Help, starting off 7 plants.

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Wu skilled grower
Oct 3, 2007
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Ok heres the problem: i live with my parents and i need to have a stealth grow box for my 7 plants so i they can grow at least 5 inches before i put them outside may in 08, can anybody help me out with a great spot and a plan for a box?
i live in a medium size house
i sure hope you arent growing in the house that your parents work so hard to keep going. it aint just you at risk here. its on there toes, and if your parents' house got busted, then they would get the punishment, not you. parents have been procecuted for there child growing in there house. if i were you id be building your knowledge for when you get your own place. that way its only you who gets the **** for it.

how old are you anyway???? if your old enough to be on this site, then im sure you are old enough to find your own place. right?

plus, if your starting a plant now for august 08, you are gonna need alot of head room. thats 7 months of veg indoors, gonna be some sort of monster. and you want 7, without your parents knowing, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ive never heard anything so rediculous.

think before you go ahead with this my friend, and if your parents dont know about it, dont do it. simple!

oh god, im thinking of making a box and starting them off in april, early may.
when their strong enough to live on their own i will plant them outside and visit them every 14th day. im 19 the reason im living at home is because im still going to school.
You get busted with plants, you get the law bitin your heels, you get busted by the law, your parents get a whole lot more trouble than you could imagine
yes i know, i hav grown two times so please stop treating me as a noob, back to topic do anybody have an idea???
I understand that you dont want to hear what everyone had to say.They are just looking out for you and your parents.So,I hope you understand there intent.ITS ALL GOOD.So I wont say anything about growing in your parents house,thats your choice,and YOU will have to deal with the trouble if it comes around.So heres a pic for you on what they should look like and you can build it as big or as small as you want it.Keep it GREEN:hubba: ..Thata King Kahuna for the pic...;)

View attachment RES01035.JPG
sorry guy i gotta go with the majority on this one you shouldnt do it in your parents house and the fact that you have and they either didnt notice or made you get them out and punish you shouldnt be a reason to take chances aginst them soing theis in their place just shows that you dont have any respect for them and thats just not right they are your parents they gave you life and your doing something that can ruin theirs!!!! but this is my opinion ( and i think a few more)

but as it pertains to your "home" and where you can put a box that size id say anyplace you feel its safe and will go unnoticed
ok you guys talked me into reason. i will start them in my friends apartment(he is a grower too so it wont bother him). thanks guys
greenville said:
ok you guys talked me into reason. i will start them in my friends apartment(he is a grower too so it wont bother him). thanks guys

now you just broke rule #1 :rolleyes: (tell NO one you grow)

good luck and glad you dont live in my house

HGB said:
now you just broke rule #1 :rolleyes: (tell NO one you grow)

good luck and glad you dont live in my house


And who knows how many times his "grower freind" broke the rule as well. Now everyone knows. Now your security is comprimised already.
I am a 51 year old parent with my two son's (18, 21) living with me. I grow so they do not have to buy off the street. (IMO) You never know for sure what you might be getting or if it is some sort of reverse sting. Your dealer may have gotten in trouble and working with LEO. When a person gets in trouble you can't even trust them if its your best friend.
My rules in our home are keep it all between US, NO SELLING and use your head. If not it will come to a STOP. My Son's understand they have a good thing going and don't violate these rules.
I love to grow But I can't smoke because of random testing @ work. I have way to much to lose to take that risk. BUT--------
Look out whenI retire.:bong1: :48: :smoke1: Let the good times roll!!!

I think you should talk with your parents and be honest. If you let them know the risks of growing your own verses getting it from street dealer they may understsnd. Grow for your use only and read all the security information you can find to tell them you will be responseable about you are doing. They might understsnd and give you the ok. If it dose not work out for you Please don't do it behind their back in their home.
gyus, i might be a 13 year old kid ******* with ur minds, dont believe anything i say, i live in America, europe, Asia, Africa, Oseania make ur choice;)

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