Hi! Are You Experienced? I am.

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wutz up terminal? glad ur here. hey if ur in detroit where do u go to escape a tornado?

ford field, they rarely have touchdowns. rofl
Thanks Docfish . Sorry, but I don't know whats scarier. That avatar or that joke.

you sports fans and your funny jokes.
docfishwrinkle said:
wutz up terminal? glad ur here. hey if ur in detroit where do u go to escape a tornado?

ford field, they rarely have touchdowns. rofl

Had me fooled docfish. I thought it was because not even a tornado wants an American car. :rofl: Ford Field.

Welcome around Terminal Head. Got anything growing at the moment?
grow is so damn complicated don't know where to begin

chemo is pain in *** as I expected.

more so
but I'm glad
gives me challenge

Hey whats with the stars?

everyone has a butt.
I am dissappointed in tests of 2 hermie skunk#1 seed and 2 chemo. I've seen a lot of plants but that chemo is temperamental at best. Wild one cannot be tamed.

Of course I have no choice to try.

The hermi skunk is as expected. Thats why I separated it. Random growth.

I always test couple of what the heck is this lets go for it in summer and see what happens. Can always take it down.
lol , i cant get alot of what your saying , but you sound high , maybe i need to smoke some to be in the same dictionary level
Ok I guess you guys and gals are ok to trust to finally tell me the answer to my lifes angst.

When I was in Japan and went to an amusement park. Mind you we arrived in morning after 2 hour drive there so this was major emergency.

I got the tummy rumbling load packing up and wanting to burst out your pants .. major problem... All sudden like. Womb! where did that come from.. om my goodness.. Which way to nearest disposal area?

So enough unwanted nauseating background information. Almost, I went into the nearest Japanese bathroom and all it was a large concrete barn open area no doors just a pavillion.. fine.. this was emergency I lived in Japan and no there is no shame in urination...

but I couldn't figure out how to take a .. dumpster.. they had white porcelean tubs sunk into a concrete lip about 6 or so inches high. Looked like you were supposed to sit down on it and you know heave ho away.. but there was no way to flush it away afterwards .. no water no drain.. Ok question is?

How was I supposed to use them?