Have to stop :(

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
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***** to say it but I have to stop smoking. Tomarrow I have a interview and will find out if they will drug test me. My friend said he doesn't remember getting drug tested so I'm hoping now, espically since I smoke 2 nights ago lol. Wish my luck tomarrow at 2:00!
Sounds to me like your sorting out priorities and doing a good job of it. Hope the job is totally to your liking, and that you will have the freedom to chase your passions.
smoke in peace
This job isn't going to be the job for me its just a job to get me through till summer cause during summer I work for my fathers business. Just doesn't pay me to drive there during the winter when its his slow time ( sells swimming pools, also cause I wouldn't work much during winter and it takes a hr to get there so the money I made would be mostly for gas and some for free )

But I do need to stop smoking just in case of the test. It kinda came out wrong how I said it. I'm not quiting on smoking just till this drug test lol. But do wish me luck cause I need a job bad! asking you mom for gas money all the time is horrible!
Got that right, and the older you get the worse it becomes, except for the silverspoon set.
My mom would just say no, LOL. It takes around $75.00 to fill my tank with fuel.
smoke in peace
Yea man it *****...I'm not paying that much thank god but I always pay atleast $40.00 nothing less. Gotta be rough paying that KK, but I guess ya gotta. I know my dad understand that he has to pay at least $80.00 in his truck, think the only time I saw him under that was $75 and that was when he had 1/4 tank in it. He was hoping that the deisel woulda helped saved on gas prices but right when we bought it last yr the diesel went up and gas went a little down LOL
Well guys/girls....I GOT THE JOB!:D Now I am able to pay for my bills ( only car insurance and cell phone ) and gas without asking the mom! thank god..Even better guess what!?!? NO DRUG TEST!! I went in yesterday for my interview and she right away said ok can you start thursday? and I was like yes sure..So no drug test plus my friend who always works there told me he wasn't so I know they won't come out of no were and be like hey pee in this for me lol. And on top of getting the job, me and my friends did a little celebration on it lastnight and smoke some beautiful cali weed..boy was I stoned off of that:D
Kool !! now ur on ur way for a better life ..
Well now that your the NEW working man around here.Its kind of a tradition to buy a pack of seeds for everyone.:eek: Congrats on the JOB.Keep it GREEN:hubba:
Sampson said:
Well guys/girls....I GOT THE JOB!:D Now I am able to pay for my bills ( only car insurance and cell phone ) and gas without asking the mom! thank god..Even better guess what!?!? NO DRUG TEST!! I went in yesterday for my interview and she right away said ok can you start thursday? and I was like yes sure..So no drug test plus my friend who always works there told me he wasn't so I know they won't come out of no were and be like hey pee in this for me lol. And on top of getting the job, me and my friends did a little celebration on it lastnight and smoke some beautiful cali weed..boy was I stoned off of that:D

congrats on the job!!

thats cuz its killa cali weed!! LOL
I NEVER get bammer **** anymore. maybe like once or twice when i was younger and didnt know any better. LOL
I love livin in cali
crazygirl22qt said:
congrats on the job!!

thats cuz its killa cali weed!! LOL
I NEVER get bammer **** anymore. maybe like once or twice when i was younger and didnt know any better. LOL
I love livin in cali

Yea yea, I can't wait to go to cali for spring break in march!:D Going be visiting my sister in Newport Beach, and will be looking at school cause I want to move there. Question any good places crazy girl to direct me to get weed? I don't want to ask the wrong people..

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