Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Whole west coast on fire !-- After the "help" Puerto Rico got after that hurricane and the way ya'll voted ?-- I wouldn't expect much from the Don !-- Probably won't even get no paper towels thrown at ya'll !-- Fox News say there really ain't no fire !-- It's Fake News !
Jeff Sessions and Mike Pence say it's gods judgement for all that sin and stuff ya'll be doing out there !-- Growing that evil weed and stuff !--
No joke !-- I hope they get that under control soon that has to be scary !-- Best Wishes !
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Keef, I'll be glad to send ya a pile of these when they ready. Prolly another 3 weeks before they are done. If I wasn't so busy doing outside things it wouldn't have happened. The BoC I have is really something. Can't say I'm crazy about the flavor but I tried feeding with a 3 part nute this run to kinda warm up to trying the hydro thing and I don't know how that may have affected the smell/taste. The GDPxBPU I had was an absolutely gorgeous plant, probably the prettiest I've ever grown inside. Never smoked any 'cause it was the only one that survived and I coulda swore it was a female. I kilt 4 brothers before him.
Have a gander at these little babies


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Morning O.F.C. -- Weed pics everywhere !-- I like it !-- Need t look make me another cup of coffee !-- Slow this morning !-- Nick we'll talk about those seed later - Mine still a couple weeks out too !-- I think they flush with water last few days with that 3 part nute stuff !-- Some sugars or something that can give unflushed weed an unpleasant taste !-- I use Botonacare nutes and it doesn't need to be flushed ! -- Water farming got many forms -- Some grow in grow medium like coco coir or even that promix Umbra uses !-
They got nothing in it as far as food for the plant !-- They just there to support the plant !
O.K. let's do this day !
Exactly Burnin, i am going in for a latte any minute. Good morning peeps,
I have been dealing with stuff. Had a big dinner for a couple of my brothers sons. That was very fun. One is clean and sober for 20 years and the other is loving that his aunt is growing pot. Both were surprised. Got a note from one that said Franks gift V made him sleep like a baby. Love it when that happens. I bet he comes over more often. lol I think we are headed for 104 today.
Umbra, i got one female from those lambsbreadx. Huge indica leaves. Do you guys notice all boys smell alike? I think i am on to something.
I just got up............. again. Rain kills my motivation.
Nap Wake and Bake it is Nick !-- I don't much need an excuse today !-- I been about as useless as the teats on a boar hog !-- It's been hitting the 90s by 9 am and don't drop below that till 7-8 pm !-- I still haven't went to do battle with the lawnmower!-- Bout all I done last couple days is go out front and spray weed killer on the weeds in my front yard !-- When I manage to get the back done no one will ever know it was this bad but me and I won't tell!
Hey y’all, we’ll my son got to return home today and all is well...Unfortunately not for everyone...Times are gonna be tough in these areas hit by fire...my son was saying that rental property in Redding was already pretty much non existent even before the fire...probably pretty much like that in all the fire areas...
Good hot and smoky morning to you guys. 104 expected here. yuck. I have had lots of family company and now it is over. I am going to get on the bike and then lift some weights. gotta do something.
Good morning y'all!
Been out of data time last couple days.
I don't know if anybody else has grown these girlz outdoors yet, but I won't try to put them in the greenhouse again.
I've cut 4' off of them twice already and now they are pushing against the 10' ceiling again. I'd be willing to say they All have the ability to produce well over a pound each, maybe even 2.
Weather has been unusually cool all week but gonna get hot again in a couple days.
Morning O.F.C. -- Holding my own !--
Gloman if U talking about stuff from seed I send ?-- U and Ness about it !-- I was hoping they would do U right !-- U gonna have to put them inside and figure out how big U can let them get before the flip !-- U gotta hold them back some !--
Rose I'm happy for U !-- U needed a visit to help distract U for awhile !--
Respect to the firefighters out west !-- Bunch of unknown heros in my book !
Good morning everyone hope you guys are all off to an excellent start figured I’d throw up a picture of my nurse Larry cross Valentine I’ve never seen the Valentine but I’m pretty sure that this girl is leaning towards the Valentine more than the nurse Larry
I've learned to pace myself.
I’m surprised you haven’t bought a tr


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Looking good Bud !-- I'm looking forward to growing some regular sized plants-- I wanted to grow some stuff I bred-- I went thru lots of small plants -- I'm pretty much where I wanted with that although it never really ends !-- Looks like I may have to shut down awhile !-- Not the end but more of a new beginning ! --
Yo Bud -- U gonna smoke that or process it for edibles ?-- Nick is right looks like U got plenty medicine plant !-- I am down with half high THC and Half high CBD caps !-- I saw a big difference when taking them !-- I got a Blueberry Valentine and a Pennywise Valentine to sex soon -- My plan is to take a look at them and see which will grow best for me -- I only need one high CBD plant -- I got clones of CBD Crew's Indica-x- Valentine and I kept a breeding male --It works just fine so we see what the others got ?
Having some issues at work, lol. I'm being told that I am not capable of doing my job because of my lungs. I have 2 doctors who are swearing under oath that I am capable of doing my job and using a respirator without any restrictions and the company has refused to accept their medical findings. I refused to go to work today and used a floating holiday while I contact an attorney and the CA State Attorney General's Office. I'm from Jersey … you push me, I push back. Push comes to shove, you better bring a body bag, because its gonna get ugly.
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