First attempt.....suggestions?

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Its amazing how thirsty the girls have become since they started to flower......they are drinking up 3 gallons every 3 days. I have about a quart of run off that tests between 5.8 and 6.2 PH depending on if they are getting just the bloom nutes or my brew of bloom nutes, Flower Tone and molasses......Guess that means my soil is happy also:clap:. Before they started to flower I would water/feed every 4th day and at times could have waited a 5th....
I feel like crying!!!!! Everything was going to smooth!!! So what has happened leaves me really pissed off because it didnt have to happen!!!

I heard a loud bang and when I went out on the deck I found the awning had fallen right on top of my girls!!! I guess I am lucky that it only damaged one stalk but that stalk was going to have a cola between 8-10" long..... the stalk isnt severed completely but it was almost at 90 degrees.....Can I try and save it by taping it up? and tying it to a stake or will that stress the rest of the plant?
A little curve would have been ok but this is like a no hitter!!!!!

not sure if you can see it in the pic my phone camera isnt that good with the green light....

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i broke a branch almost clear through supercropping once. taped it up like you did there. the buds on that branch wound up the same as the rest of the plant. i lst my plants so i don't have a main cola so it might be a little different but i think you shold be fine.
If it happens the way I'm reading it, you've inevitably "super cropped" your plant. If (and should) it recover, it will create a "knuckle" in that broken spot, heal harder than it was, and nutes will SURGE through that point. You potentially made it produce more.. on accident. Pretty cool huh? lol

That's the optimistic side...

Pessimistic side ... you're screwed dude! :D lol
A little update....Although I gave it a valiant effort, taping up the broken stalk didnt save it. The following morning it was completely wilted and some leaves the tips were rather than chance it stressing the rest of the plant I cut it off... It seems like the mishap hasn't affected the rest of the plant as both of them are very happy...I will get some pictures tomorrow,
Sorry it didn't work, but it will probably have some advantages.
sorry the emergency surgery didn't save the bud but as an fyi - if you dry it and smoke it, you will experience a really racy buzz. i have always tried to cull the small buds from under the scrog canopy to let the plant concentrate its energy on the top buds(i have an ounce or so jarred up for a rainy day). the smoke is not as tasty as the final product but it is an interesting alternative buzz. i think the clear trichs of immature buds are all thc so it is so not couch lock material. almost speedy...
Bummer that it didn't work. I have been amazed over the years at the ability of cannabis to heal broken branches. The buds are so small that I doubt that they can contain much, if any, cannabinoids. However you might as well try drying and smoking, but don't really expect much. The trichs of immature buds are just starting to get resin glands and immature plants do not get you high. Even shorter flowering strains taken 5-6 weeks into flowering will lack potency.
Looking nice dude. Always lose a branch or two to something. Dont let it get ya down. Looking happy
Thx Ston, and Rose....I am starting to watch the weather here...starting to get cool way too fast here.....being new I dont know what MJ can and cant handle....The cool temps I assume are fine providing its dry.....but with moisture it could present a problem...
When it is cool at night and warm in the day time and moisture is a good time to watch for mildew and mold or bud rot... Just keep your eye on them.
Although the plant can take conditions down near freezing without dying, when the temps drop below 60, the plant slows down and displays very little growth.
SPLINT METHOD hey bro the next time you break a branch,trust me you will,take a piece of pipe cleaner and cut to about 3 in. and then tape it up.....I break them from time to time and this will save your branch,you can use the pipe cleaners to position sagging lower branches to upper branches also.....peace
SPLINT METHOD hey bro the next time you break a branch,trust me you will,take a piece of pipe cleaner and cut to about 3 in. and then tape it up.....I break them from time to time and this will save your branch,you can use the pipe cleaners to position sagging lower branches to upper branches also.....peace

Thanks for the tip!! I will try a little harder to save the branch next time....I probably didnt give it enough of a chance....Thats ok because they are doing great!!! Starting to get to the point where you have to watch out for the dreaded Bud thieves....It would take a big set to try and snatch them from me right off my deck but then you have to realize that there is a lot of value in what we grow. Now that I have my tent I may start bringing them in at night for two reasons. Its getting really damp at night and also I know they are safe from thieves. I wont be using the tent for a few more weeks so why not put it to use.
any recent pics, bud?

I'll take a few tomorrow....I brought them in for the night....I was warned by a neighbor that he saw some kids hanging around really late last night. I figure its just a little more work to bring them in at night to insure I dont lose them. Its a shame you have to worry about someone possibly snatching away what you worked all summer for but that is just the nature of the world these days. :(
i hope things work out well for you, bud. i know my most nervous times are always when i get close to reaping time. if i was growing outside it would be even worse. is it possible for you to put the plants in your tent inside? t5 bulbs are cheap($7-8 per bulb - i think you are probably close to worms way stores as i think they are in rhode island)). others on here would be better qualified to say if it is possible to finish some outdoor plants inside but 'kids hanging around' would prompt me to try to finish inside...

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