growing on

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thanks Rose, the closest I could find in the pics is the white fly, i suspect mine to be some sort of local white fly, it has a finer and longer body and is shiny grey almost silver colour with heavy body protruding eyes and a nasty needle that they use to suck on the leaves, and from what i am able to see, they seem to stay and feed on top of leaves
those flies are laughing, it seems that spinosad did no harm to them... I am preparing the nuke gear
Chloriphos killed em all, plants are looking happier, those flies were sucking on the leaves stressing the plants. I really dislike going chemical but it works every time and now i feel relieved yay!
Well sometimes you got to do what you got to do.

Bug free is a nice feeling.
oh i screwed it up really bad this time... my lights go on at 8 pm and today i went in during daytime to check of the vegging plants it was round 1pm, then i noticed that i had forgotten that flowering light on because i bypassed the timer again, only this time, i don't recall when i did that, it was days ago, and the plants did not show any signs as of yet, i do not know how many days really, i recall i went in in the morning and it was almost 8, i clicked that bypass switch just so that i can tend for them few minutes before the lights shut, then i forgot it on. that was no less than 3-4 days ago, and they are now 30 days in flowering. i will be really surprised if they grow out of this. i shut the light now it will remain off until tomorrow 8pm that is 19 hours from when i shut it off. it is the second time that i forget this switch on, last time was for a single night, i thought i should remove that switch altogether, but it is needed, i guesss i will figure a way ti place a tiny red light for when i bypass the timer it lights up at the door of my room so that it reminds me that the timer had been bypassed
Damn dude, can't say I haven't done it before. Hope it all turns out alright, it's one of those things that could go either way and hopefully they just carry on, sending good vibes man
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Whew Zem, whata pickle...hope they didn't revert back yet....confused they will be for a minute.
Oh shoot zem, I hope they are OK yikes, I have done dumb light stuff too, got my fingers crossed for you.
thank you all, well they are beginning to look strange, like stretching a bit and trichs beginning to fade as if they wanted to reveg. i am hoping they dont revert completely, afghankushxyumboldt seems the most affected, i never even tried that plant before and she looked nice, i will solve that light issue once and for all
That sucks really bad. I have done that kind of thing more than once :doh: You need to get you a little red light that will shine outside the flower space whenever the lights are on so that you can keep up with it. I had to do that for my buddy that had done that a couple times. Just a simple rig up of a standard voltage mini fixture but very low watt bulb. You should be able to find something like that at lowes/homedepot and wire it in easy enough.
Thanks Hushpuppy I think that i will do something more specific for when i have the light on bypass, you see i sometimes go days without going into my growroom except when lights are on. one idea i have is to put a seperate white light that i would put on or off with a flick switch, and then i can remove the bypass switch altogether. another idea is to design a way to flip currents from a line to another, with a switch, that is to make a separate bypass switch on which i can place a red light.
Anyway the plants seem to be recovering, i am wondering by how much that flowering period has to be extended... cheers
I love tinkering with rigging up some kind of electronic setup for stuff like that. But the easiest thing would be like you said, to run a separate light system that you can connect to a standard light switch. Just have to remember to turn that one off as well.:eek: :doh: I would bet that set you back a couple weeks at least.
Many thanks for the kind words, Hush you are right, i can see them delayed at least 2 weeks and i also think that the buds will not come out bulky due to what happened. pic was taken days ago, my concern is not to get quantity since i have enough weed, but i am concerned that the quality of the bud would differ from it if that had not happened, and i have a couple of strains that are Y-Griega and Afgankushxyumboldt that i want to try and decide if they will be kept or ditched...

I can install a couple of white cfls that will be hard to forget in a hps flowering room, since they would only be lit rarely when lights turn off and i need some lights for a few more minutes. I can place another red light outside at my door so that it lights up with the cfl's, that would make it impossible to forget except if i had lost my mind because it will be shining red in my face while i am closing the door. The drawback is that i will be placing more wires and stuff into my flowering chamber, something that might not disturb many, but i really really would like to avoid, since that will be a permanent solution and from then on, all my flowering chambers will have this solution with it, so I am still considering if i can find a simple switch where i can flip currents from timer current to continuous current and i can place that red light on continuous. What i need is a switch that can flip currents fast enough without causing the lights to restart because then i will have to wait a minute in the dark. I am sure i can find that, since it is found in computer ups units, that flip from AC to DC without any noticeable interruption

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They may surprise you in the end and turn out ok..... Hopefully.. good bud mojo :)
They may surprise you in the end and turn out ok..... Hopefully.. good bud mojo :)

Your words are golden :) I can see some buds bulking up here and there, crossing my fingers and hoping
I just cut a small bud from y-griega, quick dried it and smoked it, and I can say that it is amazing, taste is from the same family of Satori, potency is very high although the plant is still not ready. It does have the tendency to grow taller but manageable for a seasoned grower. I got red eyes and all lol and i smoke like a chimney, I recommend this strain
oh man it is the season of problems, that same old fly is back, the chemical cleared it for a month and now it is back. i don't want to use chemicals now, i will wait until end of flowering and this time I will look for a more sustainable solution. That Chloriphos is a poisonous chemical that i use no more than once every 18 months when i really have to, now i have to use it twice in 2 months which is totally unacceptable, and last time i used it i vowed it would be the last time. I will make the effort of determining the pest