I Want To Just Cry

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So very very sorry to read this post- I was hoping this would be another of your literary witticisms- I'm sorry for you.
You have some very difficult decisions to make here. Ultimately no one else can make them for you. From your posts it sounds like you have a good family life. There is strength and comfort to be found in that.
I hope you can find the strength and wisdom to make the decision that will leave you no regrets and bring you peace.
Good luck to you.
hey kk ,,,sorry to hear of your troubles ,,,
dam its a tough call
but only you know what to do ,,well the misses might too;)

what ever you decide it will be the right choice for you ,,:peace:

all the best KK :48:
hello KK :)
im not really sure what to say too you. ive read many of your posts. you sound a kind lovely man. and it sounds as if youve got a loving family supporting you along the way. and whatever decision you make will be the right one for you, youll know it in your heart. you dont have to answer this as i respect your privacy...have you been ill for a long while? or have you not long found out about your illness ?
Hi Guys and Gals,

Well, all the rush of emotions now being out of the way for the most part, I find that I am left alone with my thoughts, and my bowl, and also some half way decent smoke. That helps me to not only kill pain, but it takes the edge off of worry, and feeling scrambled. So with a couple of puffs I started to look at myself. This is what I found.

I find that I am human. Strange thing to say I know, but there it is. I have emotions that want to govern my responses to this life, but there are facts that will influence those responses.

I knew that this time would approach me sooner or later, and that I would have to deal with the reality of it. I feel sorta like that kid at camp who just arrived, and is all excited about spending two months there, but way in the back of his head he is already mourning that last day when camp closes for the time.
That is sorta what it felt like for me.

I am human, I have a soul, I also have a spark of divine fire in me that does not whine like a little girl. In fact I have always risen to the challenge all my life.
I have always known who I am, and I am a man of strength, and good character. I do believe in God, (please no offense intended towards anyone), I believe that there is a life after, and that Christ is the way.

My decisions have been made, and I wanted to share with all of you, my friends, just what those decisions are and why.

I have decided to go for the transplant, and to do all that I can to improve the quality of my life, though I am in charge of it. The doctors are there to try to assist me in my desire to continue to breath in and out.
I have 90 lbs to have to lose and even more would not look bad on me. I will stop smoking MJ since that is at least for now something that can mess up my getting a transplant. Man, I am going to hurt without that painkiller.

I can handle all that gets thrown at me, but I now feel that if I did just belly over and let myself croak, then it would be like pissing on my own life, and I worked hard to get where I am. I still want to fly the airplanes and helicopters, and to go scuba diving some more. I want to smoke with a bunch of half crazed friends like all of you guys, and I want to grow the best dank ever.
I am young at 53 and have a healthy lebido. I like to chase laughter, and even though I am married 24 years now, by God I can still throw the leg if you know what I mean.
I am aggressive, and gregarious. LOL the worst case scenario is that I don't make it, but if that be the case then at least I will go like a man and will certainly look good right ?

I used to say to everyone who ever asked me about my health, "As long as I wake up sucking air, then it is another good day" Well, I think that even one more day is worth it, if I can kiss my daughter, and my son. and have that chance to tell my wife I love her again, and maybe laugh a bit.

I asked myself, would I want to smoke with all of you guys if I had the chance ?, and the answer was pretty straight forward, "HELL YES", jeez, I don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure that one out, so there it is, I'm going to try to hang in there with you guys.

Thanks for all the well wishes, I guess I'm sure gonna need them as things get closer. I'm still going to be here, might seem to get scattered at times, but forgive me if you will, you can imagine that I'm going to be having a lot on my mind for awhile.
I need to go right now and burn one or two. How in blazes am I really going to be expected to give up smoking a hoober, it's like my life's blood.
I'm feeling all freaked out over this part of it. I hate to say it, but I will have to set a time to quit smokin in the next day or two. Dang !!!

Love ya all

smoke in peace
Prayers and Thougths with you KK. Prayers and Thoughts to your family KK. Prayers and Thoughts to all those in need...
What a beautiful poignant post KK. Good luck and Godspeed.
KingKahuna, as a transplantee (12 yrs ago), I say go fer it. I would not be here today, if not for my liver transplant. My liver function was nearly as bad as yours is today and I was in a bad way. My brain slowly started to malfunction, due to all of the poisons that were wafting thru my body, not being properly filtered thru the liver. I would drive toward a destination I'd been to a thousand times, get half way there and forget where I was and where I was going...totally lost. I couldn't read the printed page, follow a show on the tube or remember the words to songs I'd sung all my life. Fortunately you sound like this isn't a major problem for you, you write like your brain is working just fine.
I know that a transplant sounds scary, and to be honest of the several folks I met at hospital, while I was in recovery, many of those folks didn't make it due to rejection. I credit my cannabis use, and following my doctors instructions for that.
If there are any insites I can give, or any questions you might have concerning post transplant life, please feel free to PM me. I'll be straight with you, it is better than the alternative, but it does seem like I'm constantly trying to stay ahead of the reaper.
You and your family are in my thoughts...keep on fighting the good fight.

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, Never regret anything that made you smile.
..don't that sat it well??
My personal belief is when your number comes up..there isn't one damn thing that you or I can do about it.
I think you're making the right decision man! Keep us posted, and know that WE ALL keep you in our thoughts and/or prayers brother..
I'm glad to hear you're going through with the transpant, every day longer you spend on this planet with us is a great thing.
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said to you KK. You have my prayers and best wishes. jb, did you stop smoking before your transplant? KK, would it matter if you got a second opinion re: quitting pot?
KK, you know in your huge heart what is best. I'll support you all the way.

Hang in there my friend. :)
"I am human, I have a soul, I also have a spark of divine fire in me that does not whine like a little girl. In fact I have always risen to the challenge all my life."

Remember these words when things get tough.....they did for my uncle Shawn, who was in the same medical boat as you are, or at least the one next to it.

"I have always known who I am, and I am a man of strength, and good character."

In the eyes of those who love you this is all that matters. At the end of the day when you lay down to sleep, what more could a man ask to be......

After my heart attack back in '06 I changed ALOT of habits (Doc's orders) that were some of the causes of the episode. I changed the things I had to to stay on this side of the sod a while longer. You can do it King, a sacrifice here and there is worth every morning you get to look into your childrens eyes. I suspect once you get rollin' calling you "Big Guy" will only be referring to the size of your great heart!
Much love to you brother. :)
The Weed.
You're in my prayers, man.
I know you said you'd be "scattered", but make sure you come on and post once in a while. I always like reading your posts.
wow,i just got around to reading this post.king you are in my prayers.may God grant you the wisdom to make the choices that will be best for you.not only you bro,the ones that love you too.i have always enjoyed the up-lifting posts you make.always that spirited side to you.i know without a doubt,that you are a damned good man,with a heart of gold.my friend,you are with me.and in my daily prayers you will remain.God bless
I am in awe of your strength. That you can write with such eloquence and grace when many would be screaming "why me?" is truly a testament to your character and will. You will survive- you have such clarity and resolution. I must agree with iclown- every day you spend on earth is a good day for the rest of us. Thank you King for being an inspiration in the face of adversity. I look forward to many many more of your wonderful posts.
Yo Ho Friends,
I'm just trucking along. All the fun begins soon enough. The Dr. scheduled the blood draws to see exactly where I am at with the chemistry levels. That is in the first week of February and that's almost upon us. Then he wants an ultra-sound cause they can't do any more CT scans on me. I guess their afraid they might goof my Kidneys. The Dr. says they are going to look for cancer of the Liver to rule that out. He says that if I take all the anti-rejection meds then any cancer would tend to go rampent,(wild).
I have begun studying the success rate of the transplant place that I'm going to use. Also I'm looking into step by step what all is really involved, and all those what IF questions ya know ?
I do have a real hangup about placing control over my own life into someone else's hands. But I also found out that I can have someone in the room calling the shots for me, This I like. My son is sharp, and doesn't miss anything happening around him. LOL, He will make a great watchdog.
Tell you more as it's unfolding.

ps. I'm ok.

smoke in peace
420benny sez: " jb, did you stop smoking before your transplant?" No I did not quit. This was over 10 years ago and the rules were not so stringent, I think. I did inform my doctors of my usage, they kind of shushed me and said not to mention it again. I guess I'm a lucky man!


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