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Had me fooled and I didn't notice those under the net !-- I see what U mean by both touching both walls !
U a better man than me trying grow even a sativa dominate hybrid make me pull my hair out !-- This Hoe Berry gonna be tough enough !-- I just perfer a hybrid 60 day or less finisher ! --
umbra, everything that is currently in the grow room came from a nirvana blister pac of freebies. This one was the only female that is indica dominant, The girls in the back under scrog are the stretchiest sativa I have ever seen and I grow a thai strain that will go 9 ft outside. Under that net thiese two are running all over the wall. Both go to both walls if that makes any sense.
I did hazeolope and it did 5x stretch in flower
Nick did U find some GG seed at Elev8 ?

I did for a fact. Thank you very much. I will probably regret it but I have to wait 'till the first to order. I need glasses more'n seeds right now. That #4 is 'sposed to be the one. I'm envious. Tell D.D. its good for menstral cramps!
Weedhopper is high and drinking a cold Bud Light. THIS NL is the shits. Lol
What U doing tonight Umbra ? -- Let me hit that real quick ! -- Hey Nick they did have GG seed at Elev8 seed also got something called Gorilla Cookies !-- Sour Patch Kiss !-- I said I was gonna stay away from all those evil seed companies !- They know I got a disease and they just tempt me with thier evil mind candy !-- I'm not ever going over to look at those seed again !-- ( until after ya'll go to bed then I'm going ape sheet and order some of everything )!
Bruce Banner OG --BlackBerry Dream -- Strawberry Snow Cone -- Star Fighter

It ain't a seed list !-- I swear I was just .... It's a list !-- I don't have to have them !-- Especially that Bruce Banner OG !-- I can get by without them but I don't want to !
Hardheaded dog of mine almost went over the bank and into the river today. He loves the water but he don't see so good. Little **** walked out to the edge of the bank and slipped, stumbled or whatever. Over the edge he went. Luckily he got caught up on a tree root. I love my dog but sometimes he scares the crap outta me.
Bunch of pet people around here Nick we'd feel the same !-- Get your glasses before seed !-- Sometimes some seed show up here -- I ain't got any GG seed but I can look around sometimes I find stuff !

I still got to get Giggy his lights !-- Can't haul them to the shipping place on a scooter so I get them out soon as I can Cuz !
Morning O.F.C. !
Mid 60s and rain today !- Not the kinda rain the west coast gonna get -- Still fighting some pressure in my face but I be alright !-- Ya'll have a good time today but don't do nothing I wouldn't do !
My and this pipe got to work this morning !--Later !
Finally done with the morning gardening....packing a bowl of NSA Fat and gonna smoke myself blind in a sec ;)
Morning Kraven !-- Hey Cuz U know Giggy had sent me those 2 fem Nightshade seed ? -- I started one and it's alive but that's about all I can say -- I stunted the hell out it !-- I was gonna send U that extra seed but I don't know if I can get this stunted thing to grow !-- U be mad if I started that other seed ?- I'd really like to grow some but that 1st. one is pretty much toast !-- It's one of those plants that if U had more than one U would throw it out !-- I can always get U a cut if it grows for me !
I took cuttings and let the little things run !-- I can come back later with many of each as I want !-- Then grow them a little bigger ! -- They still got a ways to go !
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