Island Of Misfits

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this is probably the closest you will get to any vagina pie

Afternoon. Another day of working in the garden is done. Cuts are taken and happily in the dome sitting on a heat mat. On another thread Roster said I trim at home by myself....I do the same with cuts.....Mrs Pute is at the store. I like being alone during the day......I can blast my music and the dog doesn't seem to mind.

Was a beautiful day for a walk. Mid 50's with bright sun and no wind. Lake was like glass and the mountains are bursting with the colors of fall. Supposed to be this way all week. My favorite time of year.

I remember white crosses were cut with some anti-depressant the made you feel jerky and nervous. Actually turned our to be good as it got me off the stuff. Then there was baby laxative in Coke. Do a line and take a shiit. That also helped wean me from the blow. Today my pot ain't cut or laced with anything.

Time for a Jacuzzi and a bowl.
You can process coke and or heroin by dissolving in polar solvent, filtering then drops of hydrochloric acid until crystal precipitation stops, filter, rinse with ether and let evaporate.

The precipitate should dam pure cocaine or heroin hydrochloride. Ought to work with meth?

Weed is all I do these days, maybe a bit of homegrown opium....

51 F @ 80% RH with rain and 8 mph wind, predicted to soar to 52F today.

This year there have been more than 1000 shootings across Portland, 332 people hurt, 75 homicides. Suspect from multiple armed car-jackings arrested and Portland business owners petition the city to address the spree of business armed robberies. Our mayor says help is on the way…………..

My appointment with my new cardiologist was uneventful yesterday and she cleared me for my knee surgery.

An early morning visit to the lab for a blood draw and the rest of the day is mine.

I ordered a copy of Connoisseurs Handbook of Marijuana for research and wish I still had a first edition, given what they are selling for now.

Finished reading The Wars of the Barbary Pirates and started on The Case Against Socialism. Getting more reading in now that I’m hanging close to home because of the ongoing sense of urgency having a stent in my ureter induces.
Graywolf. Are you on blood thinners?

No blood thinners..

@GW...just saw a clip of Portland on tv.....what a long before the powers go be do something. This is batshit crazy.

A good description! You can see why us long time residents are heart broken.

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