Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Nick I can put 6 of my midgets in one box and move them to bloom - every 2 weeks --I got enough gear to double that-- but veg ain't cooperating - They can all be cuts from the same plant or not !--So I can use a lot of clones from a lot of different varieties when it is all up and running right-- Here lately I been in one those I can't do anything right periods !- I'm looking at setting up a real grow with a more balanced bloom to veg size -- Then I'll keep running this rotation to keep me in weed while I get the other grow up and running with proper sized plants -- I'm thinking a 3 bedroom secluded house --I veg in one bedroom and bloom in another and have one to sleep in !-- I'm fishing for someone who wants prepare for the coming green wave --
Excellent business experience and get down grow skills usually aren't possessed by the same person ! -- Grow skills in Texas ?-- They hunt us !-- No legitimate business person can be associated with such a criminal !-- but to get a head start they need to start early and quietly-- The gulf between those interested in the biz and those who got the skills is proving a challenge to reach across ! -- Some times the impossible just takes a little longer!
Good afternoon OFC

I am being super lazy today. Too smoky to do much outside or down in my shop. The only smoky place I want to be is here inside. ha ha

Hang in there Keef. Not every grow is perfect and things will change in Texas. They almost have enough signatures in Oklahoma to put recreational use on the ballot. Who would have thought this would happen. lol
Burnin 1-I think it was on the ballot in Oklahoma and passed ?--- I think they opened the door to medical and recreational ?- My lazyasssmoky mind been wrong before though ?-- Maybe I made it up ?
Time for the afternoon cannacap dose !-- 50/50 high CBD/THC decarb be my new jam on the cannacap tip !-- I can take half as much as if it was made from only high THC weed -- I get the pain relief and a good buzz but not melted like those indica caps do me !-- I thought I would have to mess around with different percentages to find the right combination for me !-- 50/50 -- Boom !-- I'm good !-- 2 - size "00" gel caps per dose --3 times a day !--

Edit : -- I got a question !-- Chocolate pancakes with vanilla ice cream?
Do U use strawberry jam --Nutella- Spun honey or chocolate syrup ?-- Got to have the whipped cream !-- I'm so glad I'm not one those people who get high and let the munchies rule thier life ! -
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Time for the afternoon cannacap dose !-- 50/50 high CBD/THC decarb be my new jam on the cannacap tip !-- I can take half as much as if it was made from only high THC weed -- I get the pain relief and a good buzz but not melted like those indica caps do me !-- I thought I would have to mess around with different percentages to find the right combination for me !-- 50/50 -- Boom !-- I'm good !-- 2 - size "00" gel caps per dose --3 times a day !--

Edit : -- I got a question !-- Chocolate pancakes with vanilla ice cream?
Do U use strawberry jam --Nutella- Spun honey or chocolate syrup ?-- Got to have the whipped cream !-- I'm so glad I'm not one those people who get high and let the munchies rule thier life ! -
So for a woman I was engaged to, her son was autistic, super finicky about food I did French Toast soaked in egg and chocolate milk. Stacked them 2 high with Nutella in between and then made home made whipped cream with, you guessed it chocolate in the whipped cream. It was a big hit with her son, but I was banned from making breakfast again, lol. I told her, there is always Jolt soda and pixie stix for lunch.
Nick I have revegged a plant 5 times. Like Keef mentioned the truck and branches got all twisty and knarled. I found that trimming the roots helped a great deal with revegging.
Hey ofc, sorry too hot to be social today...though I did get one little girl transplanted this morning...stay cool if ya can!!!
It is way to hot RE. A hot wind blowing my poor pot plants around. They are taking it like the weed they are. Still a hundred at 7 pm. It should only last a couple of weeks.
I found the coolest dress today. Rayon, very light and cool. Livin in it.
I need to take the pots off the tub they are too close to the light. They weigh 7000000 pounds. Maybe tomorrow they will be much dryer. I hope they fit in the tub. A 20 gallon and a 10 gallon.
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Evening RE !-- Hellhot at the beach today !-- Mighta set a record ?
About revegging -- I pretty much only do it these days if I forgot to clone something in time -- I get several rooted clones then I'll bloom the base and let it go !-- I got those 2 boys to deal with too !-- I chop them back -- beat them and mistreat them trying to keep them from getting very big-- When they start getting outta hand I take a couple cuts and root them !-- Once they rooted -- I throw out the big piece--
Right now I got that male CBD Crew's Indica-x Valentine -- He on standby until I get a CBD -I x-Val and one those other high CBD girls up to breeding size and get seed -- then he so dead !-- Other one is that BOC male - Waiting on a chocolate girl to breed him but I might keep him ?-- Got 4 chances at what I had planned as my next breeding male -- Snow Desiel-x- BBSL !-- Big Pink !-- I be sexing them soon !
Edit :-- Hey Rose !
Hey Keef, i heard a guy rant, an old hippy from Texas, coulda been you. I might have to send you the link. You have a like minded person in your neck of the woods.
Rose, 7mil...you might need a hand with that...don’t hurt your self...oh and thanks a lot...now I gotta go search out YouTube for an old Texas hippie on a rant...g’night
Morning O.F.C. -- 6:30 - Time for da Wake and Bake !
Rose - Did it include lots of 4 letter words and obscene gestures ?-- Mighta been me then !-- At least I made my veiws quite plain and documented them here !-- I'm an old white guy !-- I gotta go outta my way to show I'm not like that !
Double negatives have been ruined forever ! -- So I guess I can't use them anymore !
Weed ain't smoking itself !-- Do your duty !
Good morning y'all.
Ugh, got the screaming meemies digging into my back this morn.
I did get into the front garden tho and picked a bunch of cucumbers and cherry tomatos.
Its not as easy as buying salad fixings but boy they seem to taste SO much better when you grow your own. (I think that's true with Anything we grow ourselves)
Its a lovely day here today. Temps in the upper 60's over night. They say only 82 today.
Gotta love that!
Hope y'all have a wonderfull day!
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