Island Of Misfits

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Oh Thank God
There will only be celebrating in the streets tonight
but how peaceful a sight to see
50F @ 65% RH, double gorgeous and predicted to reach 77F.

More "unlawful assemblies with damage" (formerly known as riots) and a state of emergency called by Portland's mayor, with the National Guard on standby.

"G men, T men, Revenuers too, all looking for the place where he made his brew" .................. Hee, hee, hee, got 5 gallons of corn sugar wash and classic Turbo yeast working at the rate of about two bubbles per second. Puck, puck, puck, puck.............................

I'm running this batch at 5.5 ph and 17.5 lbs sugar per 5 gallons to maximize alcohol production. If I was making drinking liquor, I would run about two thirds that much, but I'm making extraction Etoh for the lab, so am not worried about maximizing flavor.

We ate dinner out at Salty's on the Columbia. Gorgeous day, gorgeous spot, delicious food, and good company! Good to be able to go out to dinner again.
45F @ 81% RH, partially cloudy, and predicted to reach 67F.

Ho hum, more riots, shootings, and our mayor extended the state of emergencies another day.

Wowzer, I can only imagine how fast my sugar wash and turbo yeast would be working if it were warmer. 86F is optimum, but at 68F there is a solid stream of burbling at the rate of several bubbles per second.

I took apart my 10' popup on the patio that was collapsed by snow load and bent up. It would no longer fold up with all the bent members, so in pieces was the only way to remove it and will put it in the metal scrap pile.

More pieces arriving for my vacuum cooking experiment, but still short the thermocouple and the compression fitting to install it.
45F @ 81% RH, partially cloudy, and predicted to reach 67F.

Ho hum, more riots, shootings, and our mayor extended the state of emergencies another day.

Wowzer, I can only imagine how fast my sugar wash and turbo yeast would be working if it were warmer. 86F is optimum, but at 68F there is a solid stream of burbling at the rate of several bubbles per second.

I took apart my 10' popup on the patio that was collapsed by snow load and bent up. It would no longer fold up with all the bent members, so in pieces was the only way to remove it and will put it in the metal scrap pile.

More pieces arriving for my vacuum cooking experiment, but still short the thermocouple and the compression fitting to install it.
Do you have a seed germination heat pad?
Wrap it to the side and insulate you will see it ferm then
But heck you know that
Do you have a seed germination heat pad? Wrap it to the side and insulate you will see it ferm then
But heck you know that

I've got a pile of silicone heat mats left over from WolfWurx, but in looking at the bubble rate, I wonder why I would care. It takes longer, but it still works.

The bubble rate at one point was so high that it blew droplets of water out of the bubbler and now it has settled down to a steady two bubbles per second.

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