Island Of Misfits

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Moar Old Guy Trivia:

Some people would wonder how the heck the bullet could get to the pilot? Armor plate and/or heavy glass would stop a lousy pistol bullet, wouldn't it?

Turns out armor was considered cowardly. But mostly it was weight. Ever been inside a B-17? You suddenly realize their is perhaps 1/8 inch of soft aluminum between you and anything flying through the air. Would not slow down a .22 <-- TINS

The Jap fighter planes were the same light construction... as in: Do you want to fly, or do you want a tank? So the .45 hitting the pilot in the body is the highest probability. Right through the 'paper' side of the aircraft.
Father in law was a Sperry ball gunner on a 24. He said the Krauts had their elite fighter pilots that had yellow stripes on their wings. Everybody went into pucker factor when they'd come sliding in between the flock. He personally dumped a triple striper.
He said that the guy had killed the tail gunner, and had closed in just enough that the top gunner and belly gunner (him) couldn't get a clear shot at him, and was unloading round after round into the plane.
He called up to the pilot and told him to play like a dolphin. The pilot would rise, and the top gunner could get off a burst at him, and when he dove, Tony let him have it. After playing the game for a few minutes, Tony got off a bust and watched it chisel through the 109's cockpit and turn the pilot's head into a mist. Mission accomplished.
Father in law was a Sperry ball gunner on a 24. He said the Krauts had their elite fighter pilots that had yellow stripes on their wings. Everybody went into pucker factor when they'd come sliding in between the flock. He personally dumped a triple striper.
He said that the guy had killed the tail gunner, and had closed in just enough that the top gunner and belly gunner (him) couldn't get a clear shot at him, and was unloading round after round into the plane.
He called up to the pilot and told him to play like a dolphin. The pilot would rise, and the top gunner could get off a burst at him, and when he dove, Tony let him have it. After playing the game for a few minutes, Tony got off a bust and watched it chisel through the 109's cockpit and turn the pilot's head into a mist. Mission accomplished.
Pink Mist I love it
45F @ 52% RH, cloudy with 6 mph winds and predicted to reach 54F.

Portland spike in carjackings…………. 11 year old arrested last month for armed robberies and car jackings but released pending trial, arrested again Monday for another spree.

Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was finally able to get into my dentist to have my temporary upper plate modified to relieve a pressure sore that was making it difficult to eat.

I finally relented and started taking my oxycodone prescription for my knee so as to be able to sleep last night. Less painful this morning but stiffer, so back to the stretching exercises and stool softeners.
45F @ 52% RH, cloudy with 6 mph winds and predicted to reach 54F.

Portland spike in carjackings…………. 11 year old arrested last month for armed robberies and car jackings but released pending trial, arrested again Monday for another spree.

Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was finally able to get into my dentist to have my temporary upper plate modified to relieve a pressure sore that was making it difficult to eat.

I finally relented and started taking my oxycodone prescription for my knee so as to be able to sleep last night. Less painful this morning but stiffer, so back to the stretching exercises and stool softeners.
Are you on and NSAID also for swelling, I find one of them to relieve pain sometimes better than Oxycodone.
The anti imflams are more for bone pain (strains Breaks )
Feel Better Brother
Got a giggle the other night. Old Hen came into the bedroom to watch some TV with me and promptly got attacked by Tiki. She'll normally do a couple of token charges, but this was a full on attack to let the wife know I was hers. I can't let her hurt the wife, so I snag her up and put her in her cage. Climbed back in bed and felt something hard pressing up against my kidney. Tiki laid an egg! Poor girl was hormonal. It won't be fertile even though I've got three known males in the same room. She won't have anything to do with 'em, 'cause I'm her mate as far as she's concerned.
Got a giggle the other night. Old Hen came into the bedroom to watch some TV with me and promptly got attacked by Tiki. She'll normally do a couple of token charges, but this was a full on attack to let the wife know I was hers. I can't let her hurt the wife, so I snag her up and put her in her cage. Climbed back in bed and felt something hard pressing up against my kidney. Tiki laid an egg! Poor girl was hormonal. It won't be fertile even though I've got three known males in the same room. She won't have anything to do with 'em, 'cause I'm her mate as far as she's concerned.

Been dealing with a bad sinus infection that's been kicking my ass. Hasn't stopped me from working but i sure wanted to stay home.
Those suck. If I get one and it hangs around too long, it seems to head for my ears, which really sucks.

Pute, hope you have a better outing than I did. I figured I'd make one last pass at the yard to get what few leaves were on it. Put on a shirt, BDU pants, and a quilted flannel shirt. Nope. Back in the house to get my M60 jacket and liner and made a few passes. Hands froze. Temp was supposed to be 39, but the 20 MPH winds made it feel more like 20. Had to ask myself just who I was trying to impress? Answer = nobody. Put the Deere back in the garage and left the yard to tend itself.
Sooo... I wuz standin' in my front yard in Nature's Garb at 3:45AM lookin' up at a mess of clouds, trying to see the once-in-fitty-years lunar eclipse.

After ten minutes (fortunately, the temperature was 78F) a cloud parted...

And there it was. Meh. Looked like usual. What a fargin disappointment.
Are you on and NSAID also for swelling, I find one of them to relieve pain sometimes better than Oxycodone. The anti imflams are more for bone pain (strains Breaks ) Feel Better Brother

No but I've been thinking the same thing, although I haven't needed oxycodone since yesterday morning.

53F @ 89 RH, more rain with 11 mph winds, and predicted to reach 54F.

Business man who was checking on vacant property in coma after being stabbed twice and relieved of his wallet, by squatter claiming squatters’ rights.

Homeless man arrested and facing 14 charges dating back as far as 2015, including kidnapping, strangulation, rape, sodomy, coercion, sex abuse, robbery, the unlawful use of a weapon, and the unlawful possession of a firearm.

Portland holds gun violence town meeting and pushes ballot measures banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines as the solution.

Activist Commissioner pushes spending $500K for park benches in local park to prevent homeless from camping there.

After private efforts demonstrate success, Portland rejects placing dumpsters at homeless camps, in fear that locals will use them also, thereby cutting into trash haulers income.

Off the pain meds and hobbling around and working on stretches to regain function of my left knee after surgery, while reading an interesting book on ancient civilizations prior to Sumner.
Business man stabbed by squatter, Homeless extreme bad guys, and it sounds like most sane people should be issued an AR there, not have them taken away. Because the homeless wont sleep on benches? What is it like a bed of nails? Why wouldn't they? Maybe they are offset somehow. Wouldn't the trash haulers get paid the same amount based on number of pickups? - Holy Shizz...

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