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Afternoon OFC. TJ was a roofer most of his working days in FL. And, I can a sure you it took a toll on his body. He fell through a roof once. Broke his arm and hurt his back. I have decide to put two plants outside. I need a good yield.

Rose, do, you spray for bugs even though you do not have them? NL is coming back. And, mj seem to be doing fine right now.:bong2:
Good morning OFC

I was so glad when our shake roof got replaced, it held so much dirt and wasps..

Umbra, have you ever considered growing Valentine for market? It would be great for the masses of folks that like cbd and have pain.

I spoke to NCH sometime ago about it. He felt that there is a market for it, but it is very selective. He was approached about growing cbd strains, and I tried to get all kinds of new stuff that no one has heard of. The problem was once he got the strain he would be committed to growing cbd strains. Much of this is by the wayside now. The company is a Juice company that has a license to manufacture cannabis infused products. NCH will be growing the cannabis for them. So it might be a good niche for me. Let me know when you have some seeds to share with me, and I will grow some out.
OK I clean and swept and mopped and dusted the bunker. Then i transplanted for 2 hours cleaned up and will finish tomorrow. Still need to stake up and do a final trim on the girls that just got flipped, and the rest of the transplants tomorrow...plus need to take as many HS and Kali Mist clones as I can tomorrow too and toss the moms.

Now just bowl after bowl of Orange Cookies and washing it down with fresh brownies and cold milk....shooting to be greened out by 420 ;)
I am not having fun. Poor bud, now his knee is fractured and bone in bone, yes I said bone IN bone... In a wheelchair for 6 weeks. It would be nice to swear now.

Yes, Umbra, i am for sure making seeds of this. I need to go see what the 3 are out there. I think 2 boys and a girl, so i will clone both sexes. I got Franks Gift, cannatonic, Penny Wise, and something else i can't remember. I can't imagine that it would be a bad thing to hit those with valentine dust. What do you think? Franks gift is a special one i have heard about for year. I better have my cloning skills back now.

Ness, i am so glad you have your Nurse back and are putting a couple of girls outside. I found an egg, a thrip egg so I sprayed again.
i knew a guy years back that was a roofer. he was installing a metal roof on a steeply pitched roof one day and he got caught in a summer shower before he could get on the ground. old fellow ended up sliding on the slick wet metal and falling. broke his hip, both ankles and did something to his knee too. he lasted about a year after that
Evening OFC. Rose Sorry to hear about Bud. Keef, umbra They look great. Ness I decided to pop some of the Random Fems I sent you. See what's in the mix. Bidding on a Lot of seeds from Ohsogreen ISP. Seeds found on the table after shipping. Could be any of these.
Bubba's 91 (Bubba Kush (f) x SR-91), Chem D BX3, Insane Chem 91, SR-91, Cantaloupe Skunk, 91 Dragons, Orange Diesel, AITR x 91 Dragons. 12 Beans 20 bucks Shipped. I got to do it. Ok maybe I bought 2 packs
Get'm Hippy !-- I'm be sexing some that stuff I got from U soon !-- Umbra sent me those KL & BOC seed mid April -- I got both sexed -took cuts and the originals are in bloom !--I don't play !
Got most the trimming done till next week and made a supply run before D.D. head back tommorrow !
Cool Beans Keef. I just smoked some Delusional OG. I fought it to grow. Yield Very low. If I can learn this plant it will be a keeper for sure. 2 Pinch Hitters I am soaring. Time taken to correct this post 3 min.
Woohoo my coveted Nightshade beans have arrived....I owe a friend a huge thank you!!
Ness I'm impressed !-- U doing good just keep doing what U been doing !

Go Kraven ! -- Glad U finally moving forward on this Nightshade project !-- U been wanting to do this for awhile !-- U got the other part of that puzzle yet ?

Having a back up is always good Hippy ! --
Hello Kraven, Knee is doing good. I sprain it twice by moving it side wards. Can't move it that way for awhile. Raining here. Got a wild hog shoulder cooking in the oven and sweet potatoes. Going to fry up some cauliflower and onions and they you go supper.:bong2:
Evening OFC. Rose Sorry to hear about Bud. Keef, umbra They look great. Ness I decided to pop some of the Random Fems I sent you. See what's in the mix. Bidding on a Lot of seeds from Ohsogreen ISP. Seeds found on the table after shipping. Could be any of these.
Bubba's 91 (Bubba Kush (f) x SR-91), Chem D BX3, Insane Chem 91, SR-91, Cantaloupe Skunk, 91 Dragons, Orange Diesel, AITR x 91 Dragons. 12 Beans 20 bucks Shipped. I got to do it. Ok maybe I bought 2 packs

That definitely sound awesome especially the bubbas and the orange diesel I sure hope you got them my friend especially at that price
Evening OFC. Rose Sorry to hear about Bud. Keef, umbra They look great. Ness I decided to pop some of the Random Fems I sent you. See what's in the mix. Bidding on a Lot of seeds from Ohsogreen ISP. Seeds found on the table after shipping. Could be any of these.
Bubba's 91 (Bubba Kush (f) x SR-91), Chem D BX3, Insane Chem 91, SR-91, Cantaloupe Skunk, 91 Dragons, Orange Diesel, AITR x 91 Dragons. 12 Beans 20 bucks Shipped. I got to do it. Ok maybe I bought 2 packs

A bit like Umbra's surprise, lol. good job buying those gems.
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