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Morning O.F.C...Wow past out cold last night...
A bit chilly here this morning also Rose..The sky is looking pretty clear for now, sure would be nice to have the sun today and they were calling for rain...
You lucky Rose we are three hours from the airport...
Three hours of Tai Chi this morning....better get right...:48:
Morning O.F.C. !--- Pappy I never cloned except in my aerocloner but Rose and some others clone in dirt !-- I'm just spoiled !--Spray those with some seaweed concentrate for Foliar feeding and they may perk up !--Get U one of those Octacloners --makes it easy to clone !---
In the rear is Umbra's BPU-X-B.B. -- In the front is the BPU-X-B.B. crossed on my Widow !--They do like some water pharming -- I got to try to sit on these a couple more weeks while bloom finishes !-- I got to chop it back again and I don't need anymore clones!

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ya know, when you plant seeds, every morning is like Christmas: you race downstairs looking for the necks breaking the surface..... cloning is haaaaaaaard, 2nd try
Just a couple of things that I noticed...the heat mat should be under the domed container not under the plants themselves and it should be temperature controlled, and they don't look like there is any moisture in the chamber. there is no condensation on the dome. the rH should be around 90%.
I'm kinda bummed out today !-- I keep up with those MJ news articles Burning 1 post !-- This interview about the DEA changing weed to schedule 2 scares me !--- I should be happy but I'm not !-- Looks like big pharm gonna try to shut us down !-- I was really hoping to see some kind of progress toward the end of prohibition !-- Now I don't know anymore !--- My burden gets heavy sometimes !-- They catch me I go to jail !--No doubt !-- I grow medicine for us but to them I'm a criminal! --- They catch me they'll throw the book at me !-- Possession! ---Possession with the intent to distribute !-- Manufacturering a controlled substance !and many more !--- I guess this is my burden to bear !--- I feel like Kunta Kente !--Tied to the whipping post !--
What's your name boy ? ---

My name is Keef and I grow weed !--
- U can beat me or put me in jail but I will be true to myself and what I do is not wrong !-- U Bastids !!
Dog !-- Shame on them if something changes and D.D. turns me loose !--
Right now ?---

I could produce 400 clones at a time with what I got !-- I'm not using them spots that way but I could !

and I got The Funk ! --
That article was so horrible... the guy was stupid about cannabis... Made me furious too early in the morning.
I was holding my own till I read that Rose !-- U never know what's real and what's not !-- How long must we wait ?-- It's hard for me to resist going all out Outlaw Pharmer and stuff like this doesn't help !-- Just be what they say I already am ?
Just heard Bruce Springsteen doing "Born in the U.S.A. "!-- Why does it have to be this way ?
Just a couple of things that I noticed...the heat mat should be under the domed container not under the plants themselves and it should be temperature controlled, and they don't look like there is any moisture in the chamber. there is no condensation on the dome. the rH should be around 90%.

Thanks, Umbra
the heat mat... yes, of course, not sure what I was thinking there
there's a temp probe sticking in one of those rooter plugs, never goes over 24
It's 50-60 RH in the room... 90? wow, I keep the plugs moist, that's all
Perhaps a layer of water in the tray?
I'm kinda bummed out today !-- I keep up with those MJ news articles Burning 1 post !-- This interview about the DEA changing weed to schedule 2 scares me !--- I should be happy but I'm not !-- Looks like big pharm gonna try to shut us down !-- I was really hoping to see some kind of progress toward the end of prohibition !-- Now I don't know anymore !--- My burden gets heavy sometimes !-- They catch me I go to jail !--No doubt !-- I grow medicine for us but to them I'm a criminal! --- They catch me they'll throw the book at me !-- Possession! ---Possession with the intent to distribute !-- Manufacturering a controlled substance !and many more !--- I guess this is my burden to bear !--- I feel like Kunta Kente !--Tied to the whipping post !--
What's your name boy ? ---

My name is Keef and I grow weed !--
- U can beat me or put me in jail but I will be true to myself and what I do is not wrong !-- U Bastids !!

And also, if I may... Many more are starting to grow, I don't buy weed anymore meaning that guy doesn't sell to me anymore and his income to buy is reduced and there are more like me every day. Now, I'm trying to sell now too and won't have anyone to sell to.
See where this is going?
Instead of a ton of little folks all exchanging money, it'll be big pharma or corps, won't be anything left for us and the country will tank.

On the bright side, if you convert, there's likely some damn good Aphgany hash in those Hookahs.
Try it Pappy !-- They'll sucks up what they want !-- I'm lit and it never occurred to me that I shouldn't be able to see the plants because of condensation inside !--- I'm slow sometimes !--- I'm gonna have to brush up on converting Celsius to Fahrenheit! -- 0 Celsius is the temp water freezes at and 100 is the boiling point of water ?--- Don't matter what scale U use -- It's hell hot in Texas !-- Maybe 50 C ?--- In the shade !
I'm taking a nice dose of caps !--I need an attitude adjustment!
Pappy I never smoked a legal joint in my life !--- I got a plan !-- May not be the best plan and plans change but One of those Simply"C " CO2 extractors is coming to Texas !--- I'll do it all --Grow it --extract it -- Fill e-cig cartridges --Package it and wholesale it !-- They never seen anything like this down here !-- It's one of the reason I don't want to move to a free state !-- I get in on the ground floor if anything happens down here !--
They can let me play legally or I'll play by myself in the grey area !-- I would much rather come up out of here hauling a bottle of oil rather than a load of weed !
Thanks, Umbra
the heat mat... yes, of course, not sure what I was thinking there
there's a temp probe sticking in one of those rooter plugs, never goes over 24
It's 50-60 RH in the room... 90? wow, I keep the plugs moist, that's all
Perhaps a layer of water in the tray?
I didn't see the probe. No don't pool water in the tray. The cubes should be moist but not dripping wet. I saw how drooped over they looked and even spraying or misting them would help. But mostly, the dome shows no condensation. I'm thinking the same as Keef, the temp needs to come up some.
Try it Pappy !-- They'll sucks up what they want !-- I'm lit and it never occurred to me that I shouldn't be able to see the plants because of condensation inside !--- I'm slow sometimes !--- I'm gonna have to brush up on converting Celsius to Fahrenheit! -- 0 Celsius is the temp water freezes at and 100 is the boiling point of water ?--- Don't matter what scale U use -- It's hell hot in Texas !-- Maybe 50 C ?--- In the shade !
I'm taking a nice dose of caps !--I need an attitude adjustment!

Metric system is not so great, the C degrees are huge, F is more accurate (without using half degrees which is stoopid)

25 is room temperature, or about 76
with seeds, I used to just wet the plugs with 10mL (1/3 oz) from a syringe
1 or 2wice a day, some same mist clones, some say don't, sheesh
I didn't see the probe. No don't pool water in the tray. The cubes should be moist but not dripping wet. I saw how drooped over they looked and even spraying or misting them would help. But mostly, the dome shows no condensation. I'm thinking the same as Keef, the temp needs to come up some.

It won't pool, I added drain holes and a pump for later ebbin' and flowin'

If I spray them anymore, the weight will kill them :) I had to cut off more leaves, not much plant left but they're standing.

I was told not to mist them, this just get crazy I tells ya.
I can't miss another window, I'm planting seeds this go round.

thanks for comments, I'll take this to the right thread though,
I just thought the pic was entertaining :)
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