Don't get high the first time?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2006
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Okay, I'm wondering:

A) Who all got high the first time they smoked.
B) For those that don't get high the first time, what causes this?

In case your wondering why I im interested in this information, this is how it's going down. Today in my sociology class my professor was talking about how people don't get high the first time, or few times, they partake in the herb and he says this is because they haven't yet learned to be high.

He claims one learns to get high just as one learns to subscribe to gender roles (EX: Girls like barbies boys like trucks, this is hammered into us by our society at a young age and it is not a genetic pre-disposition for girls to like cute things like flowers and stuff and boys to like killing and guns and big trucks). The example is kinda crude, but you get the picture. This logic seems very wrong to me, something seems to be missing.

I think I remember reading somewhere that your cannabanoid receptors have to get primed, by being exposed the THC once or twice before they can fully recieve the affects. Anyone know the answer to this? If it turns out hes wrong I'd be way happy cause i could send him an email backed by (hopefully) a lot of science, and then he wouldnt always be right. Hes a decent teacher but he swears hes never wrong, and its always fun to throw a curveball at these people. Also since he wrote the text book we use, it would be funny if h had to take out his section on marijuana high being learned. I could be completely ass backwards in my logic but it doesnt seem that simple to me that you learn what being high should be like. That seems like it would have to apply to other chemicals too is it did. I dunno, does anyone know?
I'd say people don't get high because they don't know how, or maybe it is something tehcnical like you mentioned. But I'm pretty sure people don't get high because they it gets hammered into their heads or w/e. Maybe thats how some people learn to get good highs, i dunno.

I do know people that have gotten very stoned their first time though.
I think it all has to do with what you make yourself feel. As in most people who have never smoked dont know the effects, and therefore simply dont realize what they are, and when theyre feeling them.
A big part in learning the process of being stoned, for me, was being stoned with my friends and seeing them having the same effects as me.

Edit: Although inhalations another issue.
Being high is attributed to 2 things. Number 1 is "knowing" whether your high or not and i could see how this could be mistaked for "learned" but its not really a "learning" the way the word is used... its more of a "knowing" type of thing. you could be high outa your damn mind and not know it and just think that things feel a little funny but nuthing major altogether.Then when u get up and find out that things r blurry, or food tastes better or that noises sort of blend together,etc. you "know" what its like to be high and that what it really comes down to in the way that the word "learned" could be used. Number 2 is a bit more technical. Weed or Cannabis whichever way u wanna use it has thc in it. Thc is not a ordinary chemical or oil or etc but instead has effects that have to do with the synapses in your brain. what it realy does is block your nuerotransmitters from reaching the proper receptors in your synapses to cause the high.Noises blend together because hearing and all brain functions are eletrical impulses that go through the brain and eventually across a synapse to the proper receptor and so on until it gets to its final destination. When thc blocks the receptors things "build up" and are blocked off and things therefor "surge" or dont get to the receptor entirely and cause a couple of different effects like not knowing where u r all the time or forgetting things while your high.**NO1** i repeat ****NO ONE**** knows for sure why the munchies occur but my educated guess would be since taste also runs like this above mentioned method (all brain functions do) and hunger and all that it all builds up after a bit and when hunger is built up u get the munchies...Food tastes better since Taste is built up as well and when it surges (its not even a second for this to happen) u taste food much much better due to it building up and coming through altogether. again no1 knows why thats just my theory and ill try to illustrate the synapse but i dont know enough computer programming to make it any good so just bare with me ( not any modern programming at least) no ASCIII just pascal and visual basic here so again bare that in mind.

Nevermind drawing it ill use a stronger tool lol IMAGINATION

synapses or a gap in the brain and blah blah blah to put it simply, lets say a synapse was a wall like the one behind your computer if u were to punch a hole in the wall with your fist u just made a receptor.Now to fit something perfectly in that receptor it would have to fit perfectly and exactly. your brain is just like that and will send the "proper" an "perfect" nuerotransmitter to fit that receptor to do what it needs.Now back to the wall, take a notebook and put it over the punch in the wall so u "cover" the receptor or fist hole, that notebook is THC.If u wanted to fit the fist in the wall or nuerotransmitter into the receptor (respectively) there is something blocking it.Now if u get like 20 people to try and fit that hole in the wall with their fists, guess what? Its not going to fit and the notebook will probably get tossed back and forth if u guys made it a contest to get in.Same thing happens in your brain and when the THC or notebook falls, guess what?Everything surges in.the THC will continue to block the receptors until it wears off and is not dangerous since it will block only CERTAIN receptors.Ask ANY1 if they have ever been to high to breathe....No it CANT happen since very precise receptors r blocked off.Different strains and types target different or more receptors but the same basic thing happens everytime
That is the basic principle behind thc and nuerotransmitters.

But to answer your question, why people dont get high, its simply becuz you dont "know" your high and when u do "learn" to identify when your high u "know" and can say if u are or arent and another thing is because since not many things dont block nuerotransmitters ( some do like inhalants.VERY dangerous since its chemicals and not something organic like THC in Cannabis) and when it happens your body trys to adjust the flow kind of like if u ran and started to breathe slower or faster to meet your oxygen demand. After a while u "know" when your high and your brain wont try to adjust itself but rather deal with what it IS getting...

Sorry to make this so long but i hope it helps and quote me directly if u want just know that this is all what I MYSELF understand about this subject.If u do quote me and im wrong just say its what "this dude" thinks and not your opinon. I dont mind being a guenni pig.:D

good post, supposing you're right about the neurotransceptors.
I never got high the first time that I smoked dope. But then I never inhaled right either.
I did get sleepy and that was about it. However the second time I smoked, I inhaled properly and held the smoke and got wasted. A friend of mine swore that she never got high when she smoked, then I fed her a cookie and she was seriously stoned.

Thanks alot for answers everyone, especially ownage. That makes a little bit more sense to me. I remember the first time i got high and it was kind of like at the time i didnt know i was high really, it seemed pretty normal to me then when i awoke the next morning and i thought about how i felt and could compare it to how i felt sober, I realized i was acting very strangely and my thought patterns were wierd. I do know that the whole inhale or not issue comes into play. Maybe i'll post the actual article about how people learn to become a marijuana user. I thought it was interesting but none of it rang true for me as a marijuana user.
same as scooby doo except i was smoking ciggrates before so i did inhale it was a bong i was toking on still i didnt get stoned the second time i had less but got severly stoned.

my theory is that when THC is introduced to the system for the first time maybe
the body cant get rid of it untill the next time it is introduced to the systems it then understands how to dispose of it

but maybe it has something to do with age and time between first and second smoke

what age were ye and how long between first and second smoke

i was 13 and it was a day in between
Im pretty sure age doesn't have anything to do with it, unless you're to young to figure out the bong....
i think its cause you dont know how to smoke right like if you dont inhale right you dont get high
I think everyone's cannabinoidal receptors are shaped slightly different for each individual, therefore it really depends on which cannabinoids are available in the cannabis you are smoking. While we all have similar receptors, because our bodies make their own cannabinoids, for pain management, hunger control etc...they are not all the same. Because of the difference in the receptors you'll find some smokables that don't get you high, while the fellow next to you will get really ripped on the same joint. The receptors change as they are exposed to the many different cannabinoids and become trained to accept more and different c-noids. imho

As far as the munchies go...there are studies out there that are attempting to prove how cannabinoids make us feel hunger, trigger our appetite, that could account for how cancer patients are able to eat while involved in chemo treatments. It may not have as much to do with nausea control as control of the urge to eat. Whatever...I'm just glad that those folks get such a wonderful, non-addicting way to beat chemo!
Hey, I got absolutely destroyed the first time I smoked pot. Four of us in an el camino(yes, four) sittin surrounded by 10ft high native pot plants. They were every where. Couldn't catch a buzz if ya smoked a ton of it. Anyway, This guy said he had "some red bud man, c'mon". We smoked like three joints I think. It was so smokey in that car I could hardly see the dashboard. I just did what they told me. I remember thinkin Aw this @#$! ain't no gooo... OMG It was like a freekin freight train goin by! Holy @#$! it WAS a freekin freight train goin by., and we were like 2 ft from the tracks!! Oh' the terror!! I thought the world was comin to an end!!:eek: The buzz just kept gettin stronger and stronger too. Once we realized it wasn't, that it "just a G#@d%#$ train", we started laughing... and laughing, and laughing. I thought I was gonna really die laughing. I can honestly say, I have never laughed so hard before or since!! Then somebody got the bright idea to go into town. To a Dunki' Donut. The ride back to town was a nightmare in itself. But, when we got inside the donut shop and sat down.... the laughin started all over again OMG it was awful. Could not stop. I finally made it out to the car and just sat there, blown away!! Don't remember a whote lot more. So, yea, I got high the first time and I imagine it was munchies that drove us to the donuts. Been stoned ever since. Been happy. That's what counts. Peace friends:)
Destroyed is a great way to put it. We went to the state park and my friend smoked pot, and my other friend there had quit and was smoking a cigarette (yuck) and the only experience I had ever had were brownies. I asked for the pipe and everything after that was a haze. We got lost in the woods for what seemed like hours. It seemed like a dream. I couldn't stop laughing. All I havea to say is thank God I didn't have to drive.
there was nothin funner than bein a young buck, ripped outta your tree, walking around lookin for snacks, or getting lost in a forest hahahaha
DopeDoctor said:
there was nothin funner than bein a young buck, ripped outta your tree, walking around lookin for snacks, or getting lost in a forest hahahaha

I have to agree! I remember those days.

I've also heard that you don't get high the 1st time you smoke. As for me, I don't remember....I was 15 and I've slept since then. :D

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