First outdoor attempt

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In general, it is a bad thing to cut fan leaves off. However, if they were moldy, it is best. If they were just turning brown, leave them on. The plant will drop them when it has taken everything from them there is to give.

If you got mold in one place, you are likely to get it in another--those mold spores go everywhere. Keep your eyes open for more mold. Looking good, but you still have quite a ways to go--I'm guessing 6-8 weeks.
SO I checked on the plant today and a couple of the leaves look like this

aswell is it to late to put this under a light?

at what point if there is a point would be to late?
I'm not sure if its ever "too late" to put a plant under a light, but make sure you keep the same day/night cycle as the plant has become accustomed to, otherwise you risk the plant hermying...

Also, if the light is much stronger than the light it has been used to, you might have to harden off the plant a little. Start with the light further away than normal and move it closer every day or so? Im not sure exactly, theres posts from more experienced people about it on here somewhere...

google this, without quotes(works better than the search on this forum -thanks tasty):
"hardening off"

Thank you for the reply.

couple things that I did and want to do.

so I gave the plant some miricle grow and me being the noob that I am got the nute mixed up and instaed of high "P" it got high "N".

now I have gotten new nutes with correct properties.

My question's been almost 3 days since the miricle grow was givin to the plant. Do I need to use water for a feed cycle between feeding it nutes, or can I just use the new nutes for my next feeding.
( I did mix the new nutes at half strength)
fert 2.JPG

here are a couple pictures, since the photo angles are limited, I only took a couple since they all look the same :(
Here is also a picture of the PH balance kit I have , but noone has yet to give me an answer on whether to use this to balance my ph or not.
the pH thing looks like a tester not a "balancer". Does it come with chemicals to add to the water if its not at the desired pH?

Your plant looks pretty green and healthy, it doesn't look like it needs much but I would follow what the label tells you to do and just do 1/4 strength to start and work up. I htink its better to feed less times a week with a stronger brew than more often with a weaker brew. Tho not 100% on that, im sure some one will pop in and contradict me if im wrong! :p

it does have the chemical to balance it. Just not sure if balancing PH is different for fish or for flowers
it has both chemicals, the dye for testing and the chemical for lowering the PH.
well there are organic ways to lower and raise pH, but if thats not something you are worried about its probably just good ole pH up and pH down... which should be fine... maybe google the chemicals, if they are listed, and see if its the same as regular pH up and down?

good luck
I could be way off on this but...
The pH kit looks like it only measures a very narrow range (fish water)- from 6-7.6 And you want your plant food/nutrients at 6.5 in soil. So it could work.

When you calibrate a pH probe you have to give it 7.0 to start then either use a 4.0 or a 10.0 as the range setter. You pick the number based on where you plan to measure it. So for plants I use the 7.0-4.0 and then the meter can "read" in that area. Can you take a picture of the rest of the directions?
And what does the test kit actually look like- I know the box says it does 225 tests.

For pH up/down - I use baking soda and braggs organic apple cider vinegar.
I love them and my plants seem to like them too.
I doubt its a probe... its probably litmus paper or soemthing similar...

The range, good eye tasty, is going to be a problem I think. Because if your pH is outta whack, its def gonna be higher or lower than that range and you aren't going to be able to tell.

the tester is a test tube and little blue bottle of fuild ( looks like a eye dropper, and you use one blue drop to test the water) then you hold the test tube up to a color chart.

the adjuster is some kinda of acid, hence why I ask about using it for adjusting the water for a plant.

I will try baking soda and vinegar....that sounds alot more friendly then acid for my plants.
I thought about that cross of herb, although I am sure it'd be wicked....I just don't think the type of acid I have would have the same affect :)
Can anyone tell me what might be going on with the leaves in the top 3 photo's? and shoudl I cut off the lowest branch in picture 1? it's really nothing and will never be anything either.
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And some more pictures, I am thinking I have 2-3 weeks left, but I really have no idea what I am doing so I could be wrong.

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Is anyone able to tell from looking at my pictures, if I my plant is close to being finish and ready for harvest? I don't think it's ready yet, but I was thinking maybe 2 weeks.

those pictures are from last week, but things pretty much look the same today.

I know they are nothing compared to most of the plants on here, but any help would be appricated. :)
That plant has quite a bit of time left before she's finished. Try 4 to 6 weeks
cutting anything off the plant is taking away it's food source it has stored up to build bigger buds, so no, don't cut even one leaf off from her.;)
well it's winter here now and the sun has gone away, most of the hairs have turned red and I think I will just cut it now, and hope for the best.

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