Home of the Old Fart's Club part 2

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Isn't that awesome Nick. That makes me so very happy. I can't quit taking pictures. Bud's frame is up and he says it is permanent. Really? yikes..
Anyway, here is a pic or two. See the tarp in the back, it all works very well.
New babies, no purple haze but I still got seed so next time I’ll abuse them a little before trying to germinate them... I do have one growing in the garden though...these are going in the indoor cabinet...
I got a “lemon haze” a “shark shock” and a couple of
“Nurse Larry x V”...that one was a good producer last time I grew her...
I only got one original Nurse Larry up to be sexed but I got some more seed -- I also got Nurse Larry - x- BBSL ! -( I don't call it "The Black Nurse " - I promise!)-- and then stacked a blueberry dad on top that !-- (NL-x- BBSL)-x- (BPU-x- B.B.)-- Purple Haze ?--I still got original seed !- She had a child with Waldo (BBSL ) too -- PH-x- BBSL -- Very potent and pretty with soft purple flowers !
Nick that blueberry I sent came from Umbra too !
I got rooster spur roots on some of my WI-x- BBSL cuts already -- Might bloom that mother while sexing the babies ?-- got 3 Purple Mimosa -- 5 stacked blueberries -- 2 -- Chocolate blueberry -- 3 --SR91- x- ( MZR-X-BBSL) -- An (AK-x- BBSL) -x-( BPU-x- B.B.) -- might be one or 2 more -- and a **** load of WI- x- BBSL clones !-- Gonna need a bigger grow room !
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Dam Umbra !-- U don't play !-- Parfait and that Gelato are my picks !-- Can't really go wrong though can U ?-- Then comes the hunt for the best among the seed !-- Although from the looks of your list the worst would be outstanding !
Go get’m keef, I’m watching some football and smoking a freebie I grew last round...”Serious Happiness”...don’t know nuthin bout her but she got me high...
RE --Can't sit outside in the evening or morning around here unless U got a screened in porch --the mosquitos will eat U alive !-- On another note -- I got clones with little rooster spur roots at 5 days -- No hormones !-- No nothing just put them in an aero basket and neoprene collar and drop it in an empty grow hole !--
Good Morning OFC....First day of Fall and we still have Summer !...10 day out look is showing 98* & 99* for the 29th and 30th...will it ever end? What timer do most use here?...I swapped to the digital ones and they seem to be simpler to me than the mechanical ones...plus I have a lot of power interruptions and they store the time, so no need to reset them. Sexy looking plants 2RE...bet they will make some tasty smoke. Keef...we let "bad Keef" have 2 paragraphs on "what NOT to say" when the po po roll up on ya lol. And gave you credit for all the great tips you know.Ms Rose love your frost/rain cover outta the PVC pipe...I am a practical person and love seeing unconventional use of practical items...I am all so a bit of a prepper and wonder does any of the OFC members prep as well? I know Nick has self sufficient in his sig. Guess we all prep by storing cannabis and seed...I would bet Umbra has us all beat on seed storage. Off for the walk and chores.Have a great day the cannabis way!

Morning OFC !---
Prep HP ? -- I grow weed and make liqour- I want the preppers to buy and store lots of stuff -- Only the best !-- Cause when U want some liqour or weed we can do some horse trading -- When it comes right down to it the only thing U really got is between your ears !-- Like how to make and use explosives !
Smoke it !-- It's Wake and Bake !-- Let's do this dam day
That sounds good...bartering is as old as man kind...but...I figure you will want a clean drink of water(48 hours without water in these parts will make you a believer) or decent food before one would need cannabis or booze...alcohol only has medicinal purposes to me. You can get clean water from your distillery but it will require heat. I keep a British Berkefeld gravity filter and some other portable type survival filter straws for on the go needs.Lots of dehydrated food...about a years worth I guess. Explosive? hmmm...no comments lol...anarchist cookbook is my friend...plus I ran around with a guy that had a blasters permit for beaver damns and learned to handle Nitro Methane binary explosive, caps and fusing with him. I bet there is plenty of hidden talent right here in the OFC.
I did 8 years in the Army !-- and I too have a copy of anarchist cookbook -- Whatever U have in material goods can be taken from U or destroyed - Between the ears is all U get to keep !
Had to put my skills to the test in the aftermath of Katrina -- I did all right !--
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Yeah Buddy...Katrina was a once in a life time experience I hope...Never saw so many people with no place to go...I could tell stories on it for a spell...Our lil town was the first one in SW MS to get power back. They used it for a FEMA staging area and our airport was turned into a morgue. They set up down town for issuing FEMA relief checks... it was riots the first 2 days and they had to shut down...usual bully type stuff. Then a nice MP company from TN came down to help out...put the man on every corner with his M4 and 10 clips in his web gear...end of disorderly conduct.
I was in Hammond La. we were on the weak side -- Still took almost 2 weeks for them to get the road to my hood cleared !-- Biggest score of my life was 2 bags of ice from a truck hauling in supplies for the 1st time since the storm !
If U weren't there U just can't quite understand can U HP ?
Your right...its so hard to describe that much damage...the local government was over whelmed...Sheriff could not police 60,000 people...he was set up for 15,000. One remote community close to Fort Adams Ms ...took them 10 days to cut the trees off their gravel road ...the county could not get to them. Your on your own if anything big hits...the government infrastructure is a joke mostly...what ever you can stash out and the knowledge you have is about all you can count on.
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