep it moist but you don't have to drown it. Once they've sprouted up you don't want to mist a lot or you could have a situation called "damping off" otherwise known as "stem rot" or "root rot" occur. You should have a fan moving good air circulation around your seedlings although you don't want it blowing hard directly on your babies. If you keep air moving it will help keep the plant's stem and the soil surface from being too moist and will prevent fungus from getting started. One other note... If you're using a humidity dome to help with germination, as soon as the majority of the seeds are up get that dome off or it will contribute to damping off as well.

It becomes kind of balancing act as you need to keep the soil surface a bit moist on those who aren't sprouted up yet at the same time keeping the soil surface on the dry side for the seedlings who are already up.

Good Luck!:cool:

Here's a pic of damping off with some sprouts... not mj obviously but it's the same:

stully said:
Thank will keep posted I containers are decent side and they havent dried out yet so I have not been watering them. Does my growth size soun norml to you

sounds good to me my friend..have you got a Grow journal going? if not start one in the grow section and people will come in and help you along the way..and Pics are a must..they help tremedusly..take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
will it hurt my plants to move them outside during the day. Security is not a concern. I just figure they coud get 12-14 hours of good sunlight and at night they could come in and get some more light. Is this a good idea or not?
I think the bigger issue for you is to ask yourself what you expect to get out of this grow. I have never seen anything worth anything grown under fluros, even the best results I have seen were in my opinion a waste of time and a big risk for what was achieved.
The best thing you can do is research on here, you can find about any info you need and if you cant find something plenty of good people on here to help you out.
If I were you and security really isnt an issue I would transplant(after hardning) your babies outside and let mother nature do her thing while you brush up on growing a little while keeping an eye on your babies outside with info you pick up.
Growing outside is much more forgiving to a beginner grower, and IMHO if you continue this grow with nothing but fluros you are setting yourself up for dissapointment.

Good Luck :bolt:

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