Electric Company????

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Mar 18, 2007
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I have a 1000 watt hps and when it is on my meter spins like crazy. Can the electric company ask questions or anything? Just wondering what other peoples thoughts were?
I kind of doubt they will ask, but if they did, there are all sorts of things that use that kind of power. A couple of computers might do it. My computer has a 420 watt (no kidding) power supply, and I don't know what the monitor draws, but its an old 21" CRT so I'm sure its significant.
If you haven't already done so, definetly switch out incandescent light bulbs for CFL's, maybe turn your hot water down a couple of degrees, things like that. Save as much energy as possible to offset the HPS.
You can also leave the computer off while the light is on and stuff. Definitely switch out your old bulbs with CFLs. I doubt the electric company would think anything of it though.
Your dishwasher and oven are the biggest drawers of power. The BEST way to not have your powerbill flagged is to pay it in full and on time EVERYTIME!! I hand wash my dishes just to save a few bucks. Also, get rid of that old 1000watt mh beast!! Get a new 600w. digital ballast. You can use both mh and hps in it. Your power consumption is only 1/2 of what the old beast is. It produces only 1/3rd the heat and is smaller.

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